• Member Since 24th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 14th, 2016


Sparkle Sparkle.


Equestria was once ruled by the most powerful Alicorns – the queen's name was Elysian, and the king's name was Astro. They both ruled their land with wisdom and love, and their subjects adored them.

A few years later, two princesses were born – Celestia, which was the oldest one of the two, and Luna. They had a joyful and peaceful childhood: Their parents teaching them how to use their magic and rule their kingdom, exploring the forest everyday, and so on. Their lives were great, until…

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 43 )
Comment posted by Cromegas_Flare deleted Jun 6th, 2015
Comment posted by Cromegas_Flare deleted Jun 6th, 2015
Comment posted by Cromegas_Flare deleted Jun 6th, 2015
Comment posted by Biker_Dash deleted Jun 6th, 2015
Comment posted by SparklingOfMagic deleted Mar 8th, 2015


>I resent this comment, and down voted it for reasons that should be obvious.
Great! Now tell someone who cares (e.g no one)

You essentially cared to comment, hence you are the one who cares.

Good job on your logic.

>A person can only gain experience by trying
Yeah, by writing stories that would require less skill. Are you even trying?

Apparently you aren't, since you have zero stories in your own name. Maybe you should be the one to try.

>and this is judging ones experience by the first chapter
No, I am judging by the fact that the author only has two other stories, and thus without anything else to prove otherwise, I can rightfully assume he is not an experienced author. So, tell me. Did you just make this comment to start something here?

Let me start by applying this bs to you.

First off, you have zero stories. How are you liable to even comment that?

Second: assuming is the worst thing one human being can do. If you assume that someone has no skill at a particular art form, then you are eliminating the possibility that they have the potential at the art form. This person at least is making an attempt to write and has the potential to do better as they progress as a writer. If anyone should be the one who has no skill at writing should be you, since, yet again, you have no proof of your writing ability.

>and stating that they are experienced and not good at writing.
What are you even trying to fucking say at this point. You should probably spend more time writing something coherent, it would do you wonders.

Sir, you need to use what's called a question mark when you ask a question. Check your grammar when you call out someone for their grammar errors.


>make a reply
>lel u mad xddd
Great to know I am speaking with someone who isn't even worth my time in the first place. GG.

Go back to 4chan. That sounds like you belong there.

Not to mention that if he wasn't worth your time, you wouldn't have replied in the first place. Yet again, nice job on your logic there, SA Starla.

(was directed to the wrong person... sorry)

5711043 I thought the troll was replying to me... shit now I feel embarrased :twilightoops:


You realize labeling people you disagree with or don't like as a troll, is not a valid solution to the problem.

Making yourself look like an ass that lurks 4chan makes you look like a troll.

Also, since you like to correct grammar, I'll correct yours. Omit that damn comma. There's no need to pause there.

5711076 Disagreeing is one thing. You can do so politely. Being RUDE, and saying that is just commenting... thats a trollish act.
You chose to be rude.


It's okay. I don't count him as a “troll.” I wanted opinions, and I appreciate his honesty.


I am inexperienced, and I appreciate your honesty.

Anyone who can freely admit this has earned my respect. Will read and leave my thoughts sometime later when I'm more awake.

5711110 Heck yeah. Now, out of respect for the author, I'd recommend taking this argument somewhere else. We're just taking up comment space right now.

Anyway, I think you have potential as a writer, Ms. Sparkling. Keep practicing and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. That's the key to becoming a proficient writer.

Anywho, I'm out. Later people.

5711110 Will it help us take over the world?

In that case, let me join in!

5711123 You're an inexperienced writer... how do you get experience? BY WRITING. And the rude little twerk basically was saying that you should not write.

He was VERY rude saying that and was WRONG to say it.
He could have stated his displeasure in your story in a polite manner.

5711125 I am in complete agreement with Avox. Humble writers are the ones worth following and reading. I will also read this once time allows. :twilightsmile:

Also, everyone else, lets please end the rant. A story's comment section should be about the story, and not the place for an internet spat.


