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...interesting i might have to watch this for the time being
Okay, this is going on the list. I got about 100,000 more words of other Fo:E stories to finding first, this this is definitely the next on my list.
See you in a week!
~ Neon Lights
Definitely like the Metro vibe I'm getting from this story.
I'm curious how the things with the pirates will effect this story. I'm not sure the Pirates would pass up such an opportunity of the Metro.
6168947 thanks.
6171857 Luckily the idea of the pirates is one of the more thought out ideas I have, with them being from my last story. Their also fun to wright, if a bit high on the violence.
6172687 Certainly makes for an interesting plugin to your last story of how have the pirates been getting along since then and what they have been up to.
Hummm now i see the mirage ponies with a different light. In term of game mechanics sure they would make interesting character
Trading each specialised skill of each other race, for flexibility