With all the guards helping with the evacuations, the Canterlot halls were left unguarded. The group of five Changelings managed to infiltrate the inner walls of the castle without any resistance. Entering the sacred vaults that held all sorts of artefacts.
“Wow! Look at all these things!” One Changeling uttered. Excited to see such items.
“Don’t get distracted! We need to find relics that have magic within them,” Another Changeling said. Bringing the others to attention.
Then to their surprise, the sounds of explosions could be heard from outside. Even the building they were in shock slightly from the vibrations. Some of the pony-like insect creatures felt unnerved as a result.
“Woah! Things are going crazy out there!”
“Let’s just get on with the job so we can get back to our queen!”
The five solders began to explore the vault. Most of the items they found were relics that were long dormant. There just for display with no functional use. Then after minutes of searching, one of the Changeling voices could be heard.
“Hay! I found something!”
Looking in the direction of the voice, the four Changelings saw the fifth solder approaching them with a large staff with a blue gemstone on one end.
“The label on the case says that this was one of the staffs used by somepony named Starswirl the Bearded,” The returning solder explained.
“What th… what kind of name is that!?” One Changeling commented. Finding the same ridiculous.
“That stupid name doesn’t matter. That thing still has magic in it. We need to give this to the boss.”
The same Changeling pointed to the other two before he continued.
“You two make sure that he gives the staff to the boss. We will keep looking for more stuff for him to use.”
Understanding the mission, the Changeling with the staff flew out of the vault along with two others guarding him. Leaving the remaining two solders to explore more of the vault.
Over in the centre of the city, the evacuations continued to take place. Many citizens managed to board the airships to escape the battlefield below. But there lay a new problem. While they were able to get into the air, they were still trapped within the energy barrier surrounding the city. Unable to penetrate through, all what they could do was stay as far away from the battle as possible. As for the innocent ponies, they looked over the side of the ships down below. Knowing full well that a war was unfolding before them.
Deep within the wrecked heart of the city, the royal ponies and all their friends watched on with varied expressions. The Changeling swarm, their queen and the digital clone of BlackWarGreymon too watched on. The looks of surprise and disbelief on the majority of their faces. The centre of attention were squarely on the two combatants. Diaboromon, the heartless Mega level Digimon. And Ayumi, the Twilight Sparkle from an alternate future timeline. After transforming into her second form, the alternate Twilight was able to fight on par with the evil Mega. The two had already been exchanging blows. Battling for the fate of Equestria. Having already lived through the catastrophe brought by the Diaboromon from her world, Ayumi was giving it her absolute to ensure such a horrific fate never happened again. Not in the new Equestria she had been accepted to. In complete contrast to the demon-like beast. Who only craved for complete and utter destruction of the world that he had shaped. Believing himself to be the pony’s one true god.
As the two glared at each other, the results of the initial battle were shown. Which also sparked uncertainty within the onlooking ponies. Because while Diaboromon remained physically fit, Ayumi however was showing signs of exhaustion. Panting for breath.
But with how determined she looked, it appeared that she was unaware of it herself. To which was reinforced by her words.
“You see. I’m able to keep up with you. There’s no way you can escape from me now.”
Diaboromon silently glared at Ayumi in response. But like the onlookers, he too noticed her condition. To which activated his strategic mind. Planning out how to respond next. As an idea was decided, he began to set it in motion.
“Escape? From you? I have nothing to fear from an outcast such as yourself.”
Startled by the reply, Ayumi grunted in anger and annoyance.
‘Just what is he playing at!? I already told him that I killed the other him in my world! He knows he doesn’t stand a chance against me! So why!? Why does he continue to fight back!?’
Seeing the mental conflict being reflected in Ayumi’s expression, Diaboromon spoke up again. Surprising her with his next choice of words.
“You mean to tell me that you haven’t noticed it yet? I thought you were smarter than this.”
“Noticed what?” Ayumi asked. While confused, she still refused to trust what the Digimon had to say.
But what he said next made her pause.
“You’re out of breath.” He said as he pointed his large finger at her.
Ayumi blinked in surprise from what he said. Something so unexpected that he had to check for herself. Daring to take a moment to look down at herself, he was mentally startled to see how deep she was breathing. She could even feel it in her clenched hands. Was she…getting tired?
Puzzled as to what was happening to her, she stuttered as she tried to figure out the answer.
“What? But…how did…?”
Despite being her enemy, the evil Mega was more than willing to help her understand. Perhaps one of the rarest times he had shown any sort of mercy.
“Tell me. How often do you fight in that form of yours?”
Surprised by the Digimon’s sudden enquiry, added by the uncertainty of the situation, Ayumi replied.
“Th-this is my third time.”
The transformed mare received a chill up her spine from seeing the growing grin on Diaboromon’s face.
“Well…that explains it.”
“What does!? Tell me!!” Ayumi demanded. Wanting to hear what the Digimon had to say. To which he gave.
“You’re inexperienced. You’re fighting in a body that you’re not used to. With powers that are unknown to you. You really should’ve gotten used to it before standing against me.”
Ayumi grunted in anger from what the Digimon was saying to her. But the beast continued.
“You have gained the power to rival Digimon. Yet, you have no understanding of how to use it.”
Ayumi froze on the spot. For a brief second, she felt that she had to believe his words. They felt oddly honest. However, she could never believe the words of the monster that had reduced her home to a state of inhospitable barren. Refusing to accept the fact, and in turn his words, she violently shook her head before snapping her vision back at Diaboromon.
“I see what you’re doing! Don’t even try to trick me! I refuse to listen to any more of your lies!! BEAST!!!”
Infuriated at the belief of being deceived, her body began to erupt in a dark vibrant glow. Shining the area in purple light. But the following actions caused great concern to the onlooking ponies. Especially Twilight. Who quietly spoke to herself.
“But he isn’t lying.”
Deciding to fuel the deluded mare even more, Diaboromon chuckled before taunting her.
“Then try it again. Vermin!”
Letting out an enraged yell, Ayumi charged at the awaiting Diaboromon. But as she threw her fist to punch him, the Mega leapt out of the way. Grinning as he watched the transformed Alicorn swing at nothing. Undeterred, Ayumi continued to try and attack the beast. But taking full advantage of the elastic-like anatomy of his limbs, Diaboromon merely hopped and jumped out of harm’s way. All the while chuckling at the furious Ayumi. Despite putting more and more effort into her strikes, the Digimon remained one step ahead of her. Even leaving her to inadvertently destroy a building or two.
“Just as I said! You lack discipline! Control! Overall…a sloppy performance!” The Digimon stated to Ayumi. Provoking the Alicorn further and further.
The onlooking ponies grew more and more concerned. While Ayumi was giving it her all, Diaboromon was responding with much amusement.
‘He’s just toying with her!’ Cadence thought to herself. Getting a very bad feeling as she continued to watch the fight.
As the clash continued, Ayumi grew more irritated by the lack of progress she was making. Her fury also being fuelled by Diaboromon’s constant chuckling. After another failed punch, she took a moment to pause to rethink her strategy. But her focus was broken by the sound of the Mega’s voice.
“Hahaha! Is this really the full extent of what you can do?”
Spurred on, Ayumi cried out in rage as she took to the air before diving down directly towards him. Preparing to tackle him with energized magic. But such an attack caused her tunnel vision. Unaware of Diaboromon’s counterattack. Launching his left arm up, his huge hand grasped a firm hold on Ayumi’s neck. Stopping her attack completely and surprising the mare. While remaining bewildered by the sudden grab, she was brought closer to the Digimon’s face. Almost as if whispering to her as he gave her the reason for asking the previous question.
“Because I’m not impressed.”
After rearing his arm back, Diaboromon slammed Ayumi into the ground. Then with his hold on her, he rushed forward and dragged her into the ground. Ripping apart the concrete pavement below. Then throwing his arm forward, he launched the startled Ayumi into a nearby café. Destroying several wooden furniture in the process. Then exploding out of the rubble, Ayumi launched herself into the sky. With her fists and horn glowing a bright purple, she unleashed a barrage of magic attacks. Streams of dark purple energy rained down towards Diaboromon.
But with a toothy grin, he was more than prepared for a counterattack. Flexing his arms and shifting his feet.
