• Member Since 11th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2022



As a princess, Cadence is used to the slog that accompanies any fundraiser. It's not fun for anypony, but it is important. When it becomes clear that Twilight doesn't have the same issues, Cadence feels like she can enjoy herself a little.

Although that doesn't mean that she can't help some ponies out in her own little way.

Light. Fluffy. Shippy. And hopefully a little funny as well. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 126 )

Shipping, shipping everywhere! :twilightoops:

There was much handling of Twilight by Celestia that night. :trollestia::yay:

Very well done! I'm not a fan of Mi Amore, but your nuanced portrayal of her POV developed a multi-dimensional pony, avoiding the primary pitfall of her character. Loved her alternate speech, and the budgetary implications :rainbowlaugh:

This was lovely, fun and a really nice read. Thanks! :D

Also, I laughed really loud at the alternative speech.

So, all mares except for the one married by canon, are gay. Despite Rarity throwing herself at stallion after stallion.

And Blueblood is somehow still hated, even though he spent what appeared to be a relatively nice time with Rarity while she did her Canterlot tour.

I... don't know. I really don't know.

Look, I have nothing against writing ponies as gay (unless it really goes against canon and isn't explained well), but when it's all the focus characters it comes across a little forced.

5852971 Given the status alicorns hold in Equestria -- Royalty, epitome of magical ability, probably the pinnacle of female beauty -- it is probably not a case of homosexuality/bisexuality being rampant among the mares, and more of a case of If It's You, It's Okay. Very few ponies would pass up on a chance to spend a day with Alicorn royalty. Some of them probably only wanted the chance to hang out with royalty and experience the high class lifestyle for a day. Some were legitimately interested in the possibility of a date.

Especially given that Princess Twilight has been engaging in plenty of heroic actions and so probably has at least the respect of most of Equestria (Barring Manehatten, which appears to be based on Manhattan; the real city behaves like that towards celebrities, apparently).

You think so? But what about Rarity and Applejack? What about the part where Celestia said she's not interested in stallions at all? That goes beyond the mechanism you mentioned.

5853111 Neither Rarity nor Applejack indicated interest in Twilight. Only in each other.

At the base of the jars, Rarity and Applejack were working side by side; each taking turns in greeting visitors and thanking them for their donations while the other deposited the bits into the jars. There was a lull in donators when she arrived, and she watched Applejack give Rarity a gentle, but nonetheless more than just friendly, nuzzle. Judging by Rarity’s barely stifled giggle and loving smile, she enjoyed the attention.

Cadence smiled as well. Finding romance in unexpected places was always a welcome surprise, although it meant she would have to update her 'shipping' web when she got home.

The trope referenced may be involved. Or both of them could be homo/bi.

Fluttershy and Luna were left slightly ambiguous. It could have merely been strong friendship, or the beginnings of romance. If it was romance, then there is an easy explanation. Luna owes her freedom, sanity, and understanding of the modern world to the Mane 6. This gives any of them a chance to be Luna's one exception.

As for Celestia, click the link. The If It's You, It's Okay trope applies to this situation. Celestia may prefer stallions in general, but Twilight is one of the few ponies in Equestria that is emotionally close to Celestia.

Most other ponies might be interested in Twilight in a Even the Girls Want Her type scenario. For Celestia it would be a Closet Key setup.

At least with Celestia, I disagree. Take a look:

“I recently found her raiding my private kitchen for pickles. She’s due in five months.”

“I see. So you’ve never actually—”

“My tastes tend to prevent any such a thing from being an issue.”

That's a pretty strong hint that Celestia isn't interested in stallions at all.


Pinkie isn't. And Blueblood, well there's behaving alright in public and letting him go on a date with your best friend. They take different levels of tolerance

5853219 I missed that. Still, it never says that Celestia is a lesbian. Could be demisexual, in which case it has to be a case of IIY,IO. If you are unaware of what demisexuals are, they are individuals that feel no sexual attraction towards others until a strong emotional bond has been formed.

I didn't count Pinkie among the focus characters. Even so, I did mean all the characters for whom shipping was hinted at at all.

I thought that self-evident. But alright, let me clarify: All mares who are not already canonically married and who hint at some sort of romantic attraction appear only interested in their own gender.

And I bet you the sequel will se Pinkie hook up with Rainbow Dash.

Then why would she say getting pregnant is something that'll never happen given her tastes?


"Yes Shining?"

"There is a little filly in our living room."

"Yes Shining. She's ours."

"Oh.....Neat. So, we getting takeout?"

