Sleeping, but still not sleeping. Awake but never truly awake. That's how it is in a stasis chamber in the prison Tartarus. One millenia I spent there. One millenia to plan my revenge. But when that is no longer needed? What will I do? Or will I get accepted back by those that imprisoned me so long ago? My name is Nocturne Rose and I'm back!
Note: The alternative Universe tag and human tag is there for this is set in the same world as my other Fic. But this story will manly revolve around Nocturne.
The narration is a rushed jumble of events and you tell us nothing of your OC beyond physical attributes, and even then it takes you far too long to say that she's a black alicorn.You use a random demon attack to establish her capabilities when you had a perfect opportunity to have her smash her way out of Tartarus. Instead she is simply escorted out without even taking the chance to introduce her to the readers and establish her personality.
This story is a storm of cliches and poor plotting, and needs serious reconsideration if you actually want anything to come of it.
Just as I intended it to be. It is rushed and this Alicorn of question will come into more detail later on. I have for one not told her mane color nor that she . I did not want to say Look here I'm a black Alicorn and I can just bust out of a prison that had me locked up for a thousand years but did not do so. No I have more to show of this character but she will reveal that herself. Also If she busts out of a high security prison I don't think my plans for her will work. Ahem