As Diaboromon began to spin in place, he immediately flung his arms out. Streaks of red from his claws were seen as he spun faster and faster. Becoming akin to a living beyblade. As Ayumi’s magic attacks struck, they were all reflected away by the Digimon’s spinning form. Rendering her attack useless.
“What!?” Ayumi exclaimed in complete surprise as she watched Diaboromon slow his spinning to a stop. Glaring back up at her.
‘What was that!? I’ve never seen him use that ability back in my world!’ She thought to herself. Not once ever seeing the Diaboromon in her Equestria to use the technique.
As he watched her, Diaboromon could see the look of surprise on Ayumi’s face. Causing him to grin with glee.
“What’s this!? You’ve never seen that attack before!? Then how about this!”
After tensing the elasticity in his arms and legs, Diaboromon launched himself into the air. Then after rolling forward, his entire body spun wildly. But with the huge upcurved spikes on his back, he turned himself into a deadly buzzsaw.
Ayumi froze in place from what she saw. Diaboromon just used yet another ability she had never seen before. But had just snapped out of her trance in time to evade the Mega. Barely just avoiding the red spines.
But just as he was about to collide into a building, Diaboromon stopped his attack in time to land on the wall. Only to then leap from the wall and into his Page Fault attack. Violently hurtling towards the startled mare. Ayumi managed to form a barrier around her in an attempt to counter. But the barrier was instantly shattered upon contact with Diaboromon’s attack. Plus, the backlash of the impact sent Ayumi hurtling back. Left staggered by the impact while avoiding the attack itself.
‘What is happening!? What are those attacks!?’
Diaboromon violently landed back on the ground and looked over his shoulder. Seeing the stunned Ayumi freefalling down to the ground. With his left fist clenched, he prepared to attack.
Spinning around to face his foe, Diaboromon swung his fist out to land a punch. Despite the mental confusion she was experiencing, Ayumi had just noticed the incoming attack. But the attack moved just too fast for her to block in time. The huge, armoured fist collided into her gut. The transformed mare gagging in pain as air escaped her. The blow then sent Ayumi kidding across the ground before sliding into some wooden furniture.
“Ayumi!” Twilight called out. The last attack looked the most painful.
But just before she could rise back on her feet, Ayumi was spooked to see Diaboromon charging at her at terrifying speed. Rearing his left hand high as he got in striking distance. Ayumi had just managed to leap back away. Leaving Diaboromon to strike his claws into the ground where she once stood.
After being on the receiving end for a while, it was the Digimon’s turn to be on the attack.
Lashing his whip-like arms at Ayumi, Diaboromon tried to slash at her with his bladed claws. Being on the defensive, Ayumi blocked the attacks with her magically formed gauntlets. But the strikes were fierce and powerful. Forcing her back as sparks flew from the clash. Her armour receiving scratches from the Digimon’s claws. As she backed away, panic began to set in for Ayumi. Attempting to block the Digimon by dragging a fallen table in front of her. Only to see the wooden furniture being split in two by Diaboromon’s claws. His piercing eyes and demonic form silhouetted by the moon behind him. Hidden behind his dark barrier. He then lashed out more. His attacks becoming fiercer and more violent by the second. Unable to respond in the way she wanted, the panicked Ayumi kept trying to block the attacks.
Then, just as she thought she had blocked yet another attack, her whole world felt as though it slowed down. Diaboromon’s left hand got past her defences. Reaching out to grab her. But while the hand missed its mark, the clawed thumb just barely grazed Ayumi’s head.
From the moment that time resumed for Ayumi, she was lying on the ground. Facing up at the dark sky above. Panting heavily from pure shock, her eyes were wide in disbelief. Unaware that she could feel something trickling down her forehead. As the shaken mare sat back up, she felt a sting on her head. But after touching her head, she felt the sting gotten worse. Then it hit her. The feeling that felt all to familiar to her. The feeling that she hadn’t felt after first achieving her strongest form. Lowering her hand, she saw something that sent a shiver of dread through her entire being. A small…red stain.
She then received a second shiver up her spine. The tingling sensation caused her to feel as if her hair and fur were standing up on end. Seeing her own blood was causing her mind to soar with thoughts. Her mind filled with nothing but confusion and disbelief.
‘H…how!? I…I’m in my strongest form! In my world… he was never able to hurt me when I’m like this! So…why!? Why is this one…!’
Shaken and confused, Ayumi glanced up towards Diaboromon. As soon as she locked sights with him, her eyes expressed another feeling she felt.
Ahead of her, Diaboromon let loose a toothy grin before slowly walking towards Ayumi. Scrapping his claws into the concrete ground while doing so. Leaving behind cracks and grooves behind. Seeing the approaching Digimon caused Ayumi to quickly get back up on her feet. But her expression remained fearful as she stared at him. The sight of which was noticed by the onlookers.
“She’s scared,” Cadence spoke in deep concern. Seeing that something had gotten to the transformed Alicorn.
As he approached her, Diaboromon too noticed the change of attitude from his foe.
“What’s the matter? Where’s all that bravado go?” He asked as he halted his approach. Standing several feet from the trembling mare.
“Hay!? Are you ok there!?” Rainbow Dash called out to Ayumi. She and the others grew more concerned about what was going through the alternate Twilight’s mind.
Fear and confusion continued to flow within Ayumi as she stared back at the towering Mega. Emotions reflected in her tone of voice when she spoke up.
“This… this isn’t right. Something’s very wrong here! You…shouldn’t be doing this well against me! The other you! Fr…From my Equestria! He…He couldn’t do a thing to me in this form! Even if I’ve hadn’t gotten used to this power, he couldn’t hurt me like this! YOU shouldn’t hurt me like this!! So…SO WHY!!? HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!? HOW ARE YOU SO…DIFFERENT!!!?”
The group finally understood why Ayumi was so shaken. Because she was able to destroy the Diaboromon from her world, she believed that she could do the same in theirs. But to her disbelief, the events she wanted didn’t play out. To which intrigued their own curiosity. What changed?
It was a subject that Diaboromon himself seemed interested in.
“I’m rather curious about that myself.”
The huge Digimon then took a good look at the shaken Ayumi. His mind trying to calculate the possible scenario as to how he was defeated in her future timeline. Through his supercomputer-like mind, one such event might have played out. But it was a scenario that needed clarification. To which he expressed in a question for Ayumi.
“Hmm. Answer me this.”
His inquisitive tone caught Ayumi by surprise. The girl stuttered as Diaboromon pointed his right finger at her. Revealing his question.
“The me from your world. Exactly WHEN did he rose from hiding?”
Ayumi was about to answer, only for silence to escape her mouth. The question surprised her in multiple ways. But at the same time, she was stunned from realising that she had already explained such an event to her new friends. The evil Mega from her world had risen from the abyss at a much different time to the current one. It was the fact that she should’ve realized the second she entered the battle. Remembering the events of her past, she answered the question. The same reply that she shared with the others.
“It…it was about a week ago. On the same day when Tirek attacked us in the Everfree Clearing.”
To her surprise, Diaboromon’s yellow eyes seemed to have flinched wider from the fact given to him. Almost startled.
“Back then?”
Silence followed as the ponies and Changelings continued to stare at the towering Digimon. Unsure of how he would react to the alterations in the timelines. Tension truly felt amongst them. Then they finally saw a response from the Mega. His toothy grin grew. Letting out a subtle chuckle. Only for it to turn into an uproar of laughter. His demonic voice full of amusement sending shivers to those who heard it. But it was the amusement he was feeling that was confusing them. Why was he laughing?
In the mist of his hysterical mood, Diaboromon spoke up.
“Yes!! It all makes sense now!!”
Everyone around the evil Digimon felt unnerved by his words. He seemed to have figured out something that they didn’t. As the beast settled down, letting the laugher leave his system, he turned to the startled Ayumi with a devilish grin.
“Tirek trekking through the forest after freeing him. Heading towards Canterlot. Meeting up with Chrysalis and Sombra. All to await my arrival! Is that what happened in your world!?”
As Diaboromon laid out the details, Ayumi’s eyes grew wider and wider. Disbelief on her face shown on full display. He was describing the very events that played out in her timeline. Almost to the exact detail. Horrifyingly accurate even.
