Pinkie Pie magically glues herself to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash isn't happy about it.
For Dash, what's really terrible isn't that Pinkie is going to be stuck to her all day long, it's that Pinkie hugged her in public, where everypony could see them! But why does Dash care so much about other ponies seeing her hug her friends?
And why does Pinkie Pie like hugging her so much, anyway?
Loved the story and I couldn't see any mistakes in grammar - It's something I hate.
Because dash has huge insecurities and is afraid to show any affection in public because years of bullying has truamastized her. Dash has mental problems let's face it she hates showing affection because the patriarchy lead her to believe anything remotely feminine is bad. Just kidding on the patriarchy part. But I am serious about dash's sexism towards anything feminine. Dash is treating being a girl as something weak and bad and being masculine is the way to go. I went to school with tom boys like this they don't mean to but they act a bit sexist towards traditionally feminine girls. My sister was the same way until she grew up. And I went on a tangent I am sorry good story dude it's nice to see A good old romantic comedy on here once in a while. So more I say!
It doesn't feel like the story is complete.
It's not. That was a mistake.
Can't say as I feel a lot of sympathy for Pinkie, for once. That was a kind of asshat thing to do, irrespective of Dash's feelings about her reptuation. Not cool, Pinkie, not cool at all.
Dash may just not particularly like public displays of affection or people touching her. There are, after all elements of the population who do not want to be touched/hugged/snuggled etc, like at all, ever, in public or private, so Dash's retiscence is not entirely unreasonable.
Dash is bundle of insecurities held together by her own sense of self-image, and its likely she's afriad of people laughing at her and teasing her (even if in good humour) if she shows public affection, because it greatly embarrasses her (people can be shy in that regard without being Fluttershy). (It might even be something like it means "look at Rainbow Dash, she's juts like everyone else after all.")
There are quite a lot of possibilities why RD might be legitimately retiscent over public displays of physical affection - and, let's remember; it is okay to not want to do so. RD should not be pressured - by anyone - into having to do that if she doesn't like it. Which is exactly what Pinkie is doing. RD has every right to be angry with her. (And frankly, she's showing FAR more restraint and patience than I would in such a situation - I would have gone BALLISITIC and said person would have been coming off if I had to tear all their skin off. But I am, as I often observe, NOT a nice person...!)
I take it you don't like pinkie like at all or you do like her and you aren't being very sympathetic towards her because there's a lack of understanding on very affectionate people. I don't like PDA either but if you are going to be abusive to your friends over it then you don't deserve a friend like pinkie. I Cant stand the type who thinks it's okay to abuse someone if they piss you off and then say they were asking for it. This is why rainbow dash is my least favorite of the mane six
Dash has the tendency to be abusive and if you think that's okay because pinkie was asking for it is insensitive. Abuse isn't okay I don't care if they were asking for it. Try to understand her character before deciding she's asking for it because no one asks to get abused by their friend all because they don't like to be touched. It's called don't be a dick to your friends when they show affection. Some people are more affectionate then others. I hate kissing in public because people stare! But it's fine if it's a quick kiss. I don't like being stared at so I am most likely to avoid drawing attention to myself. But I wouldnt yell at my friend or whatever in an abusive manner making them feel bad. It's abusive when you make them feel like shit for who they are.
Glueing yourself to someone without their consent is absolutely abusive[1]. For one, in a literal sense, Pinkie abused the trust RD gave her with her little stunt. Let's face it, if RD was of a mind, that action could easily constitute serious sexual harassment or perhaps even assault.
It won't be treated as that, I am 99% sure, of course, because Dash is Dash and Pinkie is Pinkie and Dash is likely to forgive Pinkie for her mistake as this story is tagged comedy/romance and not drama (slash possibly sad)) and so is attempting to be funny-awkward and not serious-uncomfortable. (Lest I by mistaken, I'm not saying that I disapprove of the story treating it like that nor would I ever suggest that HoofBitingActionOverload should change the tone of what is clearly supposed to be a silly piece of comedy fluff; I'm just pointing out that I personally found myself not laughing and going "no, actually, that's... really kind of Not Cool, Pinkie," probably because it strikes too close to home for me.)
I do not have a problem with Pinkie normally, but here she has absolutely crossed a line, intentionally or no.
