• Member Since 15th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2022

Scott Grimm

I just write for fun. Don't take things too seriously.


All jobs have their risk and reward. Some greater than others in both roles. That's just life. Taking the good with the bad. It's something you take into account but never fully respect until it comes crashing down on you like a ton of bricks.

That's me. I knew the dangers of working in a diamond mine. I knew all the possibilities and outcomes of everyday work. You hear stories from your friends and workers alike. And every single time you hear about it you allow your mind, if even for a split second, to imagine the worst possible situation for yourself. Only to brush it to the side immediately there after with the reassurance of "not to me.".

It's a rather silly thing to say to yourself really. How can you even begin to justify something you have no control over to yourself? I suppose we all tell lies to ourselves in order to do what's necessary. Those before me probably told themselves the exact same line I did.

Now, cut off from the rest of the world, I have to wonder if we now have shared the same thought.

"What now?"

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