“H…How did you…?”
Drool dripped from Diaboromon’s toothy maw as he chuckled in response to Ayumi’s tone of voice. Full of horror and disbelief. He then revealed how he knew it.
“Because that was MY original plan!!”
A collective of loud gasps were heard from everyone around the Digimon. Both pony and Changeling alike. But the most shaken were the Mane Six and the royal ponies.
“WHAT!!? You mean you were going to do the EXACT SAME THING!!!?” Twilight exclaimed in shock. To which Diaboromon confirmed.
“The exact…same…thing. To think that both timelines would’ve played out the very same. Sharing the same fate as one another.”
The feeling of dread swept through the very souls of the ponies. To think that their very lives would’ve ended up the same as those from Ayumi’s future timeline. That day. When Tirek attacked them. If they weren’t rescued. It would’ve been the day that most of them died. The day that Canterlot fell. The day that Equestria became hell.
But all the fear and confusion lead to one question.
“Then…why didn’t you? Why didn’t you rise out of hiding back then?” Rarity asked. Her voice shaken from just talking to Diaboromon.
The evil Mega glanced over to the other ponies before responding with another question.
“That’s easy. What makes our two timelines different?”
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what the difference was. To which Luna answered.
Hearing the answer, Diaboromon further confirmed that it was the case.
“Yes. His arrival in this world was something I never expected. Nor that I wanted. But unlike my past foes, he was an enigma. A complete unknown. What’s more, he’s a Mega level Digimon like myself. A power that could pose a threat to my dominance. At that time, I couldn’t take the risk. Not after waiting for so long. So, I had to delay my plans.”
“So that’s why you had the others do your dirty work. And you said you created him?” Shining Armor asked as he glanced over to ChaosBlackWarGreymon. Referring to the fact that the digital clone was Diaboromon’s creation. To which the latter confessed.
“Indeed. The clone was created to be the weapon to put an end to BlackWarGreymon. To make the conquest of this world all the more easier. But it didn’t end that way. Didn’t it?”
With Diaboromon glaring at him over his shoulder, ChaosBlackWarGreymon felt uncomfortable before glancing away. Feeling ashamed for admitting his defeat to his master. The sight was not unnoticed by Twilight. Starting to feel sorry for the digital clone.
But the conversation was interrupted by Ayumi. Speaking loudly at Diaboromon.
“So you arose later than usual! But that doesn’t explain your power! I destroyed you! Erased you into nothing! So how are you…”
Ayumi paused from realising what she was about to say. Or rather… about to confess. Something which she didn’t want to believe to be true. But the very fact alone was enough to make her shudder. Her voice reflected her disbelief.
Turning his head over to Ayumi, Diaboromon grinned as he gave his answer. And what he had to say completely shattered what she knew.
“You thought I was just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. No. I’ve been preparing. Gathering my strength. Regaining more of the power that was taken from me.”
“Regaining…power? W-What!?” Ayumi uttered loudly. Trying to understand the meaning to what the Digimon was saying. To which he explained in greater detail.
“The reason you were able to defeat me was because when I rose at that time, my power was far from its peak. With no other Digimon in your time, there was little reason for me to wait as long as I had. Even with little power, it was more than enough to crush ponykind.”
Diaboromon continued as he turned his sights towards the pony group.
“Seems your saviour being here has benefited the both of us. Hasn’t it?”
Such a statement sent a horrid feeling within the group. Claiming that while BlackWarGreymon being in Equestria helped with their protection, it also gave the evil villain time to grow more powerful. Increasing the overall threat to their lives.
“I don’t believe it.”
Hearing the disbelief in Ayumi’s voice gained the attention from her friends and foes. The grinning Diaboromon turning to glare at the transformed Alicorn who had the expression of utter confusion. Staring at the ground while reflecting on all that she had experienced.
“It can’t be. Everything I’ve been through. Everything I lost. The terror that you brought upon all that I know. All that I loved.”
Anguish grew on her face as she slowly glanced up at Diaboromon. Wanting nothing more than to disprove the simple logic in the Digimon’s words. The evidence was all there. But in her point of view, it meant that all her struggles meant very little. Something of which the other ponies felt from the tone in her voice. Full of disbelief and grief.
“And through it all. T…The entire time…you...YOU WEREN'T EVEN AT FULL STRENGTH!!!?”
Diaboromon chuckled from hearing such grief in Ayumi’s voice. The alternate Twilight was finally learning the truth.
“If I had arose earlier like the other me, or if you had arrived in this Equestria earlier than you did, you may have had a chance to destroy me. But now… I have nothing to fear.”
But just as fear began to grip all the ponies around him, Diaboromon had one more thing to add. Something of which made them all gawk in disbelief.
“And as strong as I am now… I’ve yet to reach my peak.”
“What!!? So even now…you’re not at full strength!!?” Twilight exclaimed. Hoping that the Mega was bluffing. But the tone in his reply showed otherwise.
“No. But I am getting close. Very close. Just a few more ounces of power, then I would finally fulfil my ultimate goal! And regain my full power! And then that happens…”
Diaboromon paused as he rested his right hand against his face. His eyes glaring at the ponies between his fingers. Thinking of the joy he would feel upon returning to his former glory. And with it, the power to ascend once more. He could remember the looks of terror on the faces of the humans that looked upon his form. Possessing the power to break the world itself. He then pictured such a scenario, but on Equestria’s soil.
“…I will bring forth…Armageddon itself.”
The ponies before him could only imagine what the Digimon was talking about. Despite all the terror he brought with him, he claimed that he could so much more. But the one who was the most devastated by the claim was the alternate Twilight herself. The distraught Ayumi looked at Diaboromon with a look of utter betrayal. All of her dedication and hard work. All the sacrifices she had made. It was all for a Diaboromon that was nowhere near at his strongest.
It was to a point where tears were beginning to fall from her eyes. Everything she had been through, seemingly pointless. Seeing such a tragic thought on her face, Diaboromon decided to push her further. Slowly making his way towards her with each thunderous step.
“Now do you see how futile your efforts are now, Ayumi? Before this fight. Before you came here. Before you even found this Equestria. You have already been defeated. You have failed.”
Seeing the beast approaching her caused Ayumi to slowly back away. The fear she tried to hide away for so long was rapidly returning. Her fear of him.
“S-Stop it!” She said. Trying to not let the Mega get under her skin. But Diaboromon kept up the psychological attack on the mare.
“Your homeworld. A burnt cinder. Circled by a soulless Moon… and a dead Sun.”
“Stop it!! I’m warning you!!” Ayumi shouted. But her threats were becoming empty with each passing second. Backing away from the advancing Digimon.
When the Mega came to a stop, he went straight to the throat.
“Everything you know… and everyone you loved… is dead.”
Ayumi’s eyes went wide as her body began to visibly tremble from the weight of fear she was feeling. It was the truth that she already knew. And yet, hearing such a thing straight from Diaboromon’s mouth felt like a sharp stab at her heart. The Digimon acting as if he himself had done all the horrific things that the Digimon from her world had done. And then vocally rubbing it in her face.
On the side-lines, the other ponies could clearly see what Diaboromon was doing. And yet, there was very little that they could do. Ayumi was the only one with the power to fight back. Yet with his psychological attacks, the Mega had her within the palm of his hand. All they could do was hope that the transformed Alicorn would snap out of it.
But with Diaboromon’s next words, it seemed that Ayumi was further descending into mental madness. The Digimon hammering in how alone she was.
“You have no mentors. No students. No reinforcements. No hope. No rescue.”
Within the fear she was feeling, the trembling Ayumi started to feel anger brewing within her. Either angry at the evil Digimon, or at how right he was.
“S-Shut up!! I told you to stop it!!” She shouted. Her body then began to emit faint eerie energy that let loose sparks of electricity. A sight that could be seen from her friends. Looking at her in concern and confusion.
Diaboromon too noticed the aura. But unlike the ponies, he knew exactly what the energy was. Knowing how to capitalize on such an opportunity, he pressed on with his mental warfare. Deliberately provoking Ayumi more.
“You’re trapped. Lonely decades… and countless timelines… from a disintegrated home. You may had killed me, but I had defeated you.”
