• Published 28th Feb 2015
  • 10,574 Views, 911 Comments

The Completely Normal Pet of Spike the Dragon - DauntedSuperior

Spike, in his spare time that seemed abundant in the past few months, has been keeping a secret from Twilight. That secret's name is Scruffy, the completly normal, mundane, and in no way special, little black kitty... If only that were true.

  • ...

You Got to be Kidding Me

When my previously sleep deprived mind began to stir once more I felt very... I don’t know how to describe it. My body was cold, though it didn’t bother me at all for some reason, and I could feel something very warm right beside me. Cracking an eye open brought a smile to my muzzle.

‘So they found Spike while I was out.’ my eyes focused on the dragon’s sleeping face, ‘That's one freak out I don't have to have this morning.’ I layed my head back down on the sleeping bag between my white paws and tried to get some more sleep.


‘Wait a minute, my paws aren't white.’ lifting my head up, I was able to look at my paws and see, they were not only white, but I could see the air around them. Like when it’s winter and everyone can see their own breath in the air.

‘Oh no. No no no no no.’ I quickly got up and looked down and saw my entire body was white. Even my muzzle, ‘How did I not notice that first?’ to calm myself I took a deep breath and exhaled. My breath hung in the air, but I was calm.

I glanced to Spike and saw he was still asleep and not looking very cold, ‘Must be a dragon thing.’ my head turned and looked around the small camping area to see if anypony was watching me.

Over the dying fire pit, and across from me, Applejack was sound asleep inside her sleeping bag. Rarity was asleep in a small tent that looked like it was made for royalty. Then there were three sleeping bags that had lumps in them that I assumed were the crusaders.

‘Okay, I'm in the clear.’ slowly I inched my way away from Spike and out onto the hard floor. I closed my eyes and felt for my magic- ‘Wow!... That is a lot of power...’ to put it into perspective, I had thought that I would have about a pool sized amount of magic.

I hadn’t even thought about it being more akin to an ocean than a pool, ‘Star Swirl must of been one powerful stallion in his day.’ I began to move away from the group, ‘I’m probably gonna spend the next few hours trying to turn, whatever this is, off.’

Then a sudden wave of lightheadedness hit me like a bus. I started blinking while swaying from side to side before I shook my head to clear it. As plain as day my muzzle was back to being black and I could no longer see my breath.

The size of the magic pool in my head also shrunk to around what I thought it would be. Enough to keep off attackers, but not enough to take on an army. It was yet another anticlimactic incident, just like everything else that's happened so far...

‘Gah!... This whole first quest is turning into a bust. Got some powers, but I haven't gotten to fight anything. I found out that those ponies in town are evil, but I got no evidence, so I can't do anything.’ I grumbled in my mind as I slowly walked back towards the group, ‘Is everything anticlimactic around these ponies?’

I sat down next to the burning embers and let out a sigh. The embers popped and crackled a little, but didn’t hold my attention long. My gaze eventually lingered away from the fire and towards the others.

Applejack had her hat over her head and was breathing softly. I could hear a quiet snore from inside Rarity’s tent. Spike was right behind me, still sleeping with a smile as he probably thought I was right beside him.

My eyes stayed on Spike a little longer, ‘Him and I have been through a lot since he found me in Manehattan. Those truly were simpler times.’

It was then that I caught something odd out of the corner of my vision. The three sleeping bags of the CMC where oddly still. No signs of movement at all, not even breathing.

‘No...’ I walked over and poked one of the lumps in the closest sleeping bag. It was soft and didn’t feel like a pony, ‘No no...’ with my teeth I bit the zipper and unzipped the bag to find a bundle of blankets, ‘You've got to me kidding me!

As I face-pawed at those three’s recklessness a though struck me, ‘I can just wake up Applejack an let her deal with it... and follow the whole anticlimactic nature this quest has had so far.’

I looked over towards Spike, ‘Or I can do the stupid thing and wake up Spike so we can find them together!... Or they could be in danger and Spike and I won't be able to handle it. Curse my logical mind.’

Seconds later I was beside Applejack, trying to wake her up with my paws. I shook her head, jumped on her sleeping bag, I even took her hat and hit her with it on the nose. She did not want to get up. I slightly smiled when she just rolled over and never woke up.

‘No one can say I didn't try.’ I thought happily as I made my way over to Spike. It was about time for me and my little dragon buddy to go on an actual quest. With a spring in my step and a smug smile on my muzzle I made my way over towards the sleeping dragon.

Just like with Applejack, I shook his head, jumped on his sleeping bag and even tried hitting him with her hat. Nothing worked though and things were looking bleak for the mission ahead. Then an idea came to mind.

Opening my eyes wide, I channeled a large amount of my magic into them to try and do what I did to Scootaloo earlier, ‘Spike, wake up!’


Nothing happened, ‘When it happened I was looking into her eyes...’ I use my paws to open one of Spike’s eyes and added more power to reach his sleeping mind, ‘Wake up!’

The effect was instant, “Huh what!?” Spike shot up and knocked me to the ground as he sat up in his sleeping bag. As I started to stand he was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, “What was that?”

A smile broke across my muzzle just as Spike looked at me, ‘This is going to be awesome.’

“Did... did you just talk?” Spike asked, confused, “Are your eyes glowing?”

‘...’ I cut the power to my eyes, let out a tiny meow, and cocked my head to the side like I was confused, ‘Please work please work please work.’

“Is that you talking Scruffy?” Spike asked as he was fully awake.

‘... You can still hear me?’

“So it is you talking!” he said loudly as he quickly stood up.

‘Now Spike.’ I said as me and him had a stare off, ‘I can explain everything if you give me a chance.’

“What?” he asked looking around and scratching his head. "Am I dreaming?"

‘No, I’ll explain everything while we look for the girls.’ I said while trying my best to not fumble my words.

Spike looked over and saw the empty sleeping bags, “Wait, what are we doing?”

‘Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle took off for some reason and we're going to go find them.’ I said as I took off down one of the halls. Spike was right behind me telling me to come back. It was a little mean, but I needed to think about just how in the world I was going to explain all of how I got my powers to him.

Author's Note:

A special thank you to PeepPony for being awesome and pointing out what I believe to be are the last of the grammar errors in the previous chapters. :twilightsmile:

Be sure to comment! :pinkiehappy:

The lateness of this chapter is brought to you by Procrastination. Why do that thing you need to do now when you can do it later. :trollestia: