Twilight rushed outside, her hooves slamming the cobble ground.
She`d left a letter for Spike, hastily written, letting him know she`d be gone for the day. More than likely at Freddy Fazbear`s.
She beat her wings, getting ready to lift herself off the ground. And in one, strong push of her back legs, she hovered into the air, at about tree-top level.
Her speed was slowly gaining, being the rush she was in.
The wind beat her hair to all angles, causing what would be PLENTY of tangles she`d have to get out later. Within a minute or so, she landed at the doors to Freddy`s, slowing down only to land in the rough yet soft grass.
She hit the ground with ease, tucking in her wings quickly before galloping to the door.
She willed it open with her magic, and slowed her pace to a trot as she maneuvered around the children. They tumbled and played, sometimes stopping to bow down to Twilight.
The alicorn payed no mind.
Instead she rushed over to the denim colored stallion near pirate`s cove. (if this character looked different in purple tears 1, please tell me!!!!)
He was watching the children with a blank-less stare, his darker colored hair falling slightly over his face.
"Badge Gleam!" Twilight cried as she flung her hooves around the now shocked stallion. He bore a face of confusion, until he saw the familiar purple face gleaming at him.
He returned the hug.
"I guess you found out?" he asked as they stepped away. Twilight nodded.
"Your gonna be the night guard!" she yipped, bouncing up and down silently. Badge Gleam nodded, content at how fast she`d found out.
"How DID you find out so quickly? I just got the job yesterday" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her. Twilight gave off a sheepish smile.
"I tend to keep in check with Mayor Mare" she nudged him, and he let out a sigh.
Twilight noticed his now slightly gloomy face.
"Hey, what`s wrong?" she asked the denim stallion. He looked her in the eye.
"... I miss them" his voice was cracked, and filled with sadness.
Twilight laid her head against his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
"I miss them too" she whispered. String Play was really the only one she knew, but it was still heart-breaking. Five other foals, dead.
Badge Gleam shook his head and stepped away. His smile returned as he lifted his hoof to Twilight.
"Why don`t we go down by Sugar cube corner to celebrate my job?" he asked. Twilight took his hoof in her magic, causing him too weird out a little.
She shook it with her magic, clearly giving him a suddenly hard time as he tried to get her magical grip to let go.
"Of course I`d love to! Let`s go!" she dragged his hoof towards the door. Together, the two made their way towards sugar cube corner.
"So, what would he look like?" The female voice of the yellow mare asked.
"I don`t really know, Chica. Possibly kind of like us- might as well be a cosplay pony!" The chocolate brown stallion sighed out loud. He looked at his bow with disgust, but didn`t take it off.
"Why`d you call me that?" Chica asked, confusion hinting towards her voice. The brown stallion sighed yet again.
"Whelp, if we use our normal names, or anything NEAR our names, that`ll bring up more attention than we already have" he explained monotonously.
Chica finally nodded, her head hung a bit low.
"I guess, so I have to call you Freddy? But won`t that bring up more attention too?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the stallion. He contemplated for a second.
"True, yeah, but still. At least it won`t remind any pony of that day..." Freddy trailed off his sentence. Chica nudged him as they kept walking, soon catching up to Bonnie and Foxy, along with String Play and Goldy.
Most ponies ignored the group, considering Goldy`s eyes were all black, save for a white pupil, just like String Play.
"So... Were looking out for a golden green pony with weird eyes and... Now that I think about it, this won`t be easy, will it?" Bonnie asked as he surveyed the ponies passing them, realizing some were a green-ish yellow. More than he`d of thought.
"Yeah. I don`t know how were going to find him, but there`ll be a way" String Play sighed. He studied a group of ponies, then another, searching for that wretched stallion.
Foxy piped in, his voice STILL stuck on a pirate accent.
"Aye, but there has to be a place ta start, right?" he asked, getting a giggle from Chica in return. He growled as he shut his mouth, though two small canines stuck out.
Golden spoke up.
"Well... What about that event I heard about? It seems like a lot ponies will be there, maybe he thinks he can blend in" Goldy suggested. He received a few nods of agreement.
String Play shook his head.
"No... That MIGHT be what he`d want us to go to. He`s a smart stallion, save for his killer attitude" String play exclaimed. Freddy stepped towards the black stallion.
"I`m with him, Vincent would know were alive by now, considering he latched onto String Play`s only growing powers" Freddy waited for the others to join him.
"But lad, he could be hidin` anywhere! Our best bet is..." Foxy nudged Goldy. The golden stallion perked up.
"The, er, Battle of the bands concert? Stupid name, but it`s our best bet, as Foxy said!" Goldy smiled weakly. He knew it was useless to try and convince String Play, and Freddy too, considering how concealed they`d become over five years of loneliness.
"No, it has to be a trap" String Play glowered at the opposing group.