He then began to target Ayumi’s situation. Her very presence in another world.
“And being in a timeline that already has a Twilight, what does that make you? You no longer serve any purpose.”
Ayumi began to grit her teeth as her fury began to boil further. The fists of the transformed mare clenched ever tighter. Sparks of energy continued to flare as her new aura grew more visible. Affecting the nearby streetlights. The bulbs flickering on and off. Both pony and Changeling noticed the abnormality. Standing next to the confused Chrysalis, ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s eyes went wide with surprise as he glanced back at Ayumi. Like Diaboromon, he too knew that the energy was. But more importantly, where the energy came from.
“Wait. Is she…?”
Then Diaboromon began to say something Ayumi never wanted to hear.
“Now that I mentioned it. You. All alone in another world. Far from all that you know. You want to know who that reminds me of? It reminds me… of me!”
Ayumi felt a shiver of rage from hearing such words. Causing her to almost snarl in fury. The girl trying really hard to keep it together.
“What did you just say?”
“You despise everything I am. And yet, given the circumstances, you’re no different from me.”
“What did you say!?” Ayumi shouted. Her wings slowly flared out as her newfound energy began to soar. Was the Digimon really comparing himself to her?
But it was the sight of Ayumi’s furious eyes that caught the attention of Twilight. The startled mare noticed a yellow hue forming around the eyes of her alternate self.
“Ayumi?” She asked in concern. Feeling that something bad was happening to her.
And just when Ayumi thought that Diaboromon pushed her too far…
“You… and I… are the same.”
With just one sentence, Ayumi completely snapped.
With her furious outburst, her body erupted with dark purple magic. But within the coloured fiery glow, the same eerie glow joined in on the display. Sparks of energy surging around Ayumi’s body as her power soared. But while it looked like Ayumi had found her second wind, there was something very unsettling about her as she stopped screaming. Her sights deadlocked on Diaboromon as he grinned back. The sight of the enraged mare began to scare her friends. Something was definitely off about her as she began to shout at him.
The pony group were completely motionless from what they were seeing. But they were more surprised by Ayumi’s voice. The way she said the word ‘dare’. Her voice slightly deepened in tone. Almost… demonic even. A fact that was more evident as she continued to vent her fury.
Ayumi continued to glare daggers at Diaboromon. Feeling nothing but absolute hatred for the Mega. The yellow colorization around her eyes were becoming more apparent. Her hands slowly being brought in front of her. Her palms drawing closer to each other as if she was preparing something.
Then materializing out of thin air, a yellow orb of pure energy formed between her hands. But to those that could sense energy, they were surprised to see that the ball of energy was NOT a magic based attack at all! Instead, it was made of pure digital energy! Confirmed when Ayumi spoke again. Her voice taking on a more demonic form. But it was what she said that was a surprise to all.
From out of her hands, the ball of energy was fired. Zooming above the ground before exploding against Diaboromon. The aura vanished from Ayumi’s body as she watched the newly formed cloud of smoke obscure the view of the Digimon. Panting heavily from the amount of rage she felt.
And then it hit her. The yellow tint in her eyes vanished when her rage was instantly replaced with shock. What did she just say? Did she really just say that? The shock was felt from the rest of her friends who saw the whole thing.
“Th-That attack just now,” Spike uttered. Fear and uncertainty gripped his voice. The same could be said for Rainbow Dash. The girl was just as confused as the rest.
“Isn’t that…one of his?” She asked before pointing her hoof at Diaboromon. Whose body was seen as the smoke dissipated.
Getting a very bad feeling of what was happening, the concerned Twilight glued her sights on the trembling Ayumi. Her future self looked just as confused as the rest of the ponies.
“What…what did I just…? H-How did…?” Ayumi uttered as she looked at her hands. Trying to understand what had just happened.
Fearful of what was happening to her, Ayumi looked over to Diaboromon. The Mega was not only unharmed by the attack but was even grinning at her.
“Like I said. You’re just like me. And now in more ways than one.”
Confused at what she was going through, Ayumi took steps back while trying to deny the Digimon’s claims.
“No! NO!!! This… this has to be a mistake!! But…! HOW!!! Wha…? How did I do that!!?”
She then turned her sights to Diaboromon. But for the first time, wanting answers.
“HOW DID I DO THAT!!!? HOW DID I USE ONE OF YOUR OWN ATTACKS!!!? TELL ME!!! PLEASE!!!” She pleaded. Desperately wanting to know the answer to what was happening to her.
The other ponies were shocked. Ayumi was so confused and desperate, she’d even turn to her most hated enemy for an answer. Something they never thought she would ever do. Even Diaboromon looked a little startled. But with his grand plan of mental warfare a total success, he decided to give her the answers. But not in the way she or any other pony was expecting.
“Have you already forgotten? You said so yourself.” He said with a slight chuckle.
“Wha…?” Ayumi uttered in confusion. Only pausing in place to let the Mega reveal more of the answers.
With a toothy grin, Diaboromon gave her the answer. As well as reminding her of what she already said earlier.
“You absorbed the data of the Diaboromon from your world. Doing so gave you a power boost that you needed to fight. Not too different to the Digimon in the Digital World. But doing so… you would experience some… side effects.”
Ayumi trembled from hearing such a word. And from it being such a recent event, she was deeply scared to think if it was something irreversibly horrible.
“S…Side effects?” She uttered in fear. Joined by a concerned Twilight.
“What side effects? Tell us!”
With his sights squarely on Ayumi, Diaboromon revealed to them one such risk.
“One such side effect is not that bad. By absorbing the power of your foe, it is likely that you would take on their abilities too. Such as my Web Wrecker attack just now. Which you just used.”
“Wha…?” Ayumi whimpered. Possessing the strength of a Digimon was one thing. But to possess the same powers as the one that destroyed her home? It was something she never wanted.
But before she could do anything, Ayumi was suddenly hit with a piercing pain within her head. Her eyes grew wide from how sudden the pain appeared. But more so from how painful it felt. After letting out yelps of pain, she closed her eyes tight as she gripped her head with her hands. Trying to hold back what felt like the worst headache in her life. But the pain steadily grew. Becoming unbearable to the transformed mare. She collapsed to the ground as she began to cry out in pain.
“My…MY HEAD!!! IT HURTS!!!” She cried out as she continued to scream in pain. Tears forming in her closed eyes.
“Ayumi!!” Twilight cried out. She along with the others puzzled and concerned to what was happening to their friend.
“What did you do to her!!?” Cadence shouted at Diaboromon. Demanding an answer from the likely culprit.
But his response surprised her.
“I did nothing.”
He continued as he glanced over to the pain-stricken Ayumi. Talking to the other ponies about what was happening.
“What she’s experiencing is quite a rare side effect.”
Paused from what Diaboromon said, they watched on as Ayumi continued to try to fight against the pain in her mind. Then amidst her struggles, she began to shout. But it was what she was shouting that surprised the onlookers.
“AAAAGGH!!! These…images in my head!! What are they!!? What am I seeing!!? I DON’T REMEMBER ANY OF THIS!!!”She uttered before trying to fight back the agonizing pain again.
The answer of which the Digimon was more than happy to explain.
“When she absorbed the data of the other me, he didn’t just take on my power. She absorbed my essence. My very being. Everything the other me had… is within her now. Including everything I experienced. All my memories!”
Out of every horrified pony in the group, Luna and Cadence were the only ones who knew exactly what Diaboromon was talking about. After all, they were the ones who had entered Ayumi’s mind. The two who had conversed with the alternate Diaboromon within her. Despite being a part of Ayumi’s being, he was still alive within her. It was the alternate him that was causing her pain. The two Alicorns felt disgusted. Even beyond the grave, the Diaboromon that destroyed Ayumi’s home was still hurting her.
From the words of the wailing Ayumi, it carried further proof that what the evil Digimon said was true. Her voice carried the level of trauma that equalled her deepest fears.
