• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
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Anonymous Pegasus

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Comments ( 160 )

Commence read.

Welp. Another run.

Wonder what Diamond will have to say, in reference to Silver.

Side-note; it's been an April, when Silver ended, and an April for Diamond to start. Just a random connection I saw.

Why are all the humans in these stories kind of jerks?

This guy I give a pass, because he is being made to babysit, in both stories, little monsters born from the depths of Tartarus in the shapes of fillies.

I cannot wait for Diamond Tiara to get wrecked.

You n' Derpah are very in touch. You friends?

Damn! Another story to add to the compilation. Where in the timeline? Just after Spooning Silver?

Mqybe it's a subtle commentary on the general attitude on the human race in the form of an OC forced to keep watch over a notorious filly.

Or maybe he's having to foalsit Diamond Tiara. As much of a dick as I am, it'd be worse if I were in his position.

Sexyness fucktouples in horniness

I am ready.

wow all I can say is that this is defiantly a Anonymous Pegasus story my pore little computer just burst in to flams, this first chapter is hot.

Harts Fire

Diamond Tiara jerked backwards as though she were struck. Her bottom lip started to quiver, and tears started to well up in her eyes. “D-daddy!” she sniffed, her ears pinning heavily, taking a single limping step forwards. “D-do you know what he d-d-did?!” she wailed, her voice breaking. “H-he he hit m-meeee!” The filly dissolved into wracking sobs, covering her face with the forehoof holding the lollipop.
Josh stared at her woodenly. “You made your point.”
“Good,” Diamond Tiara said, dropping her act immediately and rising to her hooves again, stuffing the lollipop back in her mouth. “Kitchen. Five minutes.”

And now I hope he denies her an orgasm, and makes her beg for it like a bitch in heat when they inevitably fuck.

Also, has no shame doesn't she? I bet she begged her daddy for that dildo.

I'm going to read the ever-loving shit out of this story, and enjoy every salacious minute of it. I guarantee you that.

Crafty little demon she is 8'D

This is looking like it'll be a good story, nicely done man!

There's something oddly appealing about this...

...I regret nothing~

"Denying" Diamond
Good, make her work for her...uhm..."meals"
The first was a freebie~♡

Anonymous Pegasus proving humanity is fucked up, one story at the time... Excuse me while I indulge.

I have mixed feelings about chapter. On one hand, I loved the prequel to this. One the other hand... Diamond Tiara. This was a difficult read for me because DT was being, well herself, which I find to be a damnable crime if there ever was one.

I will patiently wait for subsequent chapters in the hope that Josh will be able to at least get even with Diamond for her behavior. Or better yet, have her knocked down a peg or five.

“My daughter will come to no harm or I will have you whipped.”


Diamond's an evil little genius!

Always love your clops, but what I love even more.... Josh getting controlled. Hehehehe, the asshole.

each and every time an ingress story is posted its immediately a hit... the finest foalcon in all of fimfic :raritywink:

I like how Josh doesn't take shit from no one or pony for this instance.

Before I even read: About damn time. Been waiting on this ever since Silver.


"Why are humans in general kind of jerks?"

Well Billy, that's a question for the ages. But chances are in this exact situation it might have something to do with the fact he's trapped with Diamond Bitchqueen Tiara. He's a human, not a machine.

If you have to ask that, then stop reading HiE fics.

5873069 two down votes? people people... don't try to hate, don't try to hide, you know you love it... and so does fimfic





I love this! I admit I feel guilty for wanting more of a clopfic, but I can't help it!

5876179 What makes it worse is I'm Christian o.O
Aw well, a guilty pleasure is called guilty for a reason :twilightsheepish: :twilightsmile:

Josh Vs. Diamond Tiara. Round One. BANG! I mean...FIGHT!

5876205 Heh. I'm Christian too XD
And yup :twilightblush:

100 bits says Silver Spoon told her everything and her staying home was nothing more than a scheme DT and her came up with for DT to get plowed by him.:rainbowwild:

I've just finished reading the first chapter and already I can't wait for chapter two of Josh being Diamond Tiara's (un)willing sex-slave! :heart:


And yes I do have a Tsundere hate-fuck boner fetish for Diamond Tiara. It's not like I have a foalcon fetish for that pink maned bratty bitch. :twilightangry2:

you baka. :twilightblush:

Hell yeah! So long i wait this sequel!


Didn't think I'd see some familiar faces from 'The Chase' on here... Sup fellas?!

5884614 lol... I'm a old anonymous Pegasus fan. Also one of his supporters

The amazingly soft, tender young lips of Diamond Tiara’s supple cunt were being spread apart by the base of a thick dildo, stretching her plump pussy with its intrusion. A faint sheen of slick, fleshy pink was visible around the very edge of the toy, which was the same colour as her fur. And it was buried in her. However large it was, the base of it was almost completely flush with her soft little outer lips, spreading them lewdly around the toy.

Josh realised that he was staring, and that Diamond Tiara was staring at him staring at her..

Oh myyy.

Uh.... That's not Josh Scortcher right? Buddy sent this to be a dick and I hope for your sake it's not Firebrand.....

I love this it was a awesome read.I hope that this has another chapter or a sequl.I hope next time he teachher a lasson on whos relly in charge and makes her sumit to him and he makes her his like silver and they make a herd.

5986310 0.0 I can't imagine how many of them got STDs :twilightoops:

That's F:yay:ked up.

No pun intended

5986900 Aw thats k I learned enough about human history in History class :raritywink:

5993469 /b/?

If that means bed then no I have not been to bed yet.

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