• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2024


Drawing equines. Check out my art on my Twitter account


The princesses decide to have lunch together at the Canterlot Palace. As they enjoy their glorious feast they laugh, chat and generally have a good time.

Until… they come to a shocking realization.

They’re eating meat.

Link to cover art

EDIT: Now with a reading by the awesome CaptainBrone3y! Link to reading

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 41 )

Haha, what a great way to make me laugh again, Nixy! XD

Ummmm... All of my 'yes', I think?


:moustache: mmmmmmmm can I but in? This looks sooooooo good!

:twilightoops: Oh dear. :rainbowlaugh:



Aside from some pacing issues and switching between past and present tense within the same paragraph (which should be fixed), this was a fairly good story. :twilightsmile:

That was fun. I wish we knew who Luna ate though.:ajsleepy:

Why didn't they ask what the food was before they began? :twilightoops:

And maybe they can teleport their stomach contents into a hole in the ground and problem solved... :twilightsmile:

hey, deers eat meat, so they should be fine..

Wait what? Griffons would be fine..... they could still live off of vegetables for like one day :derpyderp1:
What I'm more concerned about is that, maybe the Griffon Cooks captured the Pony Cooks and fed them to the Princesses.

Most animals people consider staunch herbivores will actually moonlight as opportunistic carnivores if the food is right there in front of their mouth. The only reason they don't actively pursue meat is because they lack the tools to be murder-machines. All it takes is one good opening and BAM! That cuddly animal stole your baby. With it's teeth.

Nature is fun.

6280439 I believe they will occasionally scavenge in winter or some similarly bad situation, but not with any regularity. I don't know of any herbivores known to hunt live prey.

This was interesting. And I like this kind of interesting.

By the way, Poker Celestial for the win. :rainbowwild:

“Eating a small amount of meet isn’t a problem. Eating a large amount of meat...

Ah, yes. I love eating meet for lunch. Doesn't everyone love meet?

6281992 I get your point... thanks:pinkiecrazy: Fixed.

Celestia: "Alright, Gustav. What did you feed us?"
Gustav: "Just the finest ecclairs..."
Twilight: "Not the ecclairs! That other stuff!"
Luna: "Tell us it was not ponies!"
Gustav: "Ponies!? NO! Of course not! I would never do such a thing!"
Cadence: "Then what was it?"
Gustav: "I believe the creature is called, 'man'."
Celestia: "Man?"
Gustav: "Sometimes, they're also referred to as 'humans'."
Luna: "Wherever did you find these 'mans'?"
Gustav: "Oh, four of your ponies have been supplying the Griffon Empire with a shipment for years. If I recall, their names are Podargos, Lampon, Xanthos, and Deinos. They said they have a place where they hunt humans and bring us their excess. When I came here, I thought you were already familiar with it."
Twilight: "Oh. Then that's not so bad, is it?"
Celestia: "Indeed. No need for us to go into exile, after all."
Cadence: "Actually, it was rather tasty. I guess I needed a little time to get used to it."
Luna: "Got any more?"

Now I want some BBQ ribs. Also, great story!

Still, don't you just love meet?

If it's any consolation, the "blood" they saw on the meat isn't blood, it's myoglobin, a fluid that helped deliver oxygen to the pony's muscles when it was still alive. On second thought, I can see how that might not be any consolation.

“This is not the first time I eat this type of food.”

Enjoyed your time as Nightmare Moon, didn't you Luna? :trollestia:

mass genocide

As opposed to the other kind?

6283546 Eeeyup. Meet sure is delicious.

6280064 Well... they're princesses. I don't think they're accustomed to ask about that kind of stuff. Plus, I don't think they expected the food to be that.

Fortunately, it was eventually revealed that Griffons have a particular, amazing superpower compared to many herbivores when it comes to eating.

It's called, 'the ability to vomit up already swallowed substances'. Both cats and raptorial birds possess the ability, and griffons inherited it.

Thus, while they were all very upset, nobody died from being forced to eat plant matter.

The alicorns, on the other hand, turned out to not actually get sick at all, as it turns out obligate herbivores are not actually a thing.

6280201 Yeah... but still, I think anything in a world filled with magical talking ponies is possible. Plus, Alicorns aren't real animals, so we wouldn't know if they are okay eating meat or not.

6280439 I don't think the princesses are really into eating meat compared with other living and actually real animals in our world.

Luna turned to Celestia with a very bland expression painted on her face. “This is not the first time I eat this type of food.”

so thats why nightmare moon and the bat ponies have sharp teeth pony

Here's an idea: they banish themselves to the human world, and then Sunset Shimmer introduces them to Mcdonalds without telling them where hamburgers come from.:pinkiecrazy:

So where they eating the pony cooks?

6292908 No. The pony cooks were at the Griffin Kingdom, feeding the Griffins with herbs they might not find to their liking in the interest of time.

Y'know, one idea I was really, really fond of was the idea that Pegasi sometimes eat fish. I thought it'd make sense given that they might fly over oceans and are at least a little bit birdish.

I thought this one was a decent little story.

6307942 I guess that could make sense.

And thanks!

She was in such a deep thought that she was unable to process the thought that she just thought of.

That's also my thought.

Good story!

The only pony in the dining table who wasn’t making a pig of herself in front of the royal guards was Cadence.

Cap. [group / Organization]

“This is not the first time I eat this type of food.”


“The cooks you have are now Griffins. That’s why we’re eating meat. The Griffins are carnivores so they’ll cook what they eat. Ponies however, are herbivores.”

move down a line.

Eating a large amount of meat, however, may cause a few issues to our digestive systems.”

Actually they're lucky. Eating meat doesn't hurt equines, and ponies eating meat is MLP canon [well seafood is still a type of meat, and eggs are classified under meat in the food pyramid. So that's double win.]. So yeah the princesses will totally be alright for eating whomever they just chowed down on [honestly I hope it was a pig. Those things are worthless on both universes [outside of being in someone's belly, and making leather.]

Wow! Tia accidentally mass murdered a bunch of Griffons. *shakes head*. Still pretty good story.

not going to point out that meat is rather distinctive,
and I thought griffons were omnivores...
I'm just going to say that wouldn't the griffons just eat the pony chefs?

6287878 horses actually do have incisors, people usually have them filed down though since horse teeth grow constantly (so it's not as big of a life-changing alteration) and they don't want their pet horses to be as capable of killing them with a bite.

This was...okay? I think. Quite frankly, everyone here except Cadence are morons. Celestia first because she somehow (and I have no idea how exactly-I didn't understand the explanation at all) replaced her cooks with Gryphon cooks who were unaware of Pony diets and then somehow missed the brutal slaughter of some of her little ponies, and then gleefully eats food when she has no idea what it is. This last one goes for all of them.

I mean, wow, everyone here has an idiot ball going with a bit of a villain ball going with them, and their canon selves would bitch slap the living shit out of them for their behavior.

Still, while everyone is out of character to some extent, it was kind of fun to read.

Way to be smart Cadence! :heart:At least we have some good rulers in equestria so we don't all die. The rest of you? :facehoof:

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