Deep within her pain-stricken mind, she was experiencing what one would describe as reliving her past. Every single tragic event that unfolded in her homeworld. Her timeline. But with a cruel twist. It was all from the perspective of the alternate Diaboromon! The mare was forced to mentally see everything that the monster from her world had seen! As if she herself was Diaboromon! Getting a front row seat of all the horrors he had done. One such horror was seeing exactly what happened to the Celestia of her world. To her, the last thing she remembered of the white Alicorn was being magically knocked out so Luna could escape with her. But through the eyes of the alternate Diaboromon, she saw the aftermath for the first time. Only to see the broken Sun Princess having her life taken away by the Digimon’s very hands.
But the horror didn’t end there. She helplessly watched as the evil Mega hunted down every pony that he could find. Both the common folk to the nobility. Even other creatures were helplessly butchered without a second thought. Everything Ayumi was mentally seeing was far worse than she had imagined. Even the sight of him ending the life of the Luna who raised her in hiding. The mare could only weep in sorrow as the images continued to plague her head. Praying for anyone to stop it.
But the memories continued. And to her surprise, she was even witnessing Diaboromon’s life BEFORE he arrived in Equestria. Finding herself in a bizarre world of the internet. Witnessing the rapid Digivolution of the evil beast. And even the numerous clashes with the heroic Digimon sent to stop him. One such clash would stick with her for life. A Mega level Digimon that looked exactly like BlackWarGreymon. But whose body was clad in golden armour.
As the alternate Diaboromon still lived within her, and in control with the flood of memories, there were some moments of his past he deliberately left out. Memories that displayed abilities that he would rather let his present counterpart reveal in due time.
With the added memories of Diaboromon’s past, Ayumi thought that her mind was going to break. And that she would end up driven to the point of insanity…
Until everything went dark. And there… standing before Ayumi… she saw something that sent a wave of despair throughout her very being. Enough for her to snap out of her trauma.
Letting out a gasp of pure fear, her eyes were as wide as ever. The look of absolute terror planted on her face which grew pale.
She had seen it.
The last thing she had seen before snapping back to reality. Back in the world of humans, she had seen it. Diaboromon’s last act of revenge against the heroes. She had seen it. Diaboromon’s absolute peak. She had seen…HIM. A form that should never be real. A body that could only exist in the darkest of nightmares. A power that would break the very world itself. All she saw was his silhouette, but it was more than enough for Ayumi to see the true horror that lay before her eyes.
A gargantuan body. A thunderous monstrous roar. And worse of all, eyes with pupils as white as the void.
As soon as she had seen it, all the pain in her mind came to a sudden end. And the flood of memories subsided. While the onlooking ponies were glad that the alternate Twilight was no longer in pain, but they could see the absolute terror on her face. The look of someone who had seen the absolute worst of nightmares. But with everything she had witnessed, what could possibly terrify her more? Even the onlooking Changelings were uncomfortable at what they were seeing. Even feeling bad for the transformed Alicorn.
With her whole body trembling from what she had just seen, Ayumi dared to look at Diaboromon across her. Only for her to flinch from seeing the evil grin on his face. The grin that he knew what she had learnt.
“This…isn’t even your final form?” She asked in disbelief as she gazed at the Digimon’s body. Her voice barely above a whisper. Sadly, not enough for her friends to hear.
Though Diaboromon himself barely heard Ayumi’s words, he already knew what was going through her mind. What particular memory she had seen.
“So… you now know the terrible truth. Congratulations. You’re the first pony to know.”
“What? What terrible truth? Ayumi, what have you seen!?” Twilight asked her. But her alternate self was too traumatized to answer. And it was unlikely that Diaboromon himself would answer for her.
Seeing how terrified Ayumi was of him, Diaboromon decided to toy with her further.
“The sight of what you’ve seen. The physical embodiment of anarchy and despair itself. True Armageddon personified. Absolutely terrifying, isn’t it?”
Despite her trembling form, the terrified Ayumi listened on. Mentally agreeing with Diaboromon. What she had just seen was the worst thing she had ever laid eyes on. But the next thing the Mega uttered… caused her entire world pause.
“Now imagine that world breaking threat… but standing here! On Equestria’s very soil!”
Ayumi let out a quiet gasp of horror. Her pupils shrank as she was envisioning such a thought. It was enough for her to completely lose it. Letting out a cry of both fear and anger, her entire body erupted in her dark purple glow. Her heightened magic ascending into the darkened sky. Roaring with pure adrenaline rushing through her veins as gusts of winds blew all around her. The onlookers were stunned by the sudden change. One moment it looked like she was on the brink of despair, only to make her stand once more. Magical smoke venting from her body as her eyes shined in purple light. Her horn glowing like the brightest beckon. Her cutiemark glowing just as bright. It was a sight that Twilight, Luna, Celestia and Spike had seen before. Back when Ayumi was having her duel with BlackWarGreymon. Meaning that they knew what was to come next. And hoping that it would make a difference.
With her power rising to the max, Ayumi’s furious glowing eyes glared at Diaboromon. The transformed mare snarling with hate at the very sight of him.
Channelling every ounce of magic and data into her palms, a magic circle materialized beneath her feet. With all her magic surging throughout her entire body, she went to test Diaboromon’s pride.
Seeing that the transformed mare was going all out, as well as willingly taking the bait, Diaboromon complied.
“I’ll do one better. I won’t even move a muscle!”
He then spread his arms wide. Making himself a much wider target and insuring that nothing got in Ayumi’s way.
“Go ahead! Do it!! SHOW ME WHAT YOU’RE MADE OF!!!”
The onlooking ponies and Changelings were surprised by how bold the evil Mega was being. Was he truly going to tank the entire brunt of Ayumi’s strongest attack just to prove a point? And the same one that killed him in her own timeline? But for Chrysalis, she mentally thought that what if Ayumi succeeded in killing her master. Deep down, the very thought of it didn’t make her feel down. In fact, after everything the evil Digimon had done to her and her family, she was mentally hoping that it was possible. Only then, she would finally be free.
Like the rest of the ponies and her hive, the Changeling Queen stood still and watched. Waiting with anticipation to see the outcome of the clash.
In her line of sight, there Diaboromon stood his ground. Openly willing to be struck by her strongest attack. Ayumi felt a little hesitant. Was he plotting something? Would he really stay true to his word and not move from his spot? Would he really not even attempt to counter? Did he really believe that he was so much more powerful than her? Those questions and many more were forced aside when she came to her senses. Diaboromon was right there in front of her, and she was prepping her strongest attack. She would not lose such a chance.
Ayumi let out loud grunts as she powered up her attack even more. Putting in all her effort into a single strike. Then with a massive pulse of light from her glowing body, the spell was finished. Ayumi was ready.
Throwing her arms forward, Ayumi unleashed the powerful mixture of elemental magic and chaotic data. Firing off an almighty powerful beam of dark purple light. The colossal energy blast cleaved through all that stood in its way. The attack seemingly even more powerful than the one she used on BlackWarGreymon the other day. Fuelled by her absolute determination to end Diaboromon’s reign and save Equestria from a fate far worse than her own.
Diaboromon stood firm as the attack quickly approached his form. Letting out a toothy grin before being completely consumed in its dark purple brilliance. His body engulfed entirely within the attack.
But the beam didn’t stop there. It carried on. Blasting away anything that stood in its path. It then collided into the black barrier that Diaboromon created. It held against the attack at first. But as the blast of energy continued to build in power, cracks began to form on the barrier. Eventually unable to hold back anymore, the shield gave way. Ayumi’s attack bursting forth into the world outside and shattering the barrier.
Far away from the battle at Canterlot, BlackWarGreymon remained lost. Unable to gain a lock on his friends and enemies due to them being shielded by Diaboromon’s barrier. But just as panic continued to escalate in the goodhearted Mega, his yellow eyes went wide in surprise. He suddenly felt a massive burst of magic on one direction. Gasping in surprise, BlackWarGreymon sharply turned his head in the direction of the magical burst. There, over the horizon, the Artificial Digimon could see a dark purple glow in the distance.
“That’s Ayumi’s power! I found them!”
Without a second notice, BlackWarGreymon flew at full speed in the direction of the purple glow. Despite the magical light fading in the distance, the ultimate anti-hero turned good knew exactly where to do. And hoped that he wasn’t too late.
