• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 1,804 Views, 219 Comments

Purple Tears 2 - Doukzor

five years later... String play has returned. He and the children are going to stop one last evil... Springtrap.

  • ...

Five years of pain

"So, Spike, do you think Celestia`s mad with me?" A purple alicorn, known as Twilight Sparkle, asked sheepishly.

Spike gave her an odd glance.

"Of course she won`t be mad, Twilight, calm down" He shrugged as he handed her a rolled up parchment.

It was leathery to the touch, and had a small red ribbon tied around the middle.

Carefully, and with her head held back, Twilight slowly undid the ribbon with her magic. The paper rolled out into a mostly flat expanse, but there were still slight curves on the ends.

"Are you sure she won`t be mad?" Twilight asked again. Spike stared at her, one eyebrow raised.

"Twilight, don`t worry" he patted her leg, before waiting for her to read the letters on the paper.

The purple pony thought back to the letter she`d sent her mentor.

It was more or less hastily written, but passed over a basic and more... Saddening, message.

'Dear Celestia,

I need to tell you something. Something that happened five years ago.

I found this colt, he said his name was Jacob or... I ended up calling him String Play. Yeah. His name was String Play.

I didn`t believe him at first, but he said he was dead, that he needed to save himself and five other foals.

The days passed, and another colt came along.

And then- he was killed. String Play had said that that was himself. That he had been killed.

And after a few more days...

Please don`t be mad...

The other five were killed. They were murdered. I could have stopped it... But I didn`t.

I fell for the killer`s tricks.

In the end, the murderer was brought to an end, by the hooves of the souls of the children- and String Play.

The parents said goodbye... And, then the children... Vanished.

I`m so sorry, princess. Please forgive me for not telling you. Please don`t be mad.

-your saddened student,


The princess sighed, collecting her cool. Her feathers ruffled with anticipation.

Celestia was probably going to hate her, but it was alright. Everything would be alright.

"She`s gonna hate me" Twilight squeaked before she began to read the reply from her mentor.

'Dear Twilight,

I... Understand. Events of most unnatural circumstances can take hold in Equestria, and I see that you have come across one of those. I am dearly sorry you had to go through this, dear Twilight.

Do not worry, I am not mad in the slightest.

But I am, worried.

As to be of, about this colt you`d discovered. I fear of his knowledge, though, that may be of no... concern anymore. Sadly.

Twilight, I am only proud of you.

That you were brave enough to tell me of this.

Thank you, my dear student.

-Your mentor,


Twilight stared at the parchment.

A sigh of relief escaped her muzzle, as she rolled the paper up and placed on glass coffee table next to her.

"Thank Luna, she`s not mad" The purple alicorn sat down on a soft red sofa, which was velvety to the touch.

Twilight slumped against the cushions, their softness soothing away some of her trembling. Spike came in, and handed her a cup of coffee, which she gladly took and enveloped with her magic.

The small purple dragon took to sitting by Twilight.

"Eh, why wasn`t I allowed to write out that one letter?" he asked, eyebrows moved to different degrees.

Twilight put the white cup she was holding on a small crystal bench. It glittered and reflected light from all angles lighting up the room more than it already was.

"It wasn`t, say, quite appropriate for a child" Twilight muttered in response. Her friend was now even more confused.

"Well, what was it about?" Spike asked her. She knew he was trying to worm his way through to her.

When she didn`t answer, he nudged her lightly.

"Please tell me? Just what it was about?".

"F-fine. It was about Freddy Fazbear`s Pizza" Twilight sighed. Of course that only raised the confusion to higher levels with Spike.

"Wait. That kids place? Uh, Twilight, that makes exactly no sense" Spike stated. Twilight gave her self a weak smile as she faced him again.

She placed a hoof on his leg.

"You know that incident that took place about five years ago?" she asked. The green spiked dragon could only nod.

"Good. Well, it had to do with that" she finished.

Her cup was levitated up to her again, which she drank from.

"Oh" was all Spike could say. Twilight Sparkle got up, and handed her now empty cup to Spike.

"I have somewhere I need to go, " she said while stretching, "I`ll be back in a few hours".

Spike nodded.

"Yeah, but why do you keep going there, every week?" He asked as he got up to go clean the cup out.

"Because... Of memories" Twilight ruffled her feathers, and gave out a long sigh.

"Well, bye!" she said as she galloped to a large door-frame. it led out to a hemisphere shaped balcony, lined with foot tall golden rimming.

In one quick leap, she jumped over the small rail, and into the sky.

Her purple wings automatically rose and bent, cutting through the wind with ease. Twilight enjoyed flying, yes, but it still scared her.

The high paced winds could be annoying, and often made her tumble into different air currents.

But that fear was a small one. One that was still fading, but seemed more distant than even the fear of losing an old book.

Soon, a building came into view. It was small, to say the least, but was defined by a bit of muck and vines.

As Twilight grew closer to the building, she turned and began heading to the front, where a large sign stood above a glass door-frame.

The alicorn landed with ease on the soft yet prickly grass, and began to make her way towards the door.

You could hear children`s screams from the inside, and laughter, along with a few other mechanical voices.

As Twilight entered, she could see all the fillies and colts playing and tumbling over each-other, their tails swishing like dogs.

On stage, two robotic ponies were singing, the other one playing a purple-blue guitar.

The main one, standing in the front, was a brown pony, with a bow tie and small top hat slanted towards the left ear.