5711134 Negativity does not have to be rude.
Flat out telling a writer who is trying to get experience to "not write" is rude


It's okay, though! I learned that not everyone will like what you do, and that you'll just have to shake it off. I'm not going to quit learning to write just because he told me to.


The only thing I want to comment on this post, was the fact that you took what I said way out of proportion.

Oh? I just logically took what you said and placed it onto you since you wanted to act childish. Let's see what you have to say though, since you're obviously backpedaling on your own opinions.

You say I cannot judge others experience if I do not have experience myself?


Let me give you an example:

Let's say your name is Bob. He's a nice guy. Bob decides to talk to an electrical engineer named Dillon. Dillon has had twenty years of experience in that field. Bob has no experience what so ever in the field, yet has only studied two years of the subject. You can have the knowledge of a certain subject, yes, but experience is actually getting your feet wet and understanding it firsthand. Anything that Bob says can be easily countered.

Now let's pull your replies in.

So since you have zero stories and this author has three, who here has more experience?

Well, the one with three stories has more experience since they have actually written something. You sound intelligent, so you have the option to write it, yet you don't. Why? I don't know, but all I see is someone who can't back up their own points by actually doing what others have already done: written a story. This puts your actual point of view in the toilet.

Henceforth, this is why you look like a douche.

I never said I was more experienced, implied it, or said I was better in any sort of way.

Let me BOLD that for you.

No, I am judging by the fact that the author only has two other stories, and thus without anything else to prove otherwise, I can rightfully assume he is not an experienced author.
You should probably spend more time writing something coherent, it would do you wonders.

You definitely implied it. If you're going to sound like this, then you definitely need to backup your beliefs with your own work. Otherwise, your views mean nil to the conversation.

Where are you getting this from?

This is called analyzing your words. Not hard to do. Maybe you should try that, it would do you wonders.

I'm mocking you here.

Do I also have to be a chef to know when someone can't cook? I didn't know this chicken was suppose to be raw.

That's called being a critic. You can have an opinion, but the reviewer who has had experience with literature for several years knows what they're talking about. You weren't doing that. You were being rude.

Don't even start with me.


Thanks, but I will continue writing this story, even if I'm inexperienced. So… Lets end this drama, please? I only want comments about the story, not people fighting over a negative opinion.

No problem.

Nice work by the way. I'll be dropping my thumb up and taking it to a pm.

5711187 Ok, I have just read the chapter, and here are my thoughts.
It does have potential, but you could use some assistance. The helping hand of an editor, to catch the few grammatical errors I have seen. Pre/proofreaders would also be able to help with development of the story and fleshing it out.

It seems an interesting concept, your story. One good enough that I wish to see more.


I'd really appreciate that!

Thanks! ^.^

Upvote and favorite, because clearly there's a lot of effort into this. If you need help, hints or tips, note me. I'll gladly do what I can to help you turn this into a real gem. Follow because you deserve it.

5711286 As you can see from 5711348 's reply, there are quite a few of us who would be willing to help.
I suspect all you have to do is ask.

5711361 And the same for you. If you need some help, I'll gladly offer what support I can. I've been the newbie, and I've seen both sides of this equation. Even good ones like yourself bloom like a beautiful rose when others collaborate. I would just like to state due to your candor, you sir, are a gentleman. I wish more people on this site expressed their views and kindness in the way you have with this author.

5711393 lol, I aint new... but help is always appreciated :twilightsmile:

5711454 o.o; I never said you were new, I said you were GOOD! lol

5711468 sorry... exhaustion and hunger making it so I can't think right now...
I'll be eating in just under a half hour, so that should help.

And thank you :twilightsmile:

Interesting story so far :pinkiehappy:
Tracking :twilightsmile:

I theorize in the show that Celestia and Luna were those alicorns in the Equestrian flag that some unicorns turned into living creatures in order to have some racially impartial rulers. Which would explain why the Equestrian flag had those two on it despite them not being born yet.

Either that or that statue of an alicorn stallion Spike crashed into alongside those star spiders is their dad.

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