Ayumi’s attack continued to surge forth from her very being. The girl determined to end the evil before her. But she was unable to put out the power forever. As soon as her power had reached its peak, she quickly lost her momentum. Her energy attack becoming narrower by the second. Until only faint strands of magic escaped her hands. With all her power gone, Ayumi collapsed to the ground. Her body glowing a bright purple before reforming into her normal form. The mare returned to her original body as the glow faded away. Breathing heavily from exhaustion.
All eyes looked at her in surprise. Even ChaosBlackWarGreymon was stunned by the amount of power that the alternate Twilight wielded. As for the mare herself, she weakly raised her head to look where the foe once stood. All she saw was a massive cloud of smoke. Desperately wanting to believe in the outcome she wanted, she began to grin.
“I… I did it. It’s…It’s over.”
Silence filled the air as Ayumi continued to gaze at the cloud of smoke. Believing that she had finally overcame the odds and won.
Only for the image of a sinister silhouette to shatter all her hopes. Her eyes grew wide in utter disbelief as she gawked in terror. As soon as the cloud dispersed, the result was revealed to all. Diaboromon, the evil Mega level Digimon, was still alive. Who was also, aside from the smoke venting from his body, unscaved by Ayumi’s attack. Further proven when the giant glanced to his shoulder to flick some dirt off. A sign that he had completely brushed off the attack.
“WHAT!!? EVEN AFTER ALL THAT, HE’S COMPLETELY FINE!!? Rainbow Dash uttered in complete disbelief. Unable to comprehend anything surviving such an attack without protection.
To someone like Luna, it was a sight that sent a shiver down her spine. Even without his shield, her beloved BlackWarGreymon had to brace himself to withstand the same attack. And even then, suffered some minor burns to his arms. Diaboromon however had done no such thing and remained completely intact. A horrid thought went through Luna’s mind. Diaboromon was able to withstand something that not even BlackWarGreymon couldn’t.
As she gawked at the still standing Diaboromon, the depowered Ayumi trembled in fear. To see the him surviving the very same attack that destroyed his other self, it was further proof that the Digimon before her, was truly stronger.
“N-No! This… isn’t fair! You…you’re…”
Eyeing the quivering Alicorn before him, Diaboromon’s grin vanished away. Being replaced with an expression of disappointment.
“I think I’m beginning to understand you.”
He began to make his way towards her. Both hands and feet scrapping against the ground with each step. The sight of the towering Digimon approaching her caused the depowered Ayumi to panic.
“No! S-Stay away!” She uttered as she tried to move away. But lack the strength to even stand on her hooves.
While her pleas struck an emotional cord within her friends, they were ignored by the advancing Mega. Who’s tone matched his disproval expression.
“Using the Digimon’s power to end the other me has given you an ego. Making you feel more important than you really are. Then traveling to another Equestria to flex your newfound power. All to make the ponies of this world think that you’re invincible.”
As he continued to advance, Ayumi tried to scoot away. Terrified by not just the Digimon himself, but from the words he was using. As if he had uncovered the hidden truth about herself. To which Diaboromon continued.
“Far from the world you abandoned. Chasing the love and admiration of the ponies of this world. All to make yourself feel wanted.”
As his shadow loomed over the terrified Ayumi, Diaboromon stopped his advance. Standing several feet in front of the stricken mare. When he chose the next words to say, to Ayumi, felt like a knife through her gut.
“You may act all tough. But deep down, you’re nothing more… than a frightened… little… girl!”
Deep down within her very being, Ayumi couldn’t help but feel that Diaboromon was right. Even after destroying the Diaboromon in her world, she had never stopped being afraid. Afraid of being the last one alive in her world. Afraid of being lost in the timestreams for eternity. Afraid of finding the right Equestria to call home. Afraid of how the other ponies would react to her being there. Afraid of any other threats that would endanger the lives of the ponies. Afraid if BlackWarGreymon was just as evil upon her arrival. And afraid of how her alternate friends would react to her past. Afraid of what she had become.
It finally dawned on her. It was much clearer than ever. She had never stopped being scared. Ever since the day when the Diaboromon of her world rose to leave his mark, she had never felt anything else but fear. It as all she felt for so long. Using her newfound power to try and hide her fear. All her bravado. All her boasting. It all an act. An act to hide how scared she was. Tears rained down her face from the weight of the truth.
She then snapped out of her trance when Diaboromon’s hands moved either side of her. Seemingly being surrounded by the Digimon’s limbs, it was as if she was just moments away of being embraced. Diaboromon then spoke to her. His voice mockingly sympathetic.
“I can put an end to your suffering. That I promise. Just say the word. And I can make it all go away.”
Diaboromon’s outstretched hands began to enclose around the terrified Ayumi. Ten razor-sharp digest curling towards her trembling form. With her mind and body clouded with fear and doubt, Ayumi slowly closed her watery eyes. Seeming accepting her defeat. As well as her fate.
Only for a flash of purple light to appear in Ayumi’s place. The mare herself vanishing from Diaboromon’s reach. Reappearing ahead of the Digimon, the startled Ayumi blinked in confusion. Was she teleported away? Her startled vision then caught the glimpse of another flash of teleportation magic next to her. As she turned her head to look, she saw a sight that took her breath away.
Startled by her sudden disappearance, Diaboromon tilted his head aside to see who was responsible. It was all the work of Twilight Sparkle. The young Alicorn had teleported her alternate self away and then teleported herself in front of her. With her head low and her wings flared out, Twilight was dead set on protecting Ayumi.
“You stay away from her!!” She demanded. Her voice full of anger.
“Twilight,” Ayumi uttered in disbelief. To see her younger self stepping in to save her.
The other ponies too were stunned at what had just happened. Not expecting such bold actions from the Bearer of Magic in the least. But were amazed at how brave she was being, as well as being proud of her for stepping up to protect her other self. While the Changelings too were stunned by Twilight’s actions, the eyes of ChaosBlackWarGreymon showed great concern for the young Alicorn.
Diaboromon silently stared at the two Twilights. Only to then rise back up his posture to glare down on the two. Letting out an audible grumble while doing so.
“Such a pitiful sight this is. The younger weaker one has more backbone than the older stronger one.”
“That’s enough! You will not hurt her anymore! I won’t let you!” Twilight declared. Wanting nothing more than to protect her future self.
Diaboromon chuckled at Twilight’s claim. A chuckle the visibly unnerved the nearby digital clone.
“You think a worm like you can make demands of me?”
“Hay! Boss!”
A stray voice caught the attention of all present. Especially Diaboromon, who was the one being addressed. Looking in the direction of the voice, Diaboromon turned his gaze to the sky above the pony group. There he saw a group of three Changelings approaching the area. The Digimon noticed that the middle solder was carrying an item.
“Catch!” The Changeling said before tossing his cargo over to the Digimon. The latter used his arm to stretch to the gift before anyone could grab it before him. Retracting his arm, Diaboromon got a closer look at what was given to him. Only to grin in response.
“Well done. An excellent find indeed.”
Both Celestia and Twilight gasped in shock at they saw being gripped within the evil Digimon’s hand.
“That staff! That’s…!” Celestia uttered. Joined by Twilight.
“One of Starswirl the Bearded’s artefacts!”
The two Alicorn’s then felt a wave of dread. Despite being a relic, the staff held powerful magic. So to see it being wielded by Diaboromon of all creatures, they had no idea what kind of damage he could possibly do. All they could do was to see what he was going to do with it.
As the evil Digimon inspected the staff, he had quite the inquisitive look on his demonic face. Then as he glanced over to the ponies, he began to reveal to them a hidden truth about himself.
“BlackWarGreymon is such a fascinating creature. Despite being from the Digital World, the magic of Equestria resonates with him flawlessly. Fuelling his strength day by day. Something of which I envy. I don’t have such luxury. Instead, while buying my time for this day, I had to… improvise by other means.”
“Wh…what do you mean?” Celestia asked. Unsure what the Digimon was talking about. But it didn’t take him long to show them.
