• Member Since 12th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2024

Noble Thought

I sometimes pretend I have a posting schedule other than "sometime soon."


This story is a sequel to The Last Vacation

Following the Battle of the Bands and their spectacular failure, Sonata and her sisters have isolated themselves in the mansion they 'acquired' long ago. Aria and Adagio, constantly fighting over who to blame for the failure, inevitably drag Sonata into their bickering. They ignore that which made her happiest: music.

Sonata, always the pawn in their power games, always the lesser sister, always too weak to assert her own will, leaves her sisters to their own devices for a day, trying to find some solace that might lessen the burden that's driving her slowly insane.

What she finds is one of the students they victimized: Flash Sentry, playing guitar in the park—alone.

This is a side-story to The Last Vacation, and reading it is not required to follow this story.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 32 )

Superb stuff. :pinkiehappy: Evocative and immersive, like most of the things you write. It's nice to see Flash and Sonata's rapport build as well.

Loved this story. now more.

So this story is a sequel to left vacation, but most vacation isn't finished.

Does this beach put from a chapter, our take place guaranteed after the other story? I'm not normally a fan of picking up incompletes, (I watch them until they finish, otherwise i confuddle the partially finished plots in my head)

Just curious as to how far I need to read to appreciate this story is all.


Not really any of it at all. It's self contained, and only briefly touches on the other story at the end.

But if you're curious, this takes place during chapters 7 and 8 of The Last Vacation.

Okay, thanks for the clarification! :pinkiesmile:

Thank you, both! I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

That's so deep into Sonata's head we're looking at her toe bones! And this with her and Flash feels... natural, organic!

"I don't let just anyone wear my clothes."

:rainbowlaugh: Priceless.

This was a sweet story. I love how you presented Sonata, and how you presented Flash. It's not a combo I would've thought up, but it works really well. Great job. :pinkiesmile:

Hmm... I like the internal thought process Sonata is going through. Very organic.

Loving it so far. :twilightsmile:


That was the point of writing it so. I wanted to get into Sonata's head and stay close to what we saw in the movie, fast forwarded a month. Why she was the quiet one, the ditzy one, without making any decisions of import, and why she seemed like a bit of a clown. She just looks at the world a little differently. And the Flash Sentry / Sonata interaction was so, well, fluid. I wanted it to feel natural.


Aw, thank you! I loved that line, too. I thought it was a good cap on the story, and thank you for the compliment on Flash and Sonata. I wanted to show them as I saw what they could be - Flash, especially. I didn't want him to be a cardboard cutout teenager like he is in the movies.


Glad you're enjoying it! The next chapter, I think, while a little rougher around the edges, works better to show what kind of person Flash is at his heart, and how I think he would be without a forced crush directing his actions like a marionette.

And finished, loved it. More from you, please?


Working on it. Chapter 9 of TLV is nearing completion. And I've got a few more stories in the middle of being written, too.

Loving this so far! I really like the look into Sonata's thought process, and the concept of their mansion and its film history. And Flash is actually written pretty well here.

I love this one! It's really nice to see their friendship develop, and the whole thing with the ant movie just makes it all better. Good work!

Another excellent piece. Greatly enjoyed their interactions and characterizations. I will admit to being confused at the voice in her head but was able to put it aside to enjoy their dialogue.


When no one else listens to you, who can you turn to to talk to but yourself?

A very smooth read. I think you nailed their voices. It made me smile reading their interactions.

6064321 it's funny, I should have known that. I have about thirty or so voices in my head at any given moment. And they never shut up...


Silliness aside, that makes sense.

HI! Great story! I'm sorry if this comes off needy or something. I'm thinking of making a minecraft-mlp:fim crossover story. I would like your opinion on whether I should or shouldn't publish the story.:applecry:


I don't see why not. If you enjoyed writing it, you might share it and see if others like it, too. If they don't, learn from whatever feedback they get, and see why they didn't enjoy it. It can teach you a lot about how people will receive fics and you might even be able to predict, later on, how well one would be received.

One is currently in planning, and will pick up after the events of the main story, The Last Vacation.

Thank you!

It's great to see Sonata still portrayed as a bit ditsy (and maybe even a bit crazy) without making her outright stupid or making her love of tacos to be her defining character trait. Flash gets robbed of the spotlight a bit as the straight man (in the comedy sense) and the non-PoV character, but he's still pretty solid, too. I kind of wish there was more to this one, honestly. It just starts to establish a relationship and flesh out their characterizations, and then it ends almost abruptly.

Guess I have to wait until TLV 2 or a direct sequel to this one.

I would love to see more to this! :twilightsmile:

Poor, poor Sonata...Torn between a sense of fealty towards her abusive sisters and the barest grasp of what she wants for herself, lacking the sense of agency/independence to easily break away and attain it.
It's fortunate that she encountered someone as kind as Flash. Now maybe she can live a happier life with her new friend.:twilightsmile:

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