(I am not sure how much I can emphasise how absolutely Not Okay I would be with someone glueing themselves to me. It would be almost certainly a friendship-breaker for a bare minimum and VERY likely to end up with an assault charge.)
If I was around Pinkie, she would have to learn - same as everyone else around me has - that she would have to accept my personal boundaries and that means, in my case, we just don't touch/hug/kiss the Bleakbane. (Not friends, not family and significant others are (as you may have surmised) a non-issue because I don't have nor want any.) If she couldn't accept that, then she'd clearly not really be my friend anyway, since she'd be trying to force something on me I'm not comfortable with and friends don't do that. (Friendship lesson No. 257: Not everyone wants or needs a hug and you can't force them.)
I would even point out that, in the meta sense, Dash is ENTIRELY RIGHT for being leery because this story exists for the specific reason for us all (yes, I'm just as bad, because I came to read this too) to point and giggle at silly Dash being uncomfortable glued to Pinkie. (It was just in my specific case, as I read it, I ended up feeling rather more empathy for Dash than I had expected to and found it less comedic as a result, which is unusual. (I think it was the point when I realised Dash couldn't fly (something that's so integral to her character and sense of self) that suddenly, it struck me the situation not funny.))
[1]Edit clarification, since I don't want to be coming across too negative: that in itself does not mean it cannot be used for comedic effect, the same as someone smacking someone upside the head, the old-husband-being-chased-with-a-rolling-pin, Sakura Haruno punching Naruto Uzumaki etc - all of which are, technically abusive as well, but get a pass for rule of Funny. Comedy = tragedy plus distance and all that.
Okay fair enough. I had to reread the story and the gluing herself to dash just clicked in. It sounds rather uncomfortable and I see what you mean now. Thank you for explaining further I appreciate it. Be lucky this isn't discord he would have literally made them stuck together without glue. i think pinkie has a troll complex discord has been a negative influence on her. I wouldn't be surprised if hoofbitingactionoverload had a twist in mind for the comedic effect of course. So sorry for me coming off negative and preachy I got defensive over my favorite character. I do agree with you this is a prank to far and a violation of consent.
Yay HBAO story
*sees that its Rainbow Pie*
*reads it anyway*
Hope you'll stick with this story.Sure, this was a lousy thing for Pinkie to do, but it's nothing two good friends cant get paste. They are really in a bind now. At least they weren't kissing, their lips would be sealed. I could get attached to this.
No problem.
On reflection (since my last comment was the last thing I did last night), I realised what bugged me more than anything about it, and that is was that this was pre-meditated. I have a feeling I might even had read some sort of story/stories where this sort of thing happens (I have half a mind of some sort of magical Twilight experiment gone wrong or something), but that was funny because it was accidental. Here, Pinkie actually stole stuff from Twilight (after being told "no") and then, despite knowing perfectly well it would likely make Dash uncomfortable went ahead with it. It strikes as uncharacteristically... actually kinda mean of Pinkie (not intentionally, I hasten to add), the sort of thing Pinkie normally specifically avoids doing with her pranks. (It would be an kind of an asshatish thing to do even if done to someone was perfectly okay with hugs and whatnot normally that said inflicter was actually married to or something, come to that...)
Basically, to bring it all back to my first comment, I think that Dash is justified being angry with Pinkie (and honestly, she's showing a fair bit of patience even so) and Pinkie really ought to be feeling bad about it, because she has done something wrong here. Not I think, maliciously; it seems pretty clear Pinkie just did not think this through, getting caught up in her own idea (and feelings) - although you'd have thought the part where she had steal from Twilight might have given her her first clue... I doubt Dash will be able to be mad at her for long, though (since Sad Pinkie is only very marginally less proficient than Crying Fluttershy in terms of eliciting forgiveness).
(I mean they freaking forgive miss "I'mma destroy the planet because I can't write a letter", at the drop of a hat, so this is peanuts by comparison. Yes, sorry, I'm still a little miffed with the finale resolution, now that you ask...)
(Honestly, you know what this sort of thing (i.e. Pinkie's actions) reminds me of? When my 15-month old nephew is told "no" and carries on doing the thing anyway; gets told off for it and cries because he's been told off. And five minutes later, all is fine again.)
6746040 Look at the tag. "Comedy." That lets you know that the author isn't being entirely serious. No offense, but a lot of people on this site don't seem to get that concept.
