• Member Since 29th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2024

Chaos Phantasm

An on again-off again Australian FIMfiction author. I like to write stories, be they good or bad. I always have an idea in my head just waiting to be used. I love to write and will continue to do so.


Snowdrop has led a happy life as a mother, teacher and snow maker for Equestria. But now at the ripe old age of ninety seven, a retired Snowdrop takes a trip to Canterlot at the invitation of a school teacher who wishes for the old blind mare to talk about her life being blind and creating the beautiful stars of winter.

Nearing the end of her days, Snowdrop takes the time to be with her family and friends, visiting Princess Celestia, returning to her old school and lamenting the loss of her best friend. Accompanied by her granddaughter, Snowdrop makes the best of what she can with the little time she has left.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 19 )

god damnit, you've done it again.

Shouldn't it say; Snowdrop's last days?

5880719 Ideally and realistically, yes. Izanagi pointed out that was how the title should be. I told him the title was actually: Snowdrop: Last Days. But I like the title as it is, one sentence like title. I'm sorry if it bothers you truly I am.

5880737 It doesn't bother me actually, I just pointed it out before someone who was actually bothered by it would notice.

5880755 Well thank you kindly, I appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

5880591 Just doing my part in making the feels go round. :derpytongue2:

Snowdrop is going to die isnt she. If yes,:flutterrage:U SHALL DIE FROM THE WRATH OF MY MAGIC

This was a very beautiful first chapter, nice work.

This was very sad, beautiful but sad. :fluttercry:

Very beautiful chapter, nice work.

Loved the story, it was sad but also extremely beautiful and the ending was very well done.
Good work.


going back over this, a snowdrop story set during her teenage ages sounds awesome.

Extremely good work.
A very good story that manages to really hit you in the feels.
Well done. :pinkiesmile:

The titles quite fitting.

I honestly like this story from showing how Snowdrop grew as a character and how she kinda acting like Granny Smith from present day.

I also love how you made the snow feel as magical as the original video featuring this character came from. Ignoring the song Let It Go of course!

I might actually do this...

Firn seems to be the sort who crabs about anything and everything. No foolhardy malarkey like fun or games allowed.

Firn acts a lot like a certain lavender unicorn who will be born some 500 or more years later.

Actually, if we consider how many generations passed over 1000 years, it's likely that most if not all modern ponies share a little bit of connection to this remarkable mare.

In any case this was a touching story.

The curious nerd part of me was pondering on the description of Snowdrop's illness, and I might have a few ideas. For starters her sudden bouts of snappishness might be a sign of alzheimers or similar. Her breathing problems and paleness along with the curious "webbing" might indicate a cancer of some kind or another pulmonary disease like pulmonary fibrosis or asbestosis.

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