your body is a collection of beautifully complex systems and processes. are you really gonna use it to type something mean to a stranger?
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OH SHIT...HA HA First coment.
Oh man, a sequel! Yay! The first part was fantastic, so I'm looking forward to this.
7k words>?!
Seems like a group trip to the Derby is in the works.
Rarity too?? Oh sweet celestia...
Best quote from any MLP fiction EVER
That. Ending.
So good.
A sequel? Fuck yes!
The threesome shall become a foursome and eventually a HAREM! Or is it Marem?
Holy crap, Lonestar is getting pussy-LOTS OF PUSSY!
I didn't think it was possible, but you did it. You managed to top the original.
the church song was just random, but the google search was juste too funny, that was a good one
Lonestar's a real stud
Lonestar is one lucky bastard
Alright, I don't get it.
How come this doesn't have a comedy tag?
That aside...
Bravo Pima. You buckin' did it.
Remember how everyone urged you to write this sequel? Prepare yourself for when they demand you to write an entire series.
OMG, they made a sequel!
Lonestar is stone-cold pimpin'.
Lets see.
Rainbow Dash demands a contest to proove that Applejack cant top her in Anything?
Fluttershy, well, she really, really Loves animals?
And Pinkie? Breaks physics and reality for fun? But the cherry on top has to be he Love of that Creamy, Creamy Frosting?
That only leaves human world Twilight, which being supernerd, would be driving her nuts trying to work out what her freinds were doing, how they were doing it and just what they were feeling while doing it?
So. . . With Rarity showing up. . . There are no words to convey this mix of feelings. Amusement, worry, hope, despair, and pride?
In ether case, great work.
... That AN at the end though...
Also, Rarity? Really?
Looks like Lonestar's got some 'splainin' to do.
Oh shit did not expect that ending.
And with that, perhaps more chapters or another sequels are in order? You can't just leave us hanging with that funny endng
Lone star is playing them all
Man! Lonestar is getting all da booty!
5906419 its a harem
5907125 It's the same thing if you think about it.
Wait, you're telling me he's doing Opal on the sly?!?
Lonestar you manwhore.
Wow, didn't expected that ending with Lonestar being such a stud.
lonestar is drowning in pussy
At the rate this is going, they're all going to end up in Equestria just so they can have a healthy, normal herd relationship with Lonestar. The horse. And the humans. And the human that's really a pony.
There's a few sentences you never thought you'd type and have it make sense. Only on FiMFiction, ladies and gentlemen.
Actually, that'd make for an interesting story... Sunset taking human AJ back to good ol' Equestria to show her just what her hooves can do.
Oh, man; this was good. And that ending I do hope this means you have plans for another sequel, and I hope you bring in more of the girls, or at least Rainbow Dash. Have an upvote, and do please carry on! Cheers.
5907346 I actually was thinking along the same lines, just not so cloppy. What if the EG Five fell through the portal to Equestria? How would the universe cope with two of each Element, sans Twilight because fck her?
Er, did you mean her erogenous zone? Her G-spot? The female prostate? I chuckled at the sentence either way, I think that was its purpose :3
Dammit, now I want a sequel with the entire Humane 6 screwing Lonestar.
Holy St, What the fk. I feel like such a perv for liking this. But that dang ending, man!
5907220 Manwhorse*
Just type the swear word, srsly.
Lonestar you manslut. You're worse than Big Mac!
It took seven hours and thirty-three minutes for the title pun to sink in. Well done me.
Oh man, Sunset is going to explode! I mean, Lonestar not mentioning this is almost like him cheating on her. As for Rarity, it wouldn't surprise me if Sunset punched her fucking lights out.
As I said to one of my editors, Lonestar's entire character is basically "sleazy scumbag."
For someone named 'Lone'star he sure brings the crowd!
I'm sorry...
Glad to see this story is doing well. Not even a day since being posted and its already on the Featured Box. I am honored to have been granted the privilege of pre-reading it.