• Published 5th Oct 2015
  • 2,939 Views, 509 Comments

Not another One-Shot-Ober - Admiral Biscuit

A collection of mostly comedic vignettes about ponies in their native Equestria.

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Lipogram Day

Lipogram Day
Admiral Biscuit

"Morning, Twilight!"

"Good morning, #1 assistant. It's a good day, isn't it?"


A knock rang out.

"Good morning, Twilight Sparkl."

Twilight blinkd. Sh last rmmbrd bing in hr bdroom, and wasn't sur whn sh'd gon downstairs. It was Mayor Mar, who lookd pissd.

"Wait . . . you mispronouncd my nam," Twilight muttrd. Hr voic soundd wird.

"I can't say 'Sparkl'."

"You just did."

"Ys, I can say 'Sparkl', but not 'Sparkl.'"

"That clars things up," Twilight muttrd. "What's going on?"

"Rmmbr your ida to hav a litratur apprciation month?"


"And rmmbr how today is Lipogram Day?"

Twilight Sparkl brightnd. "Yah! What's that got to do with . . . this?"

"Discord took it sriously. Vry sriously. Nopony can us th lttr '_'."

"Oh." Twilight sighd. "Wll, it's only for a day. Ponis will gt usd to it, and tomorrow's anothr day. Things will b back to normal."

"Asy for you to say," Mayor Mar said.

"I'vε got it! Poniεs can just usε backwards 3's, likε you do on thε mεssagε sign outsidε thε town hall all thε timε."

"That's just bεcausε thε Cutiε Mark Crusadεrs stolε most of thε _s." Thε mayor sighεd. "It will havε to work."

"Problεm solvεd," Twilight Sparklε said, thεn slammεd thε door shut. Whilε shε wasn't normally givεn to rudεnεss, if Discord kεpt his shεnanigins up until tomorrow, thεrε would bε a rεal problεm. Tomorrow was schεulεd to bε onomatopoεia day.