Shifting his hand, Diaboromon grasped the staff by the blue gemstone. The stone encased within the Digimon’s grasp. But then, as he gripped the gem tightly, he began to do something that caused the ponies to gasp in shock. To their disbelief, the magic within the gemstone was being syphoned. The blue magical glow travelled through Diaboromon’s arm, across his torso and into the greed orb in his chest. The Mega shuttering as he felt the Equestrian magic being converted into data. Processed into energy that only he could use. As he continued to grunt from the flow of energy, his body slowly began to grow by a couple of inches. Something of which the shocked ponies were able to see. Horrified that Diaboromon was growing with power right before their eyes.
The process continued until every drop of magic was drained from the gemstone. The wooden staff cracking and breaking under the strength of the Digimon’s grip. As soon as the blue grow faded from his green orb, the Mega exhaled loudly. Grinning to see the look of horror from the ponies.
“What! What did you just do!?” Cadence asked. To which Diaboromon was keen to answer.
“I can’t absorb magic the way your saviour can. But I found an alternative. During my time in hiding, I have been scouring the land for all sorts of magical items. All with energy just primed for me to absorb. I have been doing it for centuries. With each absorption granting me strength that would’ve taken me decades to gain on my own.”
He then clenched his hand further. Breaking apart the staff into nothing but splinters. He then opened his hand to let the broken artefact fall to the floor.
“In short, to me, your priceless relics are nothing more than magic snacks.”
The ponies were shaken at what had just been revealed. Items that held historical value were being treated like mere food for the towering Mega. All eyes then noticed that the green orb in Diaboromon’s chest began to pulsate. The glow appearing and fading in various patterns.
“What’s happening, my lord? Have you reached your full strength?” Chrysalis asked.
The question spoken by the Changeling Queen caused Ayumi to snap her attention squarely on the Mega. Mentally hoping against fate that it wasn’t the case. Fortunately for her, Diaboromon gave bad news.
“Not quite. But I can feel it. I’m getting so close. Just a few more artefacts. Or even just one more! Then…!”
Diaboromon was interrupted by Ayumi’s outburst! Chrysalis became startled by the fact that the alternate Twilight was talking directly to her.
“That must never happen!! Please Chrysalis!! For the sake of this world!! No! For the sake of your hive!! HE MUST NEVER REACH FULL POWER!!!”
Chrysalis paused from Ayumi’s pleas to her. Normally, she would scoff at such a warning to her. But there was something unsettling about the Alicorn. The expression of despair. The tone full of sorrow. The last time she had seen such a face of desperation… was from her own family. When her brother dared defy her master, she vaguely remembered how desperate her parents were for him to stop. It was a very unsettling feeling that gave the Changeling Queen a shiver.
Her mind began to question. Just what did Ayumi discover when she saw through the memories of the Diaboromon from her world?
The tall Digimon however began to grow irate of the alternate Twilight. Turing his gaze towards her and her present counterpart.
“I think I’m beginning to grow tired of you.” He said, his voice like a growl.
Seeing the Digimon advancing towards her and her other self, Twilight tried to hold her ground.
“NO!!! STAY BACK!!!”
Without hesitation, Twilight began to fire blasts of magic from her horn. Each one exploding against the advancing Diaboromon’s body. But despite her best efforts, the Mega had proven to be too powerful for her. Within seconds, the Digimon was completely shrouded in smoke form Twilight’s attacks. But the young Alicorn stood firm. Shielding her alternate self. Then the pair of huge arms slammed either side of the Alicorn pair. Red claw-like fingers dug into the ground. When the smoke cleared, the two Twilight’s fearfully glanced up to see Diaboromon virtually above them. Looming over the two versions of the same pony. He then lowered his head closer. Even Twilight froze in place from seeing Diaboromon’s face very close to her own. Hearing the growls from his toothy grin. Having her very soul being pierced by his heartless yellow eyes.
The sight was nightmarish for the terrified group watching. Frightened of what might happen to the friends. Even Chrysalis felt unnerved of what might happen. Only to hear the sound of grunting beside her. Looking to her side, the queen was surprised to see ChaosBlackWarGreymon trembling. His eyes widened in alarm. And the muscles in his arms tensing up beneath the armour.
As Diaboromon lowered his head just above Twilight’s own, he gave her a question.
“Tell me, Twilight Sparkle. If I kill you, would the other you cease to exist?”
The eyes of everypony went wide with fear. Did he really just ask such a messed-up question? And right at Twilight’s face? It was too twisted for them to accept. Believing that he wouldn’t really do it. Only for the next sight to confirm that it was exactly what was going to happen. Rearing up, Diaboromon scared the two Twilights by raising his left hand up. His bladelike fingers flexed open. The two Alicorns gasped in fear at what they were seeing. The Digimon was either going to squash them like bugs. Or slash them into pieces. The insane chuckling and the twisted grin on his face showed that he was not bluffing. He was really going to do it! He was going to end their lives right then and there!
“NOOO!!!” Celestia and the others cried out. More than prepared to jump in to save Twilight and Ayumi.
But just before they could make their move, a sudden motion caught their line of sight. Stopping them in their tracks from how sudden it was. The Changelings too were startled at the motion that went by their point of view. But out of all of them, Chrysalis carried the expression of complete surprise.
Diaboromon was just seconds away from claiming the lives of either Twilight of Ayumi. Or even the two of them at once. Only for his attempted murder to be stopped by a very hard punch to the side of his grinning face. The pure force of the impact sent Diaboromon skidding across the ground and collide into an empty building. Bricks and debris exploding from the huge Digimon crashing through.
Every soul in the area were shocked at the sight of the seemingly invincible Mega being punched aside. But were even more surprised by who threw the punch in the first place. Because…standing in front of the two Twilight’s with his right armoured arm outstretched… was ChaosBlackWarGreymon himself!
A collective gasp from both ponies and Changelings were heard all throughout. They couldn’t believe their eyes. The digital clone just openly attacked his master!
“Did… did he just attack him!?” Shining Armor questioned. Unsure of what he had just seen. Joined by the equally confused Rainbow Dash.
“But I thought he was on his side!”
Then Chrysalis spoke up. Her tone of voice full of concern and worry for the BlackWarGreymon clone.
“What in the world do you think you’re doing!? Don’t you know he’s not the enemy!?”
But instead of a reply, Chrysalis noticed something different about ChaosBlackWarGreymon. His body was trembling. Much to her confusion.
As for Twilight herself, she got a front row seat of ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s expressions. The trembling of his body matched with the expressions in his eyes. It showed that he was both afraid and confused. She could even hear the rapid breathing coming from him. It was as if he was going through something he couldn’t understand. To which was true for the Digimon himself.
‘What!? What am I doing!? What did I just do!? Why did I do it!? He was about to kill her! And I just…! I…I had to…! I…! I…!’
With his red eyes full of confusion and doubt, ChaosBlackWarGreymon glanced down towards the stunned Twilight. The young Alicorn looking back at him with eyes of confusion and surprise. But there was also that gleam in her eyes. A gleam…of hope.
“Chaos?” She uttered to him.
ChaosBlackWarGreymon let out a quiet gasp from such a sight. Looking down at his trembling arms before the pain in his head kicked in. Grunting in response, he grasped his head with his arms. Trying to subdue the pain and understand what he was doing. Why he was doing it. And what it meant to him.
His grunts turned into a cry of pain and uncertainty. His eyes wide with unknown desperation.
Without a moment’s notice, ChaosBlackWarGreymon launched himself into the dark sky above. Speeding towards the Canterlot towers out of sight. Leaving the ponies, dragon, Draconequus and the Changelings all puzzled at what had happened.
“Where is he going?” Fluttershy asked. The cutiemark crusaders too were wondering what was going on with the digital clone.
While confused, Celestia was beginning to get an idea of what might be happening to ChaosBlackWarGreymon. Glancing her sights over to the stunned Twilight.
“Maybe… Twilight was right about him from the start.”
To the surprise to all, the sounds of crumbling brick was heard. Then emerging from the rubble, Diaboromon emerged. Seemingly staggered with his head hung low. A sight that caused a few Changelings to hover over to him.
“Hay. Are you ok?” One asked.
But the evil Digimon didn’t answer back. Instead, he was taking in his breaths. But hidden from view under his yellow shaggy hair, he had his toothy grin.
“So. That time has time. Hmm?”
Then to the surprise of all, Diaboromon suddenly lurched back to his full height, only to then launch his right arm out. His limb stretching across the street directly towards both Twilight and Ayumi. Twilight froze from the incoming attack. But then heard a voice very similar to her own.
