• Published 21st Apr 2015
  • 2,014 Views, 59 Comments

Steven Multiverse - Shukawarioserfi

Steven loves My Little Pony. When the gems are granted access to the multiverse, Steven will stop at nothing to visit Equestria.

  • ...

To be assimilated into the hive press '1'

"Steven!" Pearl gasped.

"Well." Celestia gulped. "This is interesting."

"Steven please come down." Garnet asked calmly. Steven flew out of Celestia's mane, before landing on the ground. He clutched his forehead with his porous hoof.

"My head hurts." Steven said, disoriented. He looked down at his normally pink gem on his thorax, which now seemed to be glowing green. "And why is my gem... green?"

"What is going on?" Celestia said horrified. Twilight ran to the rescue, swiping Pinkie's microphone for good measure.

"Everything is fine. No need to worry. Everything is totally fine." Twilight's eyes darted around at everypony, hyperventilating.

"I think we owe everybody an explanation." Garnet said respectfully.

"We're not from Canterlot!" Pearl interjected. All of the gems except Steven returned to their natural forms. Everypony gasped. Celestia watched in diplomatic curiosity before quietly nodding in response.

"Well surely we can be respectful and welcome these new.. beings, despite our differences."

Most of the partygoers hung on Celestia's word, while some exited rather quickly in panic and terror.

Pearl rolled her eyes. "Well I guess we should get going." She said nervously, her eyes darted to the other gems as she waited for them to agree.

Garnet shook her head. "No." She growled. "We are not leaving until we fix Steven!"

Steven shook his head again, his eyes glowed slightly green as the pressure on his head was increasing dramatically. He was starting to hear voices, and knew precisely where they were coming from. He groaned, trying to avoid the assimilation into the changeling hive. He planted his hooves on the ground and waited for the voices to stop.

"Are you alright Steven?" Pearl asked, stopping her conversation with Garnet. Steven groaned painfully in response.

"He's not alright." Garnet explained. "The sudden transformation is taking it's toll."

"No!" Steven yelled through the pain. "It's not that."

"Steven?" Pearl said. "What do you know about these creatures?"

"They... don't..." Steven strained, then yelled painfully in response to his horn beginning to glow a sickly green. "I'm trying..."

Twilight gasped. "We don't have much time. He's being downloaded to the Hive Network."

"Is that like a beehive? Is there honey there?" Amethyst said amused. Pearl gave her a good sized blow to the back of the head in response.

Twilight shook her head. "Not like a beehive. These creatures have a queen, who instills obedience in all new changelings through the hive network. There are those who grow to resist, but all new changelings are bound to her voice."

"It's getting... harder!" Steven strains again, his resistance slowly fading into the hive mindlink.

"Don't just stand there! Do something!" Pearl yells to Celestia.

"I normally only take credit for things after they happen, I'm not usually the cause." Celestia responds truthfully.

"Well who DOES them?" Pearl yells.

Twilight coughed and Celestia handed her the elements. She gave her a quick nod. The rest of the mane six made their way triumphantly through the rest of the partygoers, most of them staying because they thought this was a play or something. As the elements were wielded, a large beam of light was projected onto Steven.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief when she and her friends were finished, only to become shocked to see Steven zombie-walking out the door. "That did NOTHING?!" Twilight yelled.

"Actually I think it might of acted as a catalyst. The whole love and emotion powers changelings thing." Celestia said.

"And why did you give me and my friends the all clear?" Twilight whispered to Celestia frustrated.

"I didn't want to look incompetent in front of the space people." Celestia explained.

"And this doesn't make you look incompetent?" Twilight raged.

"I figured I'd blame you for this." Celestia responded.

Meanwhile, Steven was busy flying to the hive as instructed by Chrysalis. The Queen will be very happy to see Steven once he arrives, not only to welcome him as a new changeling, but for other reasons as well. Unbeknownst to him, Steven's rose quartz gem can supply bounties of love energy to the hive.

He soon entered... and was greeted by the Queen's disembodied voice.


Steven's glowing green eyes peaked slightly at Chrysalis' transmission. Yes my queen?


Steven obeyed and flew to the throne room, where Chrysalis sat with an army of changeling's surrounding her in what looked like an audience for an event. She cleared her throat and spoke directly to Steven and the audience.

"Steven. Your gem is very special to us. It supplies just the love energy we need to grow and thrive as a species."

Steven blinked and lolled his tongue out in response, still being playful even under Chrysalis' mind control. She laughed in amusement before gazing powerfully into Steven's eyes.

"You will no longer be Steven... You are now 513-A. Are we clear?"

Steven nodded in response.

"Good gem- I mean 513-A." Chrysalis responded, forcefully petting Steven's pink mane. She looked carefully at his gem, looking for some way she could remove it from his body and suspend it over the hive.

"036-H and 289-C, take him to hive medical for a... um... painful gem extraction." Chrysalis ordered. The two changeling's mentioned stood at attention and grabbed a hold of Steven's limbs to take him to the operating room.

Hypnotized Steven gulped in response. His fear response initiated a rebuttal that slightly bypassed the psychological force of the spell. "Okay my queen... I am only slightly afraid of painful medical procedures, if you would please."

"No!" Chrysalis yelled and stomped her hoof dramatically. She looked into Steven's eyes as the other two changelings held on to his limbs, dangling him helplessly in their grasped. "Don't worry my precious gem..." She cooed brushing her hoof against Steven's chin. "As for you 513-A... it will hurt. All of it." Chrysalis gave an evil grin as she again pierced through Steven's mind.

"Hurt..." Steven droned, before shaking himself out of his daze. "No! Wait! The gem! Don't!"

Chrysalis laughed evilly as the two changelings carried him out of the throne room and into the operating room.

"It feels so good to cause pain to former ponies for my own enjoyment..." Chrysalis said to herself. The changeling audience stood in awe. "Well... what are you waiting for? Get back to work!"

The changelings groaned and returned to all of their previous engagements.

Comments ( 10 )

This is not good!:pinkiegasp: Now I haves to wait for next chapter.:ajbemused:
I just hope it doesn't take to long.:facehoof:

6235037 Glad you like it! Next chapter should be done in two weeks!

6235048 :pinkiehappy: Thanks for the update!

You mite want too rewrite garnet in chapter 2 since she has two gems (rubtly and sapphire) in her head too worry about. Just a thought

about sodding time :ajbemused:

Steven! NOOO!

Steven no! Steven just blast them or unform or somthing. Or just shoot them.

Also yay new chapter.

Hehe. Garnet gonna squiah some bugs!

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