All adventures must one day end, and as Starswirl the Bearded makes his last journey, his beloved apprentice Clover will learn that he is not what he seems. A crossover with Gravity Falls.
All adventures must one day end, and as Starswirl the Bearded makes his last journey, his beloved apprentice Clover will learn that he is not what he seems. A crossover with Gravity Falls.
Why is this not getting more attention?
Solid stuff, though I'd have liked to see the concept explored in more depth.
This... is... AMAZING!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!
That is all.
This is amazing, I did not see that coming. However, I would just like to say that the Author's name is actually Stanford. The Stan we know is Stanley, and he took his brother's identity when he fell into the portal. (Though, you probably know this by now if you've seen any of the episodes since AToTS.)
6651441 I wrote this during the mid-season hiatus, but I am caught up with all the eps as of now!
6653590 Yeah, that's what I thought. You can't really go anywhere with Gravity Falls on the Internet without knowing that the Author is Stanford anymore.
A clever use of a crossover!