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........................................I am a guy for some shota and some size difference......But this ya I am baling here and now sorry man but this I have feeling will piss more then just the angry warhammer guys
Ok... So... Spike became the creature...? Nice story but... I'm lost XD
I came here for the 40k and left with a mile-high, double-headed, futa Spike in Rarity's body. Even knowing the lore I'm confused! Ha! A weird but funny story, m8!
I love the honesty of your short summary.
That's pretty much all the nice things I can say.
6416875 Makes perfect sense to me. What concerns me more is that Spike is still concerned about helping with paperwork, and not converting Twilight into the next Chaos deity. (Then again, I suppose Luna's closer to Tzeentch than Twilight)
6416975 Oh sweet Faust, make it stop!
What does it say about me that the little picture is more disturbing than the story?
I don't really understand the amount of downvotes this got. She states outright that it takes from Warhammer 40k or whatever, and has very little knowledge beyond what her friend told her, and yet people- idk. I liked it, thought it was funny, well-written, and on par with your other works. The story was easy to follow, and I thought it was interesting how Kevin stated that Discord and Chaos are two separate forces, rather than the same, given that the two are always associated in the headcanon of the show. I'm also a fan of the multiverse theory, so it was a pleasantly unexpected surprise to see that included.
Anyway, well done!
TL;DR: great job!
Reads this with drink in hand needed new laptop and glass. Illidan can explain this.
I'm just wondering who will be Khorne or Nurgle.
Not really sure why the downvotes, but I certainly enjoyed it!
6417300 6417162 thanks for the kind words but i was honestly expectin' this. i mean, warhammer fans are, to quote that friend who is a warhammer fan and who sent the prompt that became this, "loud complaining asses." the comments section at least is honestly less of a cesspit than i thought it would be considering pony + warhammer.
6417263 you do realize this is porn, right? like, i don't know a lot about warhammer, but i know enough to know that nurgle is like the opposite of sexy. khorne, maybe, if you're into really rough, violent shit (i'm not). tzeentch definitely if you're into the kinds of weird shit i'm into. but nurgle? avatar of disease and stagnation and literally no. ew.
"Relatively tame"
Mentions Slaanesh
Don't use Warhammer if you don't make it brutal, newfag.
Honestly this was a bit more comedy than it was clop. Still kind of hot, but the "You sure are." and the final punchline just killed me.
6417895 You read it anyway, despite what's stated in the description. Don't be calling people that when you knew full well what the story would be like.
6421269 they knew full well they were writing about something they didn't properly know about so they should expect a 40K fan to be displeased with their work, especially when said story is about Slaanesh and they make it white bread.
Think there will be more of this story cause I would love to read what happens next! :D
6422429 Fine...but...just don't call people that, alright? You were new to Warhammer once, too.
6423640 You don't seem to understand the term "newfag" do you?
6424616 Yes, I do, in fact. I looked it up before going in.
6424689 Well a good fact to know about myself is that I'm an asshole. I'm an even bigger asshole when things I like are tarnished, not denying the good author credit for his work, but the fact remains that they didn't know the waters they were treading.
6424925 Fine...let's just agree to disagree then.
We're arguing over a matter of opinion, and this conversation will go nowhere because of it, yeah?
6425409 Fine then. I've some black butler I need to watch anyways. Byes!
I thought Slaanesh was the Chaos God of excess. That's why all its stuff is so over the top.
Fapped enough to add this to my collection.
Great job!
I like this and not just because it is fapworthy. I would love to see some kind of story driven sequel where the fallout from this comes out. What's Equestria to do with a new divine being in their midst, especially one dedicated to debauchery and excess? How will Spike's friends react to the change? How will Spike himself deal with the changes? How will Spikes presence start to effect those around him? Being one of the four Gods of Chaos means interesting things. The old Slaanesh could enslave people to her will with just one look. If Chaos is here does that mean the Imperium is also somewhere? These questions intrigue me. I wish to see more. And of course there will be much more sex and debauchery along the way. :P
This was rather fun to read, kind of has me wishing for a followup.
6559657 Please?
this needs a sequel.
And then Pinkie comes back from her vacation.
(Read MLP Time Loops if you don't get it)
Had interesting themes, presented itself in a way that flows rigidly, which makes it hard to keep up with the story.
There are some great ideas in there, though.
The beginning was interesting, but then it kind of petered out towards the middle. I kind of lost track of what was happening as the... shapeshifting tentacle monster just kept rambling on about Spike's fetishes. It would have been more interesting to give Spike the power of his new role, and the compulsion to act upon it. Also, all the talk about the absurd sizes of the ponies was just bizarre and distracting. Why does Celestia need to be 25 ft tall?
So. Sequel, anyone?
God damn, ill write something based on this if I have to.
7795748 i've said this elsewhere, but i should also say it here directly as well; i have no plans to ever make a sequel to this. continuing the story would cheapen the punchline, and there's not really anywhere left for spike to escalate to so the story would be inherently meandering and dull as i flounder about trying to figure out where to go with it. in the end my time is better spent on commissions, finishing up old unfinished stories that do still have somewhere to go, and working on new material than dredging up an old, mediocre piece of stream of consciousness that i wrote in one sitting while kind of drunk and posted unedited.
i guess i can't stop you from writing your own sequel, but i'd rather you not because, again, continuing this would only serve to cheapen the punchline.
But luv, if we don't let alcohol tell us what to do, wherever shall we be?
And i said this in jest.
I apologize if you took it seriously, but yeah, this did end perfectly.
7796779 oh, i don't mind. i am mildly tired of people asking about a sequel to this, but i'm certainly not angry or anything. just felt i should clarify directly in the story's comments instead of on my userpage that we ain't seein' more of this at any point.
There is a chance that once I have a stable source of money, I will commission an artist to illustrate this story. Any suggestions on which artist to get?
Wait, a new Slaanesh! Nnnoooooo
You shall not take this years Great Horned Rat day from me!
If you want people to stop asking for a sequel, maybe you should take out the author's note that says you might write a followup story.
Would love to see more of Spike getting used to his/her new role in the cosmos.