Fluttershy is going through the battle of stress. The country of Saddle Arabia has proposed war and Celestia is desperate to find a way not to fight. One day, when Twilight and her friends were at the castle, the king of Saddle Arabia came to propose a compromise. He said that if there was a willing ellement, willing to leave the country, to marry his son and take over a queen with him when the time came, he would not have any war. The element, however, had to also never leave the country until a second heir was born. Twilight just yelled at the stallion which got her in trouble with Celestia, Rainbow tried to punch him but was held back by Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie didn't even know what was going on, Apple Jack refused because she would rather help take care of her family, and Rarity did not want to even go because of the "Lack of fashion." That left Fluttershy who had no major responsibilities. Fluttershy was given a week to decide in which she made the decision to do it. Her friends were not very happy that she would be leaving but knew that it was for the best...
Story inspired by the picture by Fluttershy 3.
For some reason, I was half expecting Fluttershy to eat Angel Bunny.
Very well written, although I was a bit confused as to what was going on. But that's probably due to the fact that I neglected to read the description...
Have a like.
5902189 Yay! like! (was the alternate ending better?)
Capitalized B shouldn't be there
I think you should have more space here, for example:
Perhaps you should have put something like:
That's all I found. Over-all, good story, though maybe you should have went deeper into the showing of emotions. But still good.
And Celestia had Discord crush Saddle Arabic like a walnut . Why? Sand hour glasses were replaced with enchanted clocks with hands for hour and minutes.
Fluttershy remained in Equestria and Angle Bunny gave everyone a middle paw as he's just a nasty ol bunny.
Needs some editing and I think the description could be cleaned up a bit, it's an excellent idea though and I hope to see more.
Congrats on getting in the popular stories list!
5902560 well, that was the only chapter. It was a oneshot.
5902613 .... what?!
Bologna. Piffle. NONSENSE!
Okay... I'm really not the type of guy to attack another authors works, and I hope you can take my critique in the spirit intended, but this is bull. First off... That king there must have cajones the size of Manehattan pulling a stunt like this. Secondly, no way in Chinese hell Celestia would sacrifice one of her little ponies to be some trumped up dunces play thing and brood mare, and would be pissed beyond belief if it was a scullery maid they demanded. Demanding that a national hero, and their nations greatest means of defense, is an act of agression and flat out insult in of itself.
And... hello! Celestia, eternal mommy figure to all her ponies, never mind the old nag who lifts and lower a basic fusion engine with her mind twice every day! She's what might call a "scorched earth" sort of opponent.
Or would simply say "It is war."
5903008 you know what I say about your review?
It... wasn't really a review, my fair writer. Rather a critique of the mentality being out of whack with a mare whose ruled peacefully over her principality for a thousand years, and one does not do so by giving in to ass hats or being militarily weak.
Now, if you'd like a review of the story itself!... Eh, not bad actually. Now, as you may have guessed, I do have ethical problems with chucking poor Flutters to the matrimonial equivelant of a sacrificial bonfire, but for the writing itself, I applaud you. You managed to convey her struggle fairly well, and no grammar flubs.
5903057 Eh, my imaginiation gets me into trouble
5903057 I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted like that.
Oh! Think nothing of it, my dear Esther. Well, i am Ebony, resident Assassin's Creed and Sabaton fanatic, avid shoe wearer, and in real life may be a room full of squirrels at type writers. Its very nice to meet you
5903348 greetings,
5903008 c'mon, when did you ever see Celestia face a problem of any magnitude with a soloution that didn't involve her on the phone (cue ghostbusters music) who ya gonna call? call Twilight! she'll sort it out, whatever it is, imma eating cake
Chrysalis? To be fair, of course, she got herself curb stomped in the process, but she made the attempt!
Quite a good story over all but I'd like to see Saddle Arabia declare war on them and win since Equestria has the Elements of Harmony, Royal guard, 4 alicorn princesses, Wonderbolts and... Discord. But apart from that it was quite a good one-shot!
5904495 thanks!
5904425 ok, fair point, i'll give you Chrysalis.
Tirek, Discord, her own sister, God knows what else
5906329 all before Twilight's appearence. since showed up Celestia has hoofed the job to her and her cronies.
What if she can't? Not because she's weak or lacks the ability, but values the life of even those who would do her and her nation harm? What if the elements are the last option, the last resort before all out war? The final straw before she takes out them out herself?
Remember Nightmare?
Continue this or I will hunt you down and tape your hands to the keyboard!!! (I'm kidding, I'm way to lazy to do that!) It was a really great fic! Grammar doesn't bug me cause I'm terrible at it too!
5914661 This was meant as a one shot! Lol, but if you want something, that I think is, just as good check out my special series. Start with CMC All Grown Up
Thanks for the suggestion!
I liked this. Good job.
Not an AK, RPG!
6159109 wat?
Ummmm... it seems that all of the story is in the description, whereas the actual fic is just Fluttershy thinking about it, but not even in that much depth. Would have been better if the idea had been developed and explored a bit more.
7283195 Je ne comprends pas.
7283979 wat. espaniol um poco
= I don't understand. Also, I don't speak spanish.
7286410 i said i only know a little spanish
7286415 That was french.
7286417 ooooh! bonjour, comet alley vouz? (did i spell right?)
7286421 It's comment, and allez. And you just said 'Good day, what are you going.'
7286425 :3 i know
7286428 Why did you intentionally say something that makes no sense? And I still don't know what was supposed to mean!
7286431 huh?
7286434 Huh?
7286437 huh?
7286458 I DON'T KNOW!!! (it was meant as a "well then...")
7286462 Does that mean this one-shot may stop being a one-shot?
7286464 who knows, i have two one shots in the making that i am not makeing ANY headway on... plus i have stories that i have yet to update...
7286467 Wasn't one of those called 'Twilight makes an Oobleck'? (Which I have found, after much research, to be a strange green precipitation from Dr. Seuss)
7286475 yup.... the other is a sequal to my one shot series