Karrakaz, I am sorry that I started a debate on the nature of sexual orientation in your comment thread.

5853260 If Celestia is Demi, then she cannot develop sexual attraction towards others without a strong emotional bond developing first. If nopony can even catch Celestia's emotional attention for long, nopony would be able to get her in the mood to have sex.

That appeared to be the extent of their conversation, and Cadence wondered if there was something else she could bring up. Something that wasn't either politics, or problems Celestia had to deal with on a regular basis. She came up empty. Moreso than the circle of clear space surrounding them, that was perhaps the most poignant example of the isolation Celestia existed in.

Even Cadance has trouble speaking to Celestia. If one of the princesses has trouble holding a conversation with her, what are the odds that a non-princess would be able to form a two way emotional connection? Aside from Luna, Twilight may be the first pony in centuries to be able to hold conversations with her that do not involve politics.


Derpsby is quite right in that every mare I touch upon in this story likes another mare. My thoughts while doing weren't 'muhaha I am going to make all of them gay' however, I just wanted to make characters happy and I've never really liked the male characters in as far as they've been characterized by the show. I like the idea of Demi-sexual however, I am going to keep that in mind.

5853321 Equestria, a land of magic. Given some of the things that magic has been shown to do, the idea of a spell to allow two mares to produce a foal is very easy to believe in. Even a spell to do the same for two stallions is hypothetically possible, though it may require reworking the stallion's biology or need a mare to help with actually carrying the foal to term. Demisexuality and Asexuality are the only two sexual orientations that would prevent pregnancy in the presence of magic, as both basically force abstinence because the Demi or Ace individual is never in the mood under normal circumstances.

Honestly, I'm not usually one to harp on that. It just happened to be so... concentrated here. And when it even involved the one character we've seen is attracted to stallions according to FiM canon (Rarity) I just experienced a bit of a disconnect. Poor guys.

It's written really well, and you have a good grasp on conveying emotions and moods.

Incidentally, was I right about Pinkie and Rainbow Dash in the sequel?


Honestly, I hadn't thought about it yet. Maybe I'll just make Dash hook up with Spike, just to be different. :twilightsheepish:

there wasn’t even the option of hiring some decent musicians, as crystal ponies weren’t exactly familiar with the concept of music; the Flughelhorn being the lone, terribly sounding, exception

Crystal pony ineptness in music obviously extends to the flughel horn.


Well, she did say that they weren't musically gifted :twilightsheepish:

Nice story! So Cadence is trying to ship Luna with Fluttershy and Twilight with Celestia? :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, and is that a mistake or did Cadence really overbid Blueblood's 900 bits with 800 bits?

Cover source?


doubling a bid is a time tested way for a writer to show that the last person to bid is serious and will not be outbid

5853768 Oh wait, she bid 1800? Whoops, I read 800, that way it would have really been weird. 1800 might be a bit high, but you're right when saying that it' s a proper tactic

5853229 I see no way that would mean that having children would be precluded.

5854121 Demisexuals practice abstinence, not out of some form of morality or to avoid unwanted pregnancies, but because they do not see any reason to have sex in the first place. They do not feel sexual attraction toward any other individuals without emotional bonding first, and so do not really have much, if any, reason to seek out sex outside of romantic relationships, which this version of Celestia has been unable to form.

Nopony develops romantic relationships with her ===> she never has sex ===> no foals

If spells that let two mares have foals exist in this version of Equestria, then that might change sometime in the future.

The need for an emotional attachment is not a hard impediment, but Celestia being who she is, doesn't let herself get attached to ponies strong enough to get to that point, at least not since she lost her sister. Twilight however, has already been cheerfully busting those barriers down, AND will likely live long enough to really make it. Heck, the new wings might be contributing factors, as Celestia can see her as somepony who would live long enough to be viable, rather than a heartbreak in progress.

Light reads like this are always a great break from my standard fare.

Would've been cool if Blueblood had decided to blow everyone's mind and ask publicly if he could still drop the 900 bits into the donations.

wlam #29 · Apr 12th, 2015 · · 17 ·

Tumblr nonsense words aren't valid orientations, no matter how official you try to make it sound. "She doesn't have sex with people she doesn't like a lot" means the exact same thing, without needing to pretend "demisexuality" is some kind of distinct sexual identity that objectively exists the way homosexuality does instead of being a word pulled wholesale out of a random internet blogger's backside so they, too, can be special snowflakes by being completely normal.

5854485 There are people who do not feel sexual attraction to others unless there is a strong emotional connection first. They look at the most attractive people in Hollywood and feel nothing.

I am an asexual. I have never felt sexual attraction to another creature. The Asexual Spectrum, including Demisexuality is real, and not some sort of cry for attention.

Demisexuals do not even feel arousal toward another person without strong friendship/romance happening first. A demisexual Celestia would never feel arousal directed at another pony because nopony can get past the emotional barriers.

wlam #32 · Apr 12th, 2015 · · 12 ·

The most offensive thing about this is that despite having a lifetime of being openly bisexual and knowing what struggling with the homophobic backlash I've experienced for it actually means, it's still just a word with an air of legitimacy to misappropriate for yourself by badly imitating the term, as if that actually made you part a community that has to deal with violent hatred and sometimes getting physically attacked for being born a certain way even today.

Never even mind that nobody with any actual authority in psychiatry acknowledges the validity of it, you're insulting people who literally died for being part of that group. You're someone looking for a way to quickly shut anyone questioning how it's any different from "just being frigid" down, by pretending that calling it an orientation means you're entitled to the same kind of legitimacy earned by a century of fighting prejudice and misinformation.

She even went back to Sugarcube Corner for some more sweets after the eclair she had saved met its demise before it could fulfil its purpose.


Great story BTW!

5854147 It's perfectly likely that Celestia would never have sex without falling in love and has never been in love. But I don't think that she would describe that as a "preference" that precluded offspring. Because after all she could have fallen in love previously and might yet fall in love...and that could be with a stallion if the preference she was talking about was just "not without falling in love".


Holy crap, how did this discussion go from discussing the potential sexual orientation of specific characters turn into a diatribe about how "Demisexuals aren't real people"? And even if that were true, how can you justify accusing Zocarik of using "that term" to shut up any one when all he did was make a suggestion about a character's traits? After all, the "I don't care" option is fairly neutral as far as these things go. You accuse him of claiming the progress of a community when his comments gave no such indication, and then accuse him further of using his asexuality as a quick way to shut people up. By the way, nice job insinuating that he's frigid. Kindness! :yay:

The point is you're coming off as a bit mean and insulting, using elitism to judge someone from a different group than your own. Please, calm down. We're supposed to be talking about ponies, not talking about how other X-sexuals are lying opportunists.

wlam #36 · Apr 12th, 2015 · · 12 ·

You'd be upset too, if you were actively involved with LGBT rights and kept having people show up at the local regular's meeting who complain that "since men can be actually women, I am clearly a legitimate part of the community for being discriminated against as a trans-Japanese in the body of a fat white nerd, stop excluding me" as if that was not an utter insult to the gravity of everything people who actually live with hatred and prejudice go through.

It's something I kind to snap a little over when I see someone presents it as fact, because I know all those ideas come from the same source of people utterly obsessed with self-aggrandizement and displaying their "special minority" status, but really nothing but apathetic about any of our actual goals - it's not like you're likely to get beaten to a pulp by anyone for saying you're all about not getting laid, when they could be bashing some faggots who threaten their sense of masculinity instead. No reason to care about equality when all you want is to be more unique.

It makes our representatives look like a laughingstock to have that crowd show up at public rallies spouting utter nonsense to bask in the attention and then claim they belong to the movement. Getting lumped in with BDSM fetishism and that kind of crap is bad enough already, without people also thinking the community is composed of the emotionally disturbed and delusional.

I enjoyed this story very much. Thanks for writing it. I am curious though, what will the sequel be titled? I wish to read it.

Really loved this. Although, I must ask:

“Let’s just say you’re not the only one who is capable of picking up on subtle signs.” Cadence basked in the feeling of her aunt’s expression for a moment before adding; “You’ll find out soon enough.”

Was she implying that Twilight is pregnant?


I think she was referring to why Celestia was... Irritated when Twilight was being auctioned off.

5854276 While that would be neat, it would be more neat if he did it without being public about it. Making a grandstand donation publicly is just ego feeding.

I liked this story. It is not the first one to feature a pregnant Cadence. I for one like to make alicorns barren in my stories. It is the price they pay for immortality. I also turned Fluttershy into Flutterguy and he impregnated Rainbow Dash.


Look, I sympathize with you, but being part of a minority group is not a justification for being rude. With that said, I'm going to get back on topic.

A shipping Cadence is a happy Cadence and a delightful read! Can't wait for that sequel!

volunteered to have herself cut in half

:twilightsheepish: "So... how does this trick work?"

:trixieshiftright: "Trick?"

wlam #45 · Apr 12th, 2015 · · 7 ·

I suppose you're right. I apologize for that, it's just something I find personally insulting and tend to overreact to.