He had mike for a cutie mark, and almost realistic dark brown hair.

The one to the furthest right was yellow, and the only female based animatronic on stage.

Her eyes were red, and she had a pizza with a missing slice as her cutie mark. Her hair was much like the brown ones, with a gold tint and a bit more wavy style to it. Her chest bore a bib, one that printed 'LET`S EAT!!!'.

Her right leg was brought up to hold a small plate. On the plate, a large cupcake sat, it`s eyes staring out at the crowd.

And the one farthest left, held the guitar. Of course it was sitting on it`s haunches to play it.

The body was a rich purple, and bunny ears sprang from the top. A red bow tie adorned it`s chest.

His hair was a deep purple, darker than the body color. It was shorter than the brown one`s, but also seemed to be raised a bit higher.

"So kids, when your bored," came the goofy annoying voice of the brown one.

"Just do a little, "the yellow one chimed in.

"Shake!" The purple, brown, and yellow one laughed. Their robotic parts were separated by small silver lines in the middle, part of the endoskeleton left bare.

Much of that bare metal had rusted or been covered by a sloppy filly`s flailing pizza.

Twilight moved her way over to a table, of which was decorated with a colorful confetti painted table-top. Party hats laid on each chair, though of course some children had taken some or put them on other tables.

Whatever reasons unknown.

Twilight sat in a double spiked chair, on the cold dark oak wood of the seat.

She took to watching the children play most of time when she was here. Every single Saturday, at around nine o` clock in the morning Twilight would come here and enjoy the laughter of the children.

And by doing so, had also created more funds for the pizzeria.

Seeing a princess go somewhere every week does bring attention, after all.

The animatronical characters in front of her waved their arms (somehow) and sung goofy songs. Sometimes they talked about eating vegetables or the rules, mainly just kiddie stuff.

The models were old, just refurbished after an, incident, with the last pizzeria caused the animatronics to be shut down.

So, with the little money they had, the owner had the old animatronics put back together, polished up, that sort of thing.

The toy versions were scrapped, along with two other extra toy animatronics from the last pizzeria.

The puppet, and Balloon Boy.

Now, the old ones had been singing and acting in the toy version`s place, few glitches or errors consisting from the day they were featured.

Freddy Fazbear, the brown one, was the main character, hence the name of the place, 'Freddy Fazbear`s Pizza'.

The other two were Chica, the yellow pony, and Bonnie, the bunny (or the purple one).

Though there was one other character.

Twilight got out of the small chair she sat in.

She stretched a little, before making her way to a darker section of thee dining room. There, on the same wall the back-stage door was on, was a purple curtain. It was adorned with a lighter shade of purple stars.

The curtains were soft to the touch, one of the only things actually high-quality in the pizzeria.

Twilight checked around her surroundings.

No pony was over here, the guards occupied by the children.

With a quick swipe, Twilight opened the curtains. her purple hoof blended in to the curtains very nicely.

Inside, she could see a dully lit room. Dust fluttered in the only light given, that being a tiny circular window, which served as the sun during plays.

The walls were decorated with ocean waves, and the floor was a light birch.

A rather large toy chest sat in one side of the room, while a few other items adorned the walls. Half- of a ship rose from the wall facing the curtains.

It was small, only large enough for a few adults, but could also fit the animatronic this whole room was built for, Foxy.

Railings stood on the edge of the forecastle deck of the boat, right before the bowsprit.

Behind the railings you could see a curved bit of crimson. It wasn`t much, but Twilight knew whom it was.

The fox animatronic laid with his back to the entrance, shut-down.

With a sigh, Twilight let her hoof fall. The curtains fell back their original places.

Foxy the pirate fox, as he was known, had been shut down shortly after the re-opening of Freddy Fazbear`s. The owner had put most of his money into the main three animatronics, and when it had come to Foxy, barely any repairs were allowed to be made.

They had been able to afford a new endo-skeleton, (one with less teeth) and a bit of other new materials, but were ultimately forced to use the fabric from the old Foxy robot.

Minor glitches were fixed, and his movement was a little draggy, to say the least.

And soon enough, a large glitch that was out of income to fix took over the robot.

His eyes would often go black, to children`s horror, and he would shut down at random times. Once he even attempted to use part of the old facial scan system.

It ended with Foxy chasing a kid around.

So, in the end, he was just scrapped, to Twilight`s displeasure.

She herself would have payed to get him fixed, but then she would risk the company beginning to rely on her help. And that was something she did not want in the slightest.

After about an hour of sitting and watching the robotic ponies sing and to a small degree, dance, Twilight began to leave.

There wasn`t really much to ever do here, she just came to... Think, really. Her thoughts would often race to String Play and his friends, and how Foxy had come out and reacted as Crimson Fur told him.

Most of the memory was blurred after that, for what reason unknown, since she could remember every other second like it was yesterday.

Shrugging off the suspicion that rose on her fur, Twilight trotted over to the entrance/exit of Freddy Fazbear`s, a small double glass door to the right of the stage.

"Goodbye" Twilight sighed as she opened one door and left.

The door closed behind her, a soft clang tipping into her ears. An unseen stallion stood at the door, watching her go.

With a lowered head, he whispered, "Goodbye".

Author's Note:

So the beginning has NOTHING to do with String Play yet... Or does it? *silent snickering*
Um, anyways, that aside, I hope you`ll like it. I have more determination poured into this, so it`ll get cool next chapter.
Or stormy.
There`s your teaser for the next chapter, yay!~
