• Member Since 10th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 8th, 2018



Fluttershy comes to Rarity looking for advice on what to do about an unrequited crush ... but Rarity has a few secrets of her own, and may not be the right mare to ask after all.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 173 )

Hurray for experiments, yay. :ajbemused: Hopefully this wasn't terrible. I hate writing outside my OTPs.

RariShy is best ship.

:moustache: inb4 featured. I'll read it later though.

Wow... I have never felt as many feels from a story as I did while reading this. Nice job, AA.

This isn't... RainbowPie?








Big Mac made Fluttershy cry.

I'm getting so tired of good fics having unsatisfying endings. :pinkiesad2:

Well, you've done it again, AA. You've written another masterpiece. If this doesn't make it to the featured box, then there is something very wrong. Great job.

Not exactly my cup of tea but nicely written.

Damn, son. You done good. :ajsmug:

Well, you did say you wanted to get back into writing angsty romances. I'd say you succeeded quite commendably.

Well, now, well, now. Pardon the pun, but this is a rarity... a shipfic where feelings go unrequited. Very nicely done, with a big ol' tug on the heartstrings at the end. I think you writing outside of PinkieDash more often could only be a good thing, if this is the sort of stuff that would result from it.

Easily deserved feartured.

Yes, this is a masterpiece. Does it deserve a feature? No.
Something about it gives me the feeling that it was way out of your comfort zone, like it was really hard to write. I know you said it was an experiment 620402, but IDK.



That was me d'aaawwwing in secret code.

Interesting. Your writing skills are still as sharp as usual, even when writing outside of your set-in-stone OTPs.

A good day to you, and have a nice featured.

;_; So bittersweet.

Well, I think you've proven beyond any doubt that you can pull this whole unrequited love thing off, and beautifully. I think you've captured the feelings and emotion of Rarity here really well - they feel exactly as they should, to the point it's subtly devastating to read. 'Shy feels very much in character too, even if we never get a peep into her little yellow head - and I myself have to wonder if perhaps she knows, and just can't bring herself to say anything there, too.

I want to leave a big comment on this, because it deserves it, but alas I have classes to get to and boring non-pony things I must do. I just wanted you to know I think it's excellent - it doesn't feel as confident as some of your writing, it's true, but I don't think that takes away from it; it actually adds another tragic undertone to Rarity, with the whole thing being from her point of view. In my eyes, at least, you pulled it off.

Oh! And Rarity is right about tea. Tea is amazing, but it has to be drunken right or it doesn't work as well. The lady has taste. :raritywink:

Well this is wonderful and depressing.

Jesus, this was done horribly well.

Awesome, I'm a sucker for unrequited love in fics.

I don't care if this is outside your OTP. It was amazing, now if only you would write more multi-chapter stuff and quit with all the oneshots.

Seriously, VERY well done

That was... I... That was extremely well tagged. I must say. It was sad, but not in a "I wanna cry my heart out" sad, but it was a good sad.
Very Nice.

:fluttershysad: You have felt it haven't you? The pain of your love loving someone else. Only someone that knows that pain and joy could have written this. I know that feeling, and allow me to say that you described it perfectly. That is just how I feel when she talks of him (except I am a guy, not a lesbian). It makes me want to cry and smile at the same time. You sir or madam are very brave and i hope that s/he notices you.

> That was certainly tragic. Wasn't it?

Obviously not. This story is clearly not marked tragedy.

that the best you got?
Inb4, featured, 5 pages of comments, 200+ likes, and comment from knighty, comments that are people calling AbsoluteAnonymous a Feature box hog, and finally EqD

:'D I'm so proud of myself

I'm not entirely certain that this truly is outside of your OTPs, AA. Renewed by Rarity's generous, perhaps selfless encouragement, Fluttershy will tell Big Macintosh her true feelings, and while Cheerilee is a nice mare, there's little that can stop Fluttershy when she's determined. Meanwhile, Rarity, weakened emotionally from harbouring her desire, will give in to Applejack's advances, eventually learning to love the farmmare... but whenever she sees Fluttershy and Big Macintosh together, she'll be reminded of what she could have had if not for her perfectionism.

So we end up with RariJack and FlutterMac, two of your OTPs, and a lot of simmering drama. And if that isn't quintessential AbsoluteAnonymous, then I don't know what is. :raritywink:

That was A great writing i luv it :raritywink:

That made me sad. :raritycry: Really well written though!:twilightsheepish:

Damn, this fic hurts. It hurts beautifully.

They say something "hurts so good" when there's something behind the pain. And from what I read, there's something to be said for that phrase.

But, no. You can write beyond your OTPs. I can't read beyond them. I feel almost tricked by this. You do have your ways about you. It takes tremendous skill to be so successfully deceptive. Hucksters applaud. :flutterrage:

Great story enjoyed it a lot keep up the great work!:rainbowlaugh:

Oh Celestia, I love your fics. The way the writing focuses on the thoughts and emotions of the characters. I wish there were more shipfics like this, and with as credible endings. (and perhaps it wouldn't hurt if they were longer!)

This was crazy bittersweet, poor poor poor Rarity- and Fluttershy for that matter.
Now-- I need some requited love RariShy to mend this sadness! Ahh Lovely!

Another great story, but such a depressing ending.:raritydespair:

Hah, I already read it on Fanfiction.net.:pinkiehappy:

This is excellent. Also, a very difficult story to tell - because nothing really happens; it's about revealing Rarity's feelings, gradually escalating them. Any missteps in timing (dragging things out or jumping ahead), or sudden discontinuities in intensity, or pedestrian descriptions of Rarity's feelings, would ruin it.

I like this sentence a lot: "There were some whose presence throbbed in the air, engulfing and addicting. Fluttershy's presence was more like a quite ripple, a hushed whisper, drawing in attention but influencing her surroundings all the same in deeper and deeper ways as she changed and grew. The very opposite of Rarity. Perhaps that was what made her so ..."

Also. Rarity recognizes that FlutterMac is the proper ship. WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE ELSE!?

The pain! Why did you do this!? Poor Rarity. So in character. :fluttercry:

Very good. I did find a small error, though: Being afraid bare your heart--I think you missed a "to."

Solid four stars.

damn it. Once again, I'm browsing through stories, and see something that makes me thing "hrm, this looks interesting"

and then I check the author, and it's Absolute Anonymous. Again.

darned talented people


Unrequited love in a shipping story? Welp, you did mention angst.... But yeah, awesome story.

"Skillful" is the American spelling. "Skilful" is acceptable in Canada and the UK.


Huh. Well, the more you know, I guess! But yeah, great story!

Holy Crap:rainbowderp:
You shipped Rarity with someone other than Applejack:rainbowderp:

I love the RariShy fic, and I don't usually see a lot of them. And I really like how you made it into a mystery kind of thing, like not telling us if they'll be together or not. You, madam, deserve a signature Fluttershy 'Yay' :yay::yay:

...this is begging for a sequel friend...

"Not exactly my cup of tea but nicely written."

Was ... was that pun intentional? :rainbowlaugh:

Dat angst.

Quite frankly, I'm tired of shipping stories where nopony ever gets rejected - perfection is boring.

>>AbsoluteAnonymous This is truely good, and I would kindly ask you continue this. :twilightsheepish: I mean, this is GOOD.

I liked it, I liked how you use Rarity's beliefs of perfection actually be her greatest enemy to her happiness. She could easily ask Fluttershy and see her own feelings, but her wanting of composure and beauty holds her back. The story could be elaborated further as it already has a more interesting premise than other shipping fics, but hey you're the author.

Here's a Rainbow Dash so this doesnt look like a boring wall of text -----> :rainbowwild:

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