The part where it describes something certainly true about the person, but by claiming that it's caused by a particular kind of trait that it simply isn't. It's like going around talking to people about your recent tan, and then declaring that ochre-American is your ethnicity, based on nothing but that skin color is something that ethnicities usually have in common and about the only thing you'd be aware of just from looking at a person, when the word actually describes something a lot more fundamental than that. That doesn't mean you'd be pale when you clearly aren't, just that it wouldn't mean you're actually, in a meaningful definition of the word, a previously unknown ethnic group all of your own.

You can find homosexuality as a distinct orientation in pretty much universally the same proportion of the population in every culture, ethnic group or country in the world. Even some animals demonstrate it as a distinct inborn trait. Stuff like "demiromantic" nearly universally reflects some kind of cultural prejudice from the part of the world that the person who came up with it comes from. Something you can start to develop a preference for over the course of your life is by definition not a sexual orientation, because those are inborn and unchangeable.

I used to own a gay Guinea Pig, but I don't think anyone will ever be able to show me one that desires a deep and abiding personal relationship with another rodent before feeling any kind of mating instinct.

5855170 In pre-modern times, asexuals were killed alongside homo- and bisexual individuals. The safest shield from that for an ace would have been joining a religious order that forces celibacy, so that no one would question why the ace was not having sex.

In modern times, there is a term. Corrective Rape. There are individuals of every other sexual orientation that preform it on asexual spectrum individuals. Aces are discriminated against by straight, gay, bi, lesbian, transgender, and any other group you care to name, because the ~99% that are interested in sex do not understand why ~1% of the population has no interest in sex at all.

It was only recently that researchers even began to think that sexual orientation was not a strict number line with homo on one side, hetero on the other, and bi in the middle. Throw in the fact that it is hard for media to accurately portray an absence of sexual attraction, and aces barely appear in cultural knowledge.

By the way, your previous statements were only proving my point.

Getting lumped in with BDSM fetishism and that kind of crap is bad enough already, without people also thinking the community is composed of the emotionally disturbed and delusional.

Emotionally disturbed and delusional? Really? You think that people who are otherwise just like everyone else qualify as disturbed and delusional because they do not feel sexual attraction?

One would hope that members of a minority that is gaining acceptance in mainstream media would be more open with even smaller minorities.

Reading this comments section

sometimes I wish I was born about a century ago


Only to you. Try to make it sound like a personal opinion rather than fact, please. You are only speaking for yourself when you say it is forced.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with majority bisexual or homosexual ponies.
Almost no one complains when almost all shipping is straight amongst fandoms, yet the moment when it's all homosexual someone starts acting as though it's tiresome and wrong, trying to find reasons to back up why they think it's wrong so it appears more factual rather than just an opinion or bias.

There's nothing wrong with just coming out and saying, "Hey, I think one of those ships could use some dick!"


And what, pray tell, is crap about BDSM? It's one thing to say that it's merely not your style, but when you start insulting the lifestyle of others, and doing so from a position that is also frequently insulted, you become something of a hypocrite. Not to mention you seem to be defending those who are upset over demisexuals, if I am understanding correctly. If so, you definitely need to hold your tongue lest it burn off from sheer stupidity. And I'm saying this as a polyamorous pansexual cis-gendered black man married to a demisexual male to female transgender.

While a good number of people have rather strange... ideas, of what makes them who they are, who are you to condemn them? Who are you to say your struggle is so much more important? You are doing no differently than them. There are minority races who are still waiting to be accepted fully and have been for hundreds of years, do you think all of them in their communities are happy that your community is thundering up center stage while they get pushed aside? How about the lifestylists, who just want to be left alone, fighting to have their privacy respected? You shove them down without a second thought because you're so self-righteous, call what's important to them crap, and demand equality for yourself before others. Tell me how you are any better and are in any such position to judge other people openly without stating it's just ignorant personal opinion, as though it were fact?

Everyone's struggling with something these days. Even those who seem absolutely ridiculous and silly. Those who aren't faking? To them, their issue is just as important to them as yours is to you. Making you no different in importance aside from the importance you give yourself and not them. Frankly, you should be ashamed to say something this hypocritical in public. All your posts have just reeked with entitlement, and as a humanist it sickens me. You sicken me. It's words and opinions like yours that should be used as an example to our newer members of the LGBT community on how not to be a good and accepting person. Ironic, all told.


Aside from deleting comments and blocking people to keep them from continuing, there's nothing I could really do. And that's something I reserve for worse people than these. :twilightsheepish:

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