This story is a sequel to The Chaotic Touch of Harmony 2: Bonded by Fire
The Mion war is over. For the past 100 years, Earth has held its breath waiting for the Koridost to invade.
Yet the skies have remained silent.
That is the question that has been on everyone's lips. With the creation of long-range teleport technology capable of reaching the stars, the question now becomes, do we make the next move?
Big thanks to A Bitter Pill, and Boldish 42 for editing out some of my "less than ideal" ideas.
A very welcome and lovely surprise!
Yes, all the yes!
Civilization BE was here.
Ey! It's back!
Dammit all/A thousand Thanks Boldish!
(that work, okay?)
The story looks extremely promising, and I do like the world building worked into it. And Loki's reincarnation... as a unicorn... with her past self's memories... the horror... the horror...
5776973 i support this message
5777071 Three attempts and Still not a pegasus.
desperately hoping for a third book
Thank you Boldish, for pushing for this. And thank you LAP for still be willing to work on this. I have to admit I didn't expect the 100 year gap, that certainly gives a lot of space for anything to be written in the meantime. Also clears away the old pieces on the board, even the Royal Herd's descendants. Finally, 100 years is enough time for the pony population to really boom, especially if they kept up the high birth rate.
Lots of interesting ideas portrayed here. I think one of the more interesting ones is that Alexia is still part of Section 9 even a hundred years later. Another is the sad reminder that reincarnation can be quite painful to a developing mind, and why people supposedly forget their past lives to have fresh starts.
I'd find it amusing if Crimson's reincarnation is also a unicorn.
I admit I was actually expecting the third book would begin sometime earlier with Discord making good on his promise to go on an adventure with Aurora and Violet.
Considering Nova's position, does this mean that she'd learn the counter to the anti magic field? Loki with an immunity to anti magic....
I saw your comments on Boldish's story. I'd be more than willing to go over any ideas you have if you want to keep things canon.
Wonderful to see this back already.
I hope Crimson gets to be a pegasus like she originally wanted this time around.
This was nice.
That's pretty much all I can say. Yay for more chaos.
I recognize that cover art
Thank you for continuing this!
That is an excellent point. If they are intergalactic, Sol won't stand a chance in an all out war. Better hope the group that 'attacked' Earth is a rogue one in that scenario.
Vaguely misleading haiku:
one armed man clapping
diligent man caught napping
woman seen slapping
Thanks for any continuation of this most excellent 'verse.
VERY interesting take on futuristic Earth rebuilding. Carlson's got a point; the Koridost did all that damage to Earth seemingly without even trying. And while Earth's tech has gone ahead leaps and bounds since then, there's no reason to believe the Koridost also haven't been advancing in the meantime. And if they're an intergalactic or even just high-end interstellar, Earth can kiss its ass goodbye.
Also... they have all that tech, but they still don't have self driving cars? We have that shit today!
Oh no, Nova!
Lovely little short. Always love to see more of this amazing, amazing universe.
Hmm, wonder what her daughters are deities of...
If you haven't read it yet, Chaotic Touch of Harmony: The life and times of teenage Alicorns is a story that takes place between the previous book and now. While LAP isn't the author of it, he is one of the editors. It answers your question a bit -- a bit, since it's not that kind of story and not even the main stories really answers that in terms of Alexia herself.
Violet's cutie mark image is called "Body", Aurora's cutie mark image is called "Mind", and Alexia's passive magic worked on the soul aka the spirit, so it's probably a play on the phrase "Mind, Body, and Spirit". What that actually means is anyone's guess.
Hey, can you source that image in the description? It's in the "Edit" menu.
Hey, thanks. I'm still working out exactly what I'd want to do of course, but when I reach the limits of what I can work out independently I'll be asking for some input.
