• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 666 Views, 14 Comments

From The Field Desk of Lean-To - River Babble

A single letter from the Royal Expeditionary Ambassador to the Princesses begins a tale of foreign discovery, intrigue, danger - and snakes. Lots of snakes.

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2 - Foreign Affairs Via Magical Mail

From the Desk of Her Royal Highness, Ruler of the Night, Diarch of Equestria, Princess Luna

To: Her Royal Highness, Ruler of the Day, Diarch of Equestria, Princess Celestia

We have received a most fascinating report from our royal expeditionary ambassador to the West, Lean-To and company, whom We did send to explore the uncharted lands across the Pacifist Ocean some months back – thou dost remember attending the planning meeting, We are sure, it was a most important undertaking for Us. Why thou hast not put more efforts into such explorations in the last thousand years, We continue to shake our head at, but that is unimportant at this time. This most exciting news is that a new species of pony has been discovered – or rather, we (Lean-To and We) assume it is new, since We have found no mention of them among the Royal Archivist’s records, and We really would have expected you to mention such a notable development in Our weekly "Getting Up To Date" classes.

We know thou art quite occupied with the diplomatic discussions in the Gryphon kingdom, but We believed this to be that which would hold thy highest interest, and so We are forwarding you a copy of the missive. We have included a copy of Lean-To’s sketches, a bit amateurish but bearing what We think to be an accurate likeness of these new ponies. Write me Us back immediately with thy thoughts.

Six limbs! Six limbs, Tia Celestia! And eight for these Gliders he speaks of, not even considering the antennae, and tails nearly count, as well, canst thou imagine needing to coordinate so many mobile extremities? The excitement is making Us break proper letter-writing decorum, and thou wilt no doubt find Lean-To’s report of more interest than my letter describing it. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter, sister.


Princess Luna

P.S. Write me back IMMEDIATELY or We may die of impatience! We would like to open up consideration of the idea that one of us (you or Ourself) embark on a diplomatic mission immediately to yonder lands of Centropi, and We volunteer, because We really, really, really wish to see the new insect ponies in person.


From the Guest Quarters of Her Royal Highness, Ruler of the Day, Diarch of Equestria, Princess Celestia, currently visiting the Gryphon Kingdom

Dear Luna,

I would politely like to mention that you don’t need to use the royal We in letters to me, especially private ones. We stopped requiring it even in formal mail decades ago; it gets incredibly confusing when referring to more than two ponies. Although it is amusing trying to sort out your pronouns.

Now, as to Lean-To’s letter – and of course I remembered, you wouldn’t talk of anything else for the two months it took to get those teams equipped and sent out – this is fascinating news! I’m afraid you’re right, our missions of exploration stagnated a bit while you were on the moon; I never found it as interesting as you do. (Yes, I know that that is bad reason, but you try running an entire country by yourself for a thousand years! And I thought sometimes that the Moon became heavier after you went there.) So I have not heard of such a thing. Considering some of our other recent discoveries when it comes to sentient races, I am pleased to hear that this one sounds much friendlier than the Changelings, although I’m beginning to wonder if the Creator had a particular fondness for making pony races that look like insects.

Of course, we should encourage Lean-To to continue in his studies of this new people group, especially since he and his team seem to have already established good diplomatic relations. I would not recommend teleporting off to visit when we don’t even know anything about their leadership yet! Have some patience, Luna, and let the stallion do his job. If things continue to go well, of course we’ll set up some sort of Royal Visit between our nations, and you’re welcome to it – jungle environments mess with my allergies like nopony’s business.

I’ll leave you in charge of corresponding with the team, but of course I’d like to be kept in the loop! Thank you for forwarding the letter on.
Your loving sister,


P.S. Try not to drive Lean-To crazy; you know you get a little overzealous when it comes to science. Remember the incident in Embossnia.


From the Desk of Her Royal Highness, Ruler of the Night, Diarch of Equestria, Princess Luna

To: Celestia

Well, if you insist, Tia, although We I find it perplexing how many of the Royal Decorums have gone lax over the hoof-ful of centuries I was gone. But I suppose ‘tis evident that anarchy has not enveloped the kingdom, and it is significantly less confusing to speak in plain terms, however much it dost decrease the royal dignity of our office.