Yes, I know, I did mention that several times (first sentence of the second paragraph of my last comment, for example); I took great pains to ensure that I did so. That the story is comedy still doesn't make it not an asshat thing for Pinkie to do - even if it is funny to an outside observer, such as the reader. (Smacking someone in the face with a long board held over the shoulder is, like,the oldest visual gag it the book, but it's still a crappy thing to do to someone.) As I said, comedy is often said to be tragedy plus time /distance and for me the idea is too... awkward (and I don't find cringe-comedy funny as a rule), the way Pinkie executed it, for me to have sufficient distance to find that in itself being particularly funny, (Unusually.)
Principally, though as I said, my initial comment was that I simply did not feel any sympathy for Pinkie getting told off by Rainbow Dash, because she, like, had crossed the line about three miles back.
(I'm sorry HoofBitingActionOverload, I was trying not to have this devolve into a heated debate about what is supposed to be comedy fluff because of my personal observations...!)
6747427 Heh. We probably just have different tastes in comedy. Sorry if I offended you.
No problem (and you didn't offend me).
Dash is completely over-reacting, but Pinkie really did do something wrong.
I think comedy can be more than just comedy. This is a silly situation, but it's serious to Rainbow Dash, and your feelings are perfectly valid. Rainbow Dash's social anxiety here isn't exactly healthy, but Pinkie did cross a line, and they're now in a position to confront both of those things together as the story progresses.
More snuggles to come.
I look forward to it.
Well, this certainly is a sticky situation
*budum chee*
lol I couldn't stop laughing. P.S PLEASE CONTINUE I LOVE THIS
Ouch. But I can't say she didn't have it coming.
XD snuggles to come must fight urge ot make sex joke!
she will have it coming soon so much coming and snuggles. damn it! sorry. i take it pinkie isnt your favorite right? or am i reading this wrong its hard to tell tone of voice in text....
6752695 I like her, but in this particular case she deserved to get dressed down.
Fair enough.
I took too long getting around to reading this.
I like what is here so far, though.
Looking forward to the rest of it.
my heart . . .
Poor Pinks
I can't wait for an update!
Yay!!! Tracked! (Super cute premise, I want more lol)
too adorable... im dying help me!
Looking Forward To Part 2 If It Comes Out I'm Gonna Read It Faster Than It Would Take To Read A Chapter Of Harry Potter!
This chapter has been sitting on the story page unpublished for... years? I noticed it while poking around old fics and figured there was no reason not to post it.
Edit: Oh look, there's an author's note box fitted right into the chapter. Fancy.
So is the story status as set actually accurate? (As in, you intend to continue writing more of this in short order and it is not canceled or on hiatus)?
Not trying to push you either way, just honestly curious since you haven't published any newly-written pony fanfic here for a while and your comment would seem to indicate that hasn't changed.
Woah this was unexpected but awesome. Nice to see another chapter it made my day.
I intend to finish it. Someday when I have the time. You know, this and a hundred other things.
Oh hey! Another chapter!
-eagerly waits for a new chapter again-
Finally Another Chapter Wahoo!
Yes! With the finishing and the pinkiedash and the dramatic rarity. All the yes
*applauds* This is so well done. I love how you write!
Dash knows she could learn something and even has Rarity ready to spoon feed it but Dash wants no part of it which she makes into a hilarious situation.
Of course also Rarity is great and AJ makes for a great straight man (mare) to her.
Masochistic Marshmallow.
Very nice. I like the conflict within Dash.
I really appreciate you working to finish this one. Love the unique scenario, it's definitely something that would be devised by Pinkie.
I've been thinking about our capacity to critique ourselves a lot lately.
Big thumbs up. Really enjoying this story, hope you release the next chapter soon! Keep up the great work.
Very glad you were able to finish this one out. You've always done a great job of capturing Dash's anxieties and absurdities, and your exploration of those made this story more than just a simple, slap-stick joke. Through your tackling of definitively cartoonish prompts, I think you've been able to exhibit some fundamental morals and rich life lessons in a variety of creative and memorable ways. Consequently I've found you to be one of my favorite authors, and I appreciate the effort that you have invested in your work.
All the best.
I am also glad that you finished and I enjoyed it. I always enjoyed the dynamic you give Pinkie and Dash and this does not disappoint.