Two questions you'll definitely be asked about is Equestria-Terra interactions (gonna have to know this to see where the limits of keeping things canon would be. At this moment I'm actually assuming no travel/physical trade between the two worlds except in special circumstances like diplomacy. Only free exchange of ideas. Heck, knowing if there is the equivalent of an internet connection between the two worlds would be a major thing to know), and why Twilight's portal spell isn't being used in favor for this cube teleportation that apparently took awhile to get off the ground even when both ends have access to magic.
On this chapter, I'm a bit confused because of how its written: Is Nova being around a recent thing or has she been around for years?
Based on these comments:
I wouldn't qualify 18 as being young, but the way Alexia lectured made it seem kinda recent.
5777172 If she does become a Pegasus, I hope she is white and named Surprise
Nova's been in Trinity for 5 years, although much of her animosity towards her parent herd is colored through Loki's memories and those awakening memories made her a highly confused child. Beyond that, I'm going to leave her backstory to the story itself.
All though I will say this Nova's personality will become increasingly dominate over Loki's memories the longer she stays around Alexia or any other soul-forge member.
Would it have been a bigger suprise if she was a pegasus?
Tacos and Chimichangas
5785347 My thoughts exactly.
I love seeing that this is continuing because I really do love the 'slice of life' parts of this series. Also, who's Hanz Welerson? Was he/she a character from the pervious stories or side stories or he/she just a random name?
I'm a bit late to the party, but it is nice to see this universe continuing. Eager to see where you take us, my captain!
A nice way to wipe some of the slate while still keeping it familiar.
Magic! Yay!
That should be "who's".
It's nice to see more up, and I hope some more questions get answered.
I'm pretty sure it's a random name. The point of the announcement wasn't his death so much as the last pony in the world who remembers the war (first generation) besides Alexia (and apparently Nova now). Every pony afterwards was a foal at that time, or was born afterwards. No one else in the world remembers the war.
The age, 165, I assume he was around 60~65 years old when he was transformed, and lived another 100~105 years afterwards.
well its good but not a good place to start a 3rd book given how almost every character from the last 2 are now dead i think it would be much better if this was after the Koridost promptly had their ass handed to them or something i just think the 100 year jump is a bad place to start for a 3rd story it would be like starting mass effect 1 and the skiping 2 it would be very confusion and well feels like we've missed a lot (another example would be halo 1 to 4)
other then that the only real problems i have with this are somethis short story had of the "facts" it has mainly 2/3rds of the population wiped out sure not everyone has a gun and the mions spread like the plague but still 2 billion survivors....the other thing would be the death of EVERY royal family in the world i mean really the uk would have had the queen in a bunker at least as soon as the Washington siege and might as well add japan Sweden and Saudi Arabia's royal family as well it is Very unlikly they all would die
sooo ya good start couple of logical (from my view) problems but good will continue to read
Nice too see you haven't lost your charm over this series. I'm aware the "Changling" books are of a higher piority (hell, i'm overjoyed when i see one update), but this has been very good aswell. This series is one of the few dark fanfics I've been able to get into properly compared to many.
Think you meant "surface" instead of "service" in that last line.
Spaceships and ponies, what's not to like?
Aww, how cute. And Aquaria's flustering when the two goddesses were casually talking about anthro vs pony porn.
Hmm, it seems the Koridost are either having difficulty, or they're beating other people up.
Many documentaries on Alexia, her having at least 10 children, her own religion called the Congregation of Life, and it's not well known that she never had any shame when it came to sex? It's literally how she got her cutie mark. Though, they probably didn't explicitly tell people that story.
I wonder what kind of endorsement your game would get from demigoddesses with no shame about sex. That's gotta be some interesting conversation with the developers, or even on the advertisements.
I find it interesting that some Equuish customs never became commonplace amongst Terran Ponies. In particular, they don't use the pony vernacular as far as I can see. Maybe they'd say things like "on the other hoof", but I doubt it.
Also, despite Alexia wanting to embrace pony customs early on, she still ended up wearing clothing even as a full pony.
Alexia dresses up when ever the mood strikes her. I don't think I mentioned it, but Alexia was nude at the restaurant.
