• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen January 15th



(rewrite has begun, will upload as chapters are rewritten)

Crafter, a unicorn resident of St. Petershoof, moves away from the big city to avoid he chaos of the communist movement. During his time in Ponyville he falls for the local mail mare but is forced to lay low when the communist movement becomes a full on rebellion. Being a communist himself he must stay hidden until it blows over, Crafter does not agree with the aggressive path the movement is taking and tries to distance himself from the movement while still holding on to his beliefs.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 36 )

anything communist earns a like from me, well played sir :moustache:

637302 we seem to think alike :moustache:

637565 indeed, myself also old chap :moustache:

*looks at my profile pic*

This influx of communist stories pleases me.

We all think alike good sir:moustache:.

637565>>637872>>637725 brohooves all around? /)

Before even reading this, capitalize ALL the chapter titles; it's not a good first impression to have errors in descriptions/chapters/titles.

I'll get to reading this at some point. :eeyup:

Какие ваши доказательства ?

P.s. ЯED HEAT ftw=)

638148 i shall fix that now

In Soviet Russia, Ponies watch you!

Communism only works with a stable government. Look at history. Communism has no stable government

638264 well the Equestrian government is run by horses.... :trollestia:


That is because true communism has never truly been achieved. Communism (in its purest essence) is a strive for "no government" where the people TRULY govern their own affairs. That's why the Soviet Union was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. True Communism theoretically CAN work but humankind must all, as one, strive for that goal. And no Stalinism is NOT communism, it was a fascist terror system run by a psychotic murderer.

(P.S I may or may not be a Marxist-Leninist and or Communism buff:trollestia:)

Hmmm, this is pretty interesting at this point the main character seems a bit more socialist actually than communist (he will charge for fictional stories, which are a luxury, but not mechanical repair, which was is a necessity), but whatever, it makes sense though, it's kind of hard to live as a pure communist in a capitalist society, I'm really liking the story so far

I loved it. However, the ending felt REALLY rushed!

638941 yeah. i will admit that :twilightblush:, but i am planning a sequel story that will be much longer

short response:

long response:
generally not into communist (or really anything political/economic/whatever) stories as they usually come across as preachy and get really anvilistic, but in this one I like how you let the actual ideals take more of a back seat and make it more about the character as a whole, with the communism thing just as a part of his personality (ponyality? hmmm)

I Myself someone who can really find himself in the original idea's of Mr.Marx (Even have a communist derpy shirt where it says muffin in russian ^^,) himself found this a wonderfull story not only is it so well written and nicely build up it is a very heartwaming story. I normally don't like to see my favorite pony being shipped but this was just great, every chapter my heart melted away at the love between those two, i also really enjoyed it how you didn't let the political views (Even tough i agree on them) dominate the entire story yet it gave so much background and more scene to the whole of it. I read this whole story with some smooth jazz in the background and this just made my day. I really hope that that sequel story you might wanna put in will be as good as this one :), TL DR : Wow this is very very very good, One of the best fics i ever read, Worth while to be actualy published as a book IMO

With a salute from holland
Thank you for writting this and keep up the good work, Comrade

646717 im glad you liked it :pinkiesmile: i had no idea my first story would be so good, looks like i have a lot to live up to :twilightblush:
p.s. this may be my favorite comment so far, besides the "Sir" conversation at the top lol

A happy ending to a good story. :yay:

I'm technically capitalist, because I'm american, But I don't hate on the communists we helped take down the Third Reich. Though I don't hate on communism, I don't support it either. Communism is a great idea, but doesn't work for more than a generation. A government IS necessary. That's why I'm really socialist. But click this for "Russian Dancing Ponies", because it goes with the story X3.

I like this story X3

707926 glad you like it :pinkiehappy:

I think it would have been funny if he thought they WERE anti-communists, and was afraid when they got there.

X3 The 2nd to last line was writen in my color X3

Loved the fact he was communist as they are supreme over capitalists. You should make a sequel about the communists going to war with canterlot ( which I assume is capitalist) and where crafter is forced to choose a side. Overall you get a like from me and I'll be waiting to see how things go
:derpytongue2::heart:crafter (no emoticon)

1399869 ive already started the sequel, but updates are on hold until i finish the rewrite for this. glad you enjoyed it

Didnt have time to look at your other stories so i guess that comment didnt make much sense!:fluttercry: That said, you've given me a great idea for a story with the commies and the rebellion. Though i'll take care not to remotely copy yours :rainbowkiss:

1400349 glad i could help, that gave me major moral points. i wish you luck with your writing comrade :moustache:

Jared out of his trance, Crafter simply replied with “Huh, what?”

It should be "jarred," not jared

Is this story dead now? :fluttercry:

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