• Member Since 27th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 1st, 2022


cool dude

Comments ( 17 )

My one criticism is the grammar and some spelling. Proofreading helps. Other than that, nice story :twilightsmile:

So... The Dazzlings... are having lunch at eight in the evening, and... it's tacos at a donut shop?

Molestia - Whether it's in Equestria or Canterlot High.

6439282 Oh wow, I really messed that up. I edited the chapter to make more sense, thanks for the input.

You might want to read what you wrote before posting it. Spotted like 5/6 typos and sorry but I'm too lazy to copy paste them :twilightsheepish:

I was hoping it would be something like this, can't wait to read it!!!:pinkiehappy::rainbowwild:(squeal)

I thought of this almost immediately.


Sonata Donk flourishes! (I actually originated that tag on Derpibooru)

I seriously can't find the link here man.

I have no idea what's up with it, that was so long ago, but I think I was trying to put up the video and it somehow didn't work and I didn't notice or it stopped working some time later. Thank you for bringing this up:twilightsmile:
This is what I thought of almost immediately upon reading this.

Really hope this continues, it's hilarious, and has sexy potential... and it would be good to have a butt-central story about the Dazzlings, their breasts seem to be the more often point of stories on here:fluttershysad:

You okay? when the next chapter?

Can you continue with this story.

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