• Member Since 14th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 15th, 2020


A guy who is trying to prove that a guy that isn't all that good at writing can still produce great works that almost everybody will enjoy.



Trevor an average human brony finds himself the next day in equestria by commands of the goddess of the moon to be the guardian angle of the most hyperactive pony in equestria only to be rivaled by cheese sandwich, pinkie pie. little do they both know that some of pinkies friends are having similar problems. hijinks, destruction and randomness ensue as they get deeper into the history of the town and the adventures the friends go on.

(Stories occur in season five, the cafe scenes occur afterwards.)

SIDE NOTE! Rewrite complete for now.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 17 )

This is my first fanfic. Any ideas for OCs are wanted. Just give me a description and a slight background of your character.

Comment posted by Commissar Rarity deleted May 20th, 2015
Comment posted by Timewarp321 deleted May 20th, 2015
Comment posted by Commissar Rarity deleted May 20th, 2015
Comment posted by Fictional Fanatic deleted Jan 29th, 2016
Comment posted by TieID deleted Jan 29th, 2016

I was wondering what happened to this story.

yeahhhhh I noticed my writing skills were lacking so i decided to improve it.:twilightsheepish:

Yay, I'm credited. Now, back to working.

Comment posted by Amethyst Blade deleted Jan 1st, 2016

6786842 you were credited in a previous chapter as well. But that was when the story needed a reboot. So it might not be there

I laugh at how common a human dying and being reanimated in Equestria is. I'm fairly sure it's a cliche at this point.

This chapter pretty much equates to, 'we just met, let's bang.'

6916876 never thought of it that way...... *snickers* that wasn't my intention when writing this however.

wow, im so lost, you just jumped to another topic, prince; starlight; moondancer, i thought this was after the 3rd season:applejackconfused: man im so confused

Starlight Glimmer is sitting with everypony sooooo is this after season 5 or did you make it an 'alternate universe' so you could put whoever you wanted in the story

6945353 I could do that but it's a retell in the second half of season five.....

But that's not a bad idea

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