Yes, it is greatly encouraging that these Equutaurs appear to be hospitable. Who is to say what we will learn – if their ruler is truly an alicorn of the atmosphere, this could create great inroads in our meteorological research! And what if they are not ponies who look like insects, but insects who appear as ponies? It raised the royal curiosity greatly, but I will take your council and wait patiently for more of Lean-To’s reports; my first response will be sent out post-haste.

I will be pleased to accept the agreed-upon undertaking in due time, as you’re quite right that I would be superior for the job. (Speaking of that visit to the Kingdom of Embossnia, it is to my recollection that you developed that terrific rash after eating one of the local dishes – although banning the importation of all dragonfruit to our kingdom may have been an extreme reaction on your part.) I will keep you informed as things progress.

Your favorite sister,


P.S. Was that comment about the moon’s heaviness a reference to my weight? I’ll have you know I am a lithe willow wand, and thou ate much more cake than I at Cranky Doodle’s wedding!


From the Desk of Her Royal Highness, Ruler of the Night, Diarch of Equestria, Princess Luna

To: Royal Expeditionary Ambassador Lean-To & Company

We are most pleased to hear of this new discovery. Truly, our knowledge of our world is ever-expanding, and this is yet another demonstration of how much we have still to learn. Princess Celestia and I trust thee to go forward with greatest care and cultural sensitivity so that we may establish friendly relations with the Equutaurs.

We eagerly await your next report. Our personal interests lie particularly in this ruler and her magical role in nature; unique differences in magical abilities between their and our analogous unicorn races; and this mysterious mention of gorgons, which was very teasing of you to mention before thou hadst further data. If you must, dictate thy conversations to us in thy letters, so that we might not miss anything of import. I can send all the extra paper you need, should you wish it; 'tis the benefit of being Royal Benefactor to Canterlot's premier paper factory.

But I apologize, I am telling thou how to do thy job. You have our blessing and may extend to this Princess Sfeera Equestria’s royal hoof of friendship on our behalf.


Your Royal Highness, Princess of the Night, Diarch of Equestria

Princess Luna

Addendum: A crate of the requested supplies is on its way, although the royal archivist was unable to secure a copy of the newest print of the Power Ponies publication without creating a new subscription. They have requested that you send the customer information of the one making the request.

Author's Note:

And the letters continue! Sisterly conversation via post is fun, as is showing a little of the back-and-forth that miiight take place during the creation of a more 'official' letter from the government. Anyone have theories as to how the researchers are getting their mail to the Princesses? (How they get them to each other should be fairly obvious, I would think!) Also, I apologize if Luna's Thees and Thous and We's and I's get confusing; it's largely meant to be chalked up to her trying to forcibly change her writing style, although I'm sure I could have executed it better.

Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 7 )

And what if they are not ponies who look like insects, but insects who appear as ponies?

Mind blown.

I will do my best!
Would you like stats to discuss, or do you only care if they see actual play?

Oh I'd enjoy seeing what stats you come up with ^^

A question for you:
... but first some background.
In the rules I have made, there is a bit of an in-joke about Ponies coming in two separate sizes, because almost all of them (at least in the early seasons) the have the same body shape excepting the facial structure differences between stallions and mares. Thus I have it so Ponies have a lot less variation in their heights than, say, humans. However Big MacIntosh was also in episode 1, so there is ALSO something you can get at character creation that makes you that size (also with only small height variations between those with that "feat").
How strongly, if at all, would you want this race to have the same option*, or should I just not give it to them?

*Might be tricky for me to figure out because they are supposed to be smaller than 'normal' Ponies, and half the advantage of spending the resource to get the "Not So Little Pony" aspect to ones your character is the increase from being mechanically "Medium" rather than "Small".

... I hope I explained that clearly. Please ask questions if I did not.

Hm, I think I get the basic idea. You could probably go ahead with that, although they'd never be as big as a regular pony. I think the queen equutaur is as big as you'd get and she would be about the size of a standard pony.

It actually works out to be much easier to forbid them the option, I apparently didn't manage to communicate that. From the way you are talking that would be fine?

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