• Member Since 1st Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen June 23rd


my pfp is me reacting to all of the shit i made on here | https://twitch.tv/pastasparq | https://discord.gg/kUAvJuXC2N


Cheese Sandwich has never eaten an actual cheese sandwich before. What will it taste like? Will it be good? Will he eat himself if it tastes good?!? Why am I writing this?!?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

......What the fudge. WHAT THE FUDGE DID I JUST READ!? Cheese did a dine and dash??? :rainbowlaugh: He has a foodgasm and...Pinkie ends up eating him as well. :pinkiecrazy:

Hey. Cheese Sandwich. What's eating you?

This. That is all.

Loved this by the way.

The title alone made me laugh. So did the description.

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