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~Yay~ More sex detail
So the conquering of Earth was essentially a giant orgy? Seems about right.
Why so much hate to Justin Bieber?His music is good and full of emotion.he sing like an should be asha-Who am i kidding Justin Bieber is just a big fucking pile of shit.
6119222 ha, you had me fooled for a second, i thought you actually liked him. But you make a good point. I don't think the songs are bad. It's the person singing them that's the problem. That would be called user error.
Best humanXpony first contact scenario.
I don't even know what I just read.
brain anurizem...
6119216 I for one give a great welcome to our new pony overlords.
Well....... That was an odd story to say the least but I liked it.
Yes! Thank you! And I'd be one of the resistance. It's fun to be different.
you mean his pubic bone? Kind of hard to imagine that position would break the ribs.
I feel like one day, Bendy is gonna write a masterpiece of a story that pulls at our heartsrtings with its great story...only for Justin Bieber to show up at the end and yell, "It was me, Twilight, me! Dio--err, Bieber!"
Sorry for the late replies, was in bed asleep.
Thank you.
Can you tell why you loved it?
Yep! The humans fell to power of their cuteness and sexyness.
Certainly better than many at least. Though a tad silly.
These ones anyway. They aren't Conversion Bureau Ponies, so these alien pony masters aren't so bad.
I fixed that error now.
Thanks very much. Did you enjoy the story?
Him or possibly....
Zoidberg: It was me Twilight, I'm your lover in his true form!
And then he 'whoops' out of the room.
Bendy, youre writing is the reason i dont down a nice shot of bleach at the end of every day, please continue writing about the OP sexy ponies (specially best OP alicorn princess ;)
With worshipping regards, a massive Sunbutt fag
Well these OP ponies are nice to human.
Unlike those other OP ponies... you know the ones I mean.
That said, in general I prefer my ponies don't be too overpowered in fan fiction. Unless they are like the the ponies of this story.
Absolutely perfect, because Sunbutt is best gloriously OP butt
What made you find it funny?
6120532 the sexyness and the funny randomness
nooooooooooo i will never fall to ponies i said yes u will said celly no i wont, how will u stop me said celly i have a small penis that cn even be grown by magic or do i jve a small penis ddddddduuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn
6119297 He's a drunk cracker
6121252 my point exactly
I don't drink....
6121478 I didn't either until I read this. Well done. 10 outta 10.
Thanks very much!
May I ask why did you like it?
Pfft, I could easily resist Celestia... Now Rarity on the other hand...
Soon all will serve our glorious Equestrian overlords. I, for one, welcome the dawn of this new Golden Age.
The kind and mercifully Princess Celestia having buttsex with humans sure would keep humanity happy. XD
That future doesn't sound so bad.
Celestia will sent Rarity to seduce you then.
6124773 The sheer absurdity of it as a whole. Though being fairly well-written and grammatically correct certainly helped.
So, I have got better in grammar? Awesome!
The overpowered ponies in this story are far nicer than some of those other OP ponies in certain fan fictions, aren't they?
6125601 Well, I haven't read your earlier stuff and if pressed I could certainly find problems with this story but what's important is that the grammar was all good enough to not break immersion or cause this weird eye-twitch I get when people butcher the language more than necessary. :3
And they really are; best conversion bureau ever. 'cept that one where they start converting humanity and humanity sends Jason Voorhees after them.
Yeah... some of my older stuff has more serious grammar issues.
Well yeah, for starters the ponies in this story only want the humans to fall in love them and have sex with them them, not convert them into ponies. (Even their Celestia had killed TCB Celestia executed for what she done to humans) Even their leader Princess Celestia goes out of way to seduce humans into loving her and her ponies.
Jack resisted ponies for a long time, but after seeing a human having sex with Princess Celestia on TV, he too had been seduced.
It's silly, but sure a lot better than those Conversion Bureau ponies. This story is a very silly parody of such stories.
I like that one too. The ponies in that story kinda had it coming.
I too am one of the Rebels-- the ones who resist these Alien ponies.
No more will we submit to their cuteness.
No more will we worship their false God.
No more will we indulge ourselves when there is Work to be done.
Nay! We will rise up against these monstrous beings, and we will start our glorious Battle!
We shall counter the ponies' Revolution and restore Independence for humanity!
I just threw up a little in my mouth, yet another really bad stor y that makes no sense
6125649 The thought of TCB ponies being bisected...
Then Lord EMPRAH GabeN inside the hallowed halls of Volvo nerfed the fgt ponis 4 gud cause thre fuckin pleby, skrubs.
I...I should not have laughed as hard as I did.
May I ask what made it so funny?
Any line/part you liked in particular?
Well...this was...what the hell did I just read?'s weird. Ass-tronomically weird. HA
It's a parody of overpowered ponies in certain Conversion Bureau fan fiction.... where instead of being xenocidal jerks, the OP ponies only want humanity to love them.
With the ponies being so sexy and cute... many a human ends up falling in love with them. XD
Not very realistic, but it's a parody story and should not be taken seriously.
Solaire was the first to fall
6134071 I was thinking about taking the TCB concept and rewriting it in a way that was actually done well.
I had this idea for a specific genetic quality in humans that does absolutely nothing...but it means that the Conversion Potion actually kills them rather than turning them into humans. A lot like a fatal allergy, except more deadly.
Is that a good concept?
Can you at one point make a storie where the ponies fail to take down one human, and so he stands alone but stops the ponies.
Eh, I can't say I'd be aroused by Celestia, simply because I prefer Luna.