To her surprise, she was pushed aside by Ayumi. The latter taking the full brunt of the incoming limb.
“Wha…!? Ayumi!!” Twilight called out when the outstretched arm retracted. Ayumi herself being held within the oversized hand of Diaboromon. The evil beast chuckling with the trapped former Twilight held within his grasp.
“This has been fun. But this is the end of the line.” He declared. Believing that it was time for him to get serious.
“No!! Let her go!!” Twilight demanded. Wanting her alternate self to be set free.
But the Digimon scoffed at Twilight’s demand before making his claim.
“Why do you even care? She’s the you from a failed timeline. A Princess of Friendship no more. A shell of what you are. She has no place in this Equestria!”
“YOU’RE WRONG!!! She does have a place in this world! I don’t care that she’s me from another timeline! It doesn’t matter! She came here looking for a new home after losing everything! And we still welcomed her with open hooves!”
Twilight paused after having a brief thought. Then was about to say something that warmed the hearts of her friends and family.
“She may be me. But after getting to know her, she’s become like… an older sister to me. That’s why I can’t let you take her away!”
The other ponies couldn’t help but smile from Twilight’s honesty. Especially Cadence and Shining Armor. Despite both Twilight and Ayumi being the same pony, in Twilight’s eyes, Ayumi was different enough to be viewed as an older sibling. A way of thinking that was honestly cute. Even Ayumi herself felt touched that her younger alternate self believed that way.
Unfortunately for Twilight, Diaboromon shared no sentimentality.
“Such a repulsive childish belief. But you seem to forget, Twilight Sparkle. I am your new overlord. My word is final!”
He then turned his sights over to the frightened Ayumi. Hurting her by clenching the hand he trapped her in.
“You have forgone your purpose by setting foot in this world. It has no place for you, even before my conquest.”
He then sent a shiver of dread through her soul by showing off a toothy grin. But worse, with his next choice of words.
“But you may have one more use. As an example!”
After rearing his arm back, Diaboromon performed a mighty throw. Launching Ayumi high into the air far beyond any tower. The mare yelled out in panic from such a rapid ascent. But what came next was a sight that left the ponies gasping in horror.
With murderous intent, Diaboromon fired a powerful energy blast from his chest orb. The yellow energy ball cutting through the air like a shooting star, speeding directly at the falling Ayumi.
“NNOOOOO!!!” The ponies all cried out in dismay. Powerless to stop the attack.
High in the sky, the world around Ayumi seemed to have slowed down. The fear-stricken mare saw the incoming attack. Seemingly growing in size as if flew ever closer to her. As she watched the approaching projectile, she was alone with her thoughts. Reflecting on everything that had happened.
‘No. I didn’t want it to end like this. Why did this have to happen. All I ever wanted… was to be happy. To be with my friends. My family. To go back to the life, I once had. I…I don’t want to die!’
As the attack grew closer, Ayumi closed her teary eyes. Not wanting to see her own demise. As she did, her mind was only on one individual. The one that set apart the two Equestrias. The one being that had altered the fates of her new friends forever. The artificial creature that showed her that…despite all that she believed in… there was such thing as a good Digimon.
‘BlackWarGreymon! Please! PLEASE SAVE ME!!!’
From the ground, Diaboromon’s Web Wrecker attack sailed directly at Ayumi. But just before the attack could claim her life, a black blur suddenly whisked her out of harm’s way. Leaving the attack to sail into the night sky. Both Changeling and ponies below let out gasps of shock and surprise. While some were confused as to what had just happened, to others, they held their breath. Hoping that their certain friend had finally arrived.
While expecting to feel agonizing pain from her demise, Ayumi suddenly felt warm. Her body felt still, yet she could feel the cool night breeze against her body. What’s more, she felt like she was… being held. Confused as to what was happening, the alternate Twilight slowly opened her eyes. Only to see a sight that took her breath away. A surprised gasp followed by a gaze of astonishment.
BlackWarGreymon had arrived. Hovering in the air while holding her within his arms. Her eyes widened further in surprise.
“Black!?” She uttered in disbelief. Wondering if the sight was even real.
Hearing Ayumi calling him by his nickname, the Artificial Digimon glanced over to her with a look of guilt. But his voice showed that he was deeply relieved.
“I’m sorry I’m so late. Ayumi.”
Ayumi then felt her entire world pausing once more. Deep inside her very being, she felt a feeling. A very strong feeling that was there the very second BlackWarGreymon arrived on the scene. The feeling… of being rescued by him. A feeling that she never felt in her world.
‘This feeling. Is this what the other me felt… on the day she first met him?’ She thought to herself. Trying to picture the sight of BlackWarGreymon arriving to save her and her friends from Tirek in the Everfree Clearing.
Ayumi was finally experiencing that very feeling. That feeling of being rescued by him. The feeling… it felt powerful. It felt warm. It was enough for her to smile. Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she watched him.
“Y-You saved me,” She said with a wobbly but loving tone. For the first time since meeting him, she saw BlackWarGreymon as her hero.
BlackWarGreymon could only look at her with an amused expression and a slight chuckle. Finally seeing a true smile on Ayumi’s face.
Descending towards the ground, all the ponies in the group cheered as he approached them. All his friends rushed over to gather around him as he rested Ayumi safely on the ground.
“You finally made it!!” Pinkie Pie cheered.
After rising back to his height, BlackWarGreymon could only apologize.
“I’m sorry. I wished that I arrived here sooner. But something was blocking my senses, and I couldn’t find my way back.”
Twilight blinked in realisation.
“Of course. That barrier around Canterlot was what caused that.”
Then Ayumi chimed in.
“And when I destroyed it, then…”
She didn’t even need to finish her sentence as she glanced up at BlackWarGreymon. Finally understanding that it was because of her actions that lead to the good Digimon finding them. She smiled. Knowing that her fight with the evil Digimon was not pointless after all.
“We’re glad you’re back,” Shining Armor said as he and Cadence joined them.
Looking around, BlackWarGreymon was glad that he was surrounded by his friends once more. And that none of them held any resentment for his destructive phase earlier that lead him to leave Canterlot in the first place. He was startled to see Discord all banged up. But the Spirit of Chaos still had the strength to give him a smile and thumbs up. Reassuring him that he as alright despite his injuries.
Then his sights fell upon the armoured form of Princess Luna. Seeing her once again filled him with a sense of relief. The last thing he wanted to see was her badly hurt in the conflict. And with the feeling of relief, he also felt the feeling of love. His chest grew warmer from remembering the moment that they shared. Luna likewise was just as happy to see him. And too blushed a she approached him.
“Luna,” He uttered. Relieved to see her again.
“BlackWarGreymon,” Luna replied back with a small blush. Her tone carrying a hint of love in it.
After finally realising the truth about the pair, the love that they held for one another became all the more obvious to the group. Shining Armor and Cadence smiling warmly at the sight. A romance between two very different creatures. Ayumi, however, was the only one who was completely oblivious to what occurred.
“Huh?” She uttered, confused as to why the atmosphere suddenly felt different.
But then came an entirely unpleasant feeling. All instigated by a demonic chuckle behind them. Hearing such a voice caused BlackWarGreymon’s eyes to widen in shock and fury. He thought that the voice of MaloMyotismon was evil. But the chuckle he was hearing felt even more evil. Turning their sights behind BlackWarGreymon, all the ponies slowly backed away from the sight of the evil one. Then BlackWarGreymon himself slowly turned his head to look over his shoulder. His right yellow eye finally laying sight on the evil mastermind himself. The chuckling Diaboromon glared back at him. Upon finally seeing the Artificial Digimon in the flesh for the first time, he spoke up.
“Here at last! The saviour has come!”
Am I correct?
Wow, I'm surprised that most of these chapters were set over just a single week and more?
Yami Yugi/Atem: IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-DUEL!!!!!
Frieza/Cell/Majin Buu/Baby: This ISN'T even my FINAL FORM!?
Ironic that he says Armageddon a lot, because that's really his new name in his ULTRA Form!!!!
At long last, a redeemed angel from another world now meets the devil who's been lurking below.
nice work