"Look, I think String Play may be right" Chica sighed, her high-pitched voice weird as she sighed in a low tone, and then paced over to the other two, whom nodded.
Foxy stepped back, flabbergasted.
"Well, dear, I`m taking that coldly" Goldy smoothly retorted, " Well, I suppose were on our own". He looked to Foxy, and then Bonnie.
"S-sorry, but i`m pretty sure Springtrap`s smarter than that" Chica stammered. It was misunderstood by Foxy.
"What are ye sayin`?!" He pointed a metal claw at her, " Hmph! Let`s go, Goldy, Bonnie, we have a murderer to catch!" with that, he turned to leave, until he was yanked back by Goldy.
"Fine. Let`s make a game of this, whomever finds this idiotic killer wins" Goldy let out a hoof towards String Play.
The black stallion stepped back and looked away.
With a sigh, Goldy let his hoof fall.
"Goodbye" was all Freddy said as the trio began to trot away.
"Goodbye, brother. See you later" Goldy smiled. Bonnie and Foxy trotted off, Goldy following behind.
"So, it`s getting late, do you need to head back now, or what?" Twilight asked. Badge Gleam was walking beside her, both holding milk shakes in their mouths.
"No, " Badge Gleam responded, " It`s only, say, about eight o` clock right now right?".
Twilight nodded.
"Good, I have to get to work at eleven fifty. The shift starts at twelve".
"Great! That means we can hang out longer!" Twilight yipped. Her voice was a bit more high-pitched, like a foal whom just got candy. Badge Gleam could only smile and laugh at her childish behavior.
After a few minutes, he began to take notice of unfamiliar ponies wandering about town, more than the usual tourist population, too.
"Why are there so many ponies?" he asked Twilight, whom chuckled.
"It`s a concert, similar to one i`ve been to before, actually". Badge Gleam gave her a 'what?' look, but she just shrugged it off.
"Well, it`s a concert" She concluded. Badge Gleam decided to just shrug it off.
"Hm, I may go. When is it going on? Or more of, whom`s playing there?" he received a chuckle from Twilight yet again.
"Oh silly, it`s called the battle of the bands! Any pony can join! It starts tomorrow, and runs for a week" she answered. Badge Gleam made a 'huh' motion with his mouth.
"So... You wanna come with me tomorrow? To the concert?" Twilight asked sheepishly. Badge Gleam thought for a moment, before nodding rapidly.
"Yeah, of course i`d love to! Besides, i`m sure I can make time to come and hear a few songs!" he got a tight hug from Twilight.
"Yay! Thank you, Badge Gleam!" she released the hug, still smiling cheerfully.
The denim stallion checked his watch, reading the time.
"I might want to get back, so I can check in and see about tomorrow night, just in case" he patted Twilight`s back. She blushed slightly, and hugged him again.
"Okay, bye. See you tomorrow~ How about... Say, six?" she asked, and received a swift nod from her denim friend.
"Well, bye" he began to walk away. Twilight said one more thing before he left.
"Don`t let the robot`s bite!".
6319612 Mangle, you may have tea. Because... THERE IS NOW MORE!!!!!
You can join our cracker party if you`d like. It has tea, and cookies, AND skittles, curtsey (I think) of Bonnie.
TEA!!! *Runs off to cracker party*
Dammit Mangle! You promised you would play Evolve tonight!
F*** you! There's tea to get too!
6319745 Yay! Join us!

Come to the dark side, we have crackers! And tea!!!
im not even going to comment on that small conversation.....
more please!
6321131 There should be more... Today!
This fanfic needs to be animated and voiced.
6321142 more conversation, or chapters?
6321146 yeah!!! That`d be awesome!
I`d honestly watch it just to see Foxy the p-
Nevermind. Still would be awesome though~
(It could feature crackers!)
6321148 moer chapters, dear cracker lover.
More crackers and chapters.
6321182 the crackers will be mine... all, mine....
6321196 mwahahahahahaahah don`t bet on it maawahahahah *stuffs cracker in mouth*
6321220 *pulls out machete* give me da cracka!
6321222 AH!
*runs away* see you next chapter!
*jumps into a portal leading to the next chapter*
6321230 *pulls out time machine* you can never escape!
Hey, Foxy. Wanna fuck?
Oh my God Deadpool. I can imagine you TRYING to bang Sunset, but I never could've imagined this.
6321464 ... Foxy?
... I`m gonna kill him.
You can't kill Deadpool, BEEOTCH!!!
But you can hurt him, so maul his face off.
Wait, WHAT?!? Nooooo!!!! *Foxy bites Deadpool's face off*
6321477 yeah, go foxy!!!
"Cracker?" Yes, please! *Secretly steals some without anyone looking and shoves some in mouth*
*A demogorgon promptly bursts out of the ground and eats your face off*