She does this mostly to show she has no preferential treatment or sentiment towards nudist ponies and those who prefer clothes.
Unfortunately, the part of Alexia's holy book describing her nonchalant attitude towards sex from her first days as a unicorn was declared non-canon by the Church of Life.
This is probably for the best as otherwise the holy dildos would doubtlessly have been claimed by countless congregations.
5828102 Do want.
5826534 And anthro porn is clearly inferior to normal mlp pony porn. I'm glad that Alexia knows this, her devine wisdom is great.
I got lots of questions about the world and Princess Aurora so I better ask them now.
1. What's a Duelist and what do they do in the world?
2. Did Princess Aurora marry a human and how many people are anthro ponies?
3. What about the other types of Equestrians like the griffons; are those kinds of species on Earth now?
1: Duelists are sort of like sport athletes in the field of one on one magic duels. Any pony can join the IDA. Humans can join as well, but they have to use magitech to simulate spells. There is a complex testing regiment to determent the human's physical prowess so he is allocated the proper amount of mana for the duel.
A rigid code of honor is the unifying requirement for all duelists.
2: Aurora formed a herd as any other pony. However, unlike everybody else who jumped on the anthro fashion wagon, Aurora's kids had a strong chance of being natural anthro themselves if conceived while she's anthro. Everyone else however can only conceive with their orginal species. (pony anthro can only have kids with ponies, and human anthro with other humans. Natural anthros (aurora's kids only) can mate with both. (but the kid will always be the species of the the other partner.)
3: there has been less than 100 immigrants from pony world to Earth. Over 3/4 of them were bat ponies. Not many want to jump into a world where the very real threat of an alien invasion is a fact of life.
edit: i might depict a duel at some point.
1. Oh, so Duelists are more like magic fighting athletes. That sounds like a fun new sport to develop fighting skills and I bet I can see another part of Aquaria that Aurora saw her father in her.
2. I'm guessing we'll find who and what species they are in that herd later I suppose. Anyway, about the anthro fashion, does that means anybody can become anthro anything if they choose so or is only limited to the species in Equestria? Also, since it was considered a fashion, I'm willing to bet that at least 100-50 million people went through with it right?
3. That is way less than I expected, I was thinking that less than 1000 is small but less than 100 is even smaller. So how many people from Earth moved into the pony world? I hope that has at least less than 1000 being the smallest number of them that moved there.
No, anyone can become anthro provided they have the appropriate spell cast upon them. However, they are require an upkeep of mana to stay anthro or they will return to their original form. Only Aurora is unique in that she doesn't require an upkeep because she can become a 'true' anthro while others are only cosmetic.
The anthro spell can be a trial run (simply cast on the person) or a full purchase in the form of an enchanted crystal or computer app that only reacts to that person's DNA. Most people will cancel the spell at night to save on the power bill.
Thank you for telling me how it works and how hard it is to keep that, but you didn't exactly answer my question. Are the anthro forms limited to only to ponies (everyone can only become anthro ponies) or they can become anthro anything else (anthro wolves, anthro dragons, anthro griffons, anthro foxes, etc.)?
Ah i see. I suppose it's entirely up to the designer on what the anthro could be, though there are regulations to keep it at 50% of the user's original species, and to make sure it is safe to use, of course. No fire breath or acid spit, that sort of thing.
5839651 Okay so they can become anthro anything. Too bad maintaining that form takes a lot of work for other people. Though I understand that not a lot of people don't want permanent versions to be out anyway, especially if it could be forced on others.
Anyway, what about my question about humans and ponies immigrating to Equestria from Earth, can you answer that question or will that be described a bit in the next chapter?
there's been about 1000 terrans immigrating to pony world, but everything is currently being kept small scale to keep from bloating pony world.
Is Pony world really that smaller than Earth? I figured that both would be the same size.
Wow, after being led to this from the Hive series, I am only further convinced that you are an amazing author! I would love to see another chapter, but I understand muses don't work that way

Anyways, keep up the good work!