• Published 24th Jun 2015
  • 3,138 Views, 299 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Dance of the Orthrus - Dice Warwick

The islands of Marewaii have been cut off from the world for over two hundred years, a solitude that has just ended.

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Comments ( 42 )

And it comes to an end...Marewaii is safe for now...

yes and yes.

For chapter 34, it had more to do with Viby meeting Charon, then the song.

And the Lurkers, i the one shot, the MC finds a message on one of the terminals, it about one of the employees keeping Ponyshoe crabs as pets, and taking them to work.

Wow what an end to this awesome story. It has been a wild journey in this story, I have stayed up late reading this because I could not give enough, can't tell how many times I came to see if there was a new chapter!!!!!

glad to have had you here, it dose mean a lot.

Well the island is still there. That at least is something. But I'm not sure how I like how the report is talking about Harp in it's final sentences. Considering all that happened, that sounds like it could end up with them trying to kill her to make things easier for them.

Congratulations on completing another story. It was interesting.

ya, unfortunately with how the pirate's are, Harp is now in an even bigger political cluster fuck then before, as she still can give Orthrus a political in with the royal family, but now that would involve the pirate royalty. As the saying gose, War never changes, of which includes the bullshit resones it can start.

I get that, but I think the AI being "President John Henry Eden" would be a bit more concerning. :pinkiecrazy:

Wow. Thanks for writing and finishing this story, Dice. It was an amazing read. :pinkiehappy:

My only complaint is that I wish Vibraphone didn't have to die, although I understand why it had to happen. :fluttercry:


Now that I think about it, that was concerning. I just didn't have time to reply to it the other day. It's slightly disturbing that someone can be so bad at inventing a TOASTER, that they accidentally steal the President from another dimension. That's like a successful task fail of epic proportions right there...lol :pinkiecrazy:

ya, the whole history of Solaris compony is them just failing into susses. and thanks for reading.

as for Vibraphone, in essence, she had died when she fell into that pool full of bodies, though she might have recovered, it would have taken too long for events to unfold the way they did. She would then die many deaths, until there was only Cold Iron remaining. Sometimes the hero must exit the stage to make room for others to become heroes themselves, or risk becoming their villein.

well stick to it, the story has it's up's and it's down. At least your now getting a closer look at the pirates.

ya... it did get away from me. The hole point with the gods and the death sprites was to bring things back to it being about Technicolor magical ponies, as magic is a thing, and anything from before the FoE timeline would be neck deep with magic, so with Phobetor, madness of magic was the only way. once she was gone, it could go beck to being about magical science and war.

Anywho, thanks for the Read.

Is there a sequel or spinoff that explains what happened to harp, and the others? Or is this left up to us to decide?

I got the NSFW short story the involves the Orthrus expansion into equestira, it has minor tie ins to my next story that will explain what happens to Harp, I have it alredy planned out, and will start on it after I finish another oneshot. As a minor hint, this next story is actualy the one I've bee working my way up to, tieing together all my other stories, funny enough DotO was not ment to be as long as it was. XP

So ya, keep an eye out for "FoE: Desperadoes"

answers will be reveled in do time, and thanks for reading.

it's the Tihar love that rifle.

Too bad there is a on ghoul policy, almost as if a mirage pony ghoul would be a realy bad thing.

Very nice work, I enjoyed this very much and can't wait to read the sequel. Your story was very different but in a enjoyable way. With the metro 2033 references the d&d monster stuff it makes for quite the read.

yar, a mighty prize indeed! an island be goin' nowhere, but a cloud city may slip through yer 'ooves.

I finally got around to reading this story!

The world is very intriguing: a subterranean civilization of ponies, with cybernetics! A bunch of nice art for the story, too.

The initially strong spirit of adventure is somewhat tainted by all the rape and murder later on. It did genuinely upset me at times, so much so that I wonder if I would've been better off just meditating on the premise instead of reading all of it.

Still, you have created an amazing world and you have my thumbs up.

I don't know where the rape came from, but ya, If I were to re-wright some of the story, I would remove the two sex seems and leave them implied.

Well thanks for the read, and I hope you check out Desperado's, Not as much f an adventure as it is a drama, but you might enjoy it.

don't forget drinking a daiquiri.

wow, your tearing through this story. Also, nice to see that your at where Red finally enters the story.

well ya, it be super sus and all, but even the ponies who knew about the pirates didn't really know much about them. It's all a lack on information that really strewed them over. This is Vibraphones big problem, with both the Pirates and the Equalists, she knows more then others, but lacks a lot of evidence to get the weals of war moving.

still, happy that your enjoying this!

the strong dose as they will and the week suffer what they must.

yes... among all the things I could have added in, having it be literally President Eden was a hard choice. But it dose fit with how much the Solaris Company manages to fail into success.

yep, there is no going back, just forward into the abyss.

sometimes being dead dose not stop a bro from helping a bro.

Old world blues DLC had lots of crazy science shit involving disembodied Brains to name just one

ya... the list of names I could use to stick with the theme was getting thin.

Bravo good sir this is very much part of my fallout equestria personal cannon now.

ya, she go's through several character arks, some not being for the best.

ya, the sad moments are very sad.

dam this was one heck of good story, id call it a masterpiece :heart:

Amazing story, I truly enjoyed reading it.

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