• Member Since 6th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 10th, 2016

Dusty Hooves

Ponies! Yay!


She may have been defeated and hiding out in a mountain cave but Starlight wasn't leaving just yet. She had unfinished business to take care of. Someone she cared about was still down there and she wasn't leaving without him!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

It's a little confusing because Starlight had said it was just a piece of wood she found in the desert, I'm not sure she would go back for the staff or call it her oldest friend. Unless your saying she lied and the staff of sameness really works?:derpyderp2:


Think of Tom Hanks in "Cast Away". He loved Wilson but at times, knew he was just a ball.
Powerful, charismatic leaders like Starlight are often strange and by necessity, aloof. Having an inanimate object as your confidant makes sense. It will always be there for you, always be on your side. It will never betray you, tell your secrets or hurt you.

When faced with a mob of angry ponies, you are not going to proclaim your undying affection for a weird stick. :rainbowderp:

Oh, I see your point now. That makes much more sense now thank you. :pinkiesmile:

I was almost thinking that double diamond was the reason she returned due to the romance tag... This is way better! Starlight x Stick for the win!

right hoofed pony. Got to keep with the puns!:derpytongue2:

but fun story!:twilightsmile:

... she needs help. Like, serious mental help.:fluttershysad:

Ship the pony and the stick! YEEAAHH!!!!!!

Good catch, thank you!

This is such a good idea, and it is well executed! :pinkiehappy:

Wasn't she the one who said 'it's a stick I found in the desert! My magic is the real power!' or something like that?:trixieshiftright:
Why would she care about a fucking stick!?:facehoof:

A). She's still crazy in this story
B) she's tsundere! Those people lie about their feelings all the time.

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