• Member Since 20th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2016


Well, that was certainly exciting.


This story is a sequel to A Kezzerdrix in Equestria.

Dazzle, a young unicorn filly dealing with a nightmare of a past event, finds Ponyville having to deal with her nightmare come to life.

The Kezzerdrix is a creature card from the card game Magic The Gathering.

This story is a simple horror. It is more so a sappy sad fic, dealing with loss and some fear. With a bit of my sense of humor thrown in.

This story has been edited and slightly reworded in parts. Not by much though.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 16 )
Comment posted by Braumeister deleted Mar 28th, 2015

You should know by now that deleting comments is a sure fire way of attracting negative attention. I'm not going to bother to leave any kind of real comments here because you'll probably just delete them.

I'm sure Braumeister would agree.

And by the way, thumbs down.

I didn't get this last time and I don't get it now.

That said, I hope the profile pic is indeed the author because that would be awesome.

Comment posted by inum76 deleted May 3rd, 2015
Comment posted by Blackguard deleted May 3rd, 2015

I feel I must apologize to you. I was not upset with you at all. I don't hold it over people to get me, or my stories.
If you did have any questions (other than, let's say "where Is the whimsy?" :rainbowlaugh:) seeing that you did not get it. I might have some answers for you. That is unless your statement was rhetorical to be funny or to make a point, and you where not looking for any.
I will say this, this is only the first chapter so far. The last story did have much missing from it. Some things should be answered in this one. And some to be answered in the last story, that I am working on now.
I can't promises that any found or given answers will have you like the story any however. That is, if you where one that did not like it so far. Seeing that you did not get the story, I will assume you did not. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by inum76 deleted May 3rd, 2015
Comment posted by Blackguard deleted May 3rd, 2015
Comment posted by inum76 deleted May 3rd, 2015
Comment posted by Blackguard deleted May 3rd, 2015
Comment posted by inum76 deleted May 3rd, 2015

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Laugh at how bad this is or cry for the same reason. Maybe I'll do both.

Comment posted by Blackguard deleted May 3rd, 2015

A Kezzerdrix in Equestria.

A what?

Ooohoho shit lookie here we have a comment graveyard

The Kezzerdrix is a creature card from the card game Magic The Gathering.
This is a link to some info about it.
This is a good picture of the card.
Something real nasty looking.
About as creepy as running into this thing.

Ponies running in fear of a killer big bunny.
That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!

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