• Member Since 17th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen May 16th


We all have a little darkness within us


Rarity asks Applejack to come to her boutique because she needs her help with a project she's working on, however Applejack is not in the best of moods, tensions run high until something very unexpected happens and the two find themselves entangled in each others arms.

i think it's obvious this is a RariJack shipping fic and i know i already have other fics i should be continuing but right now i am trying to clear my head and get my creative flow back

anyway i hope you guys like this story ^^

um the artist for this pic has sadly closed his or her, don't know because i can't get onto their gallery to check, has closed their DeviantART account but i will credit them anyway, so yeah the picture goes to IBaekGup

I did not work alone on this project I had some help form my friend Flashbang so credit where credit is due, in this story we actually for the most part wrote it the same way we wrote Depressdia, POV Role Play and the reason this fic is more sweet rather than naughty is because I was the one taking lead for lack of a better term of phrase, Depressdia although my idea the inclusion of Discord and many fo the more mature themes came form my friend Flashbang

so anyway hope you guys like this fic and once again i'd like to ask you to post your thoughts in the comments below, If you ever need help with a fic feel free to send me a message and also i'd like to announce a large project coming soon that i am working on with my friend Flashbang and another friend of mine.

I am rather proud of how it's turned out so far but i will not be posting it until it is done so for now no spoilers just no something big is coming.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 48 )

5962286 Not in a bad way, I mean that I have read dirtier RariJack fanfics

5962286 It means that I have read CLOP fics of RariJack


oh phew i was afraid you didn't like this fic


well then that doesn't help...

ok i'm going to put this in the only way i can think of

this is a RariJack fic


Already got that. I mean the whole "I hate you, you hate me. Whoops! Our arms are entangled. Your eyes puurrty... Let's kiss."

Just what.

It was cute.
Yea not much else to say, i aint no critic but i'll give you an 8/10 something i would consider reading again and recommenced to my friends.
Have a nice day Sir-and-or-madam :twilightsmile:


lol thank you ^^

i am indeed a sir for future reference and i am glad you enjoyed my fic fluttershepheard XD

5962958 No it's a good fic, But work on your vocab a bit broaden your work course

The world need this kind of fic...... It's adorable!!!!

I like it :raritywink:
Just one line, this isn't the human world or is it? Cause I think it wouldnt be 'known to man'

Now I want to see Rarity and Rainbow have an awkward moment like this.

Whaaaaaat!??!?! why change the final?!?!did you didn't read what i wrote D: THE WORLD NEEDS MORE FICS RARIJACK :ajbemused: ...pleaseeeeeee

6302524 I know the alternate ending was because a few people were complaining

6302524 but rest assured more Rarijack is on it's way

6303257 its your fic, you can do whatever you want...

6303799 precisely

that's why i made the alternative ending

the fic is intact and unchanged but for those who don't much care for the origonal their is an alternative ending

Had a little romp in the hay with this piece of text.
Results are found here:


6303943 true true.....Will you write another? :ajsmug:


oh just try and stop me XD

could use some help though

6308704 hahaha yeah!!! That's the spirit!!... Just, my English it's bad quality XD but I can give it to you some ideas...maybe AU's :coolphoto:

6309042 hehehehe :raritywink: these are alternate universes to help you to expand and be more...you know creative. put your characters on different situations and so

You didn't need to change your endin. But you could add the rainbow dash not holding still at the end part. Just not as dreamy because... RariJack. :)

I actually think this is much better than the original!

The argument they were having at the start still feels too mean spirited for them, but I can ignore that. The biggest issue was that the pacing basically sky rocketed at the end of the last with the sudden declaration of love. As in, it was so out of nowhere that I was fully expecting to see, "and then Rarity woke up" near the end. Or that it ended up being a story written by one of them poking fun at the typically horribly cliched romance fics.

This ending fixes that issue completely. You still clearly get the idea across that they have feelings for each other, but ends it with them being flustered and slightly hopeful. In other words, the pacing is much more believable and even could lead to a nice sequel.



well you know what they say, the eyes are the window to the soul that show what beauty lies within

Is it ok if I read your fic on my channel?

8011496 sure so long as you link the video so i can watch XD

“I love you! There I said it, Applejack! I love you, you perfect orange idiot!”

Perfect orange idiot she is :ajsmug:

I know i know cliche as hell but honestly i'm still a novice at writing ^^;

sure if you want (sorry for the REALLY late reply)

link me when you do ok?

I swear, those 2 were meant for each other

Howdy 0/ I just create this account to tell I prefer the original ending and dont understand why people dont like

I stayed a little confuse because Rarity just sleeping in the midle, but I think was cute too

#Rarijack Simps Live 0/

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