• Member Since 8th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen April 14th


A dumb-as-rocks changeling who should have been caught by now. (Avatar done by Zemer .)


I suppose this is a sequel to Guard This Door.

Wide Angle and Straight Arrow are sent to Ponyville Elementary to teach the foals about what the Royal Guard is all about.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 1 )

Another funny entry of Wide Angle and Straight Arrow. I suggest double spacing the lines of dialogue. Also, sometimes it was unclear who was speaking, like in the last few lines of dialogue.

Said pony sighed. “Yeah, just wanted to make sure we didn’t bore the kids is all.”

Isn't that straight-talking Straight Arrow speaking? I found that bit a little confusing since that's Wide Angle's attitude.

Other than that I found it pretty enjoyable.

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