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Wow. Another great chapter. Even I don't know which side to root for now. Actually, you know what? I won't root for sides, just people. All except Conquest and Myk-, er, Grand Ruler.
7132028 It's a little thing called 'wit', something (but not the only thing) you sorely lack.
7132061 Name one person who doesn't have a problem with you.
As for the chat, I think I'll just ignore you for another 3 weeks.
7132177 I've read enough transcript of your chats to know exactly how it will end. Anyway, after this fic is finished, unless you do some new reprehensible act, I'll be finished with you. And sooner or later, everyone will be through with you. Seriously, you're what, thirty years old now? I have more respect for toddlers calling out politicians.
To be honest, you may call yourself Mykan, but I know exactly what you are - nothing. You don't care about anyone but yourself, and because of that, and because you turn away anyone who tries to help you, nobody cares about you or your pathetic excuses for literature. What does that leave you? Nothing.
Finally, do you know why this story succeeds where yours fails? You may have created the characters Legendbringer is using, but Legendbringer made me *care* about them.
7132212 I guess I should stop this as well, Legendbringer. I'm sorry. Let's forget about... whatzizname and move on.
Right, lets. And don't worry, it's no big deal. He had no business coming to my fic and starting something.
By the way.
These are the comments i live for. I keep striving to make sure that you guys feel something for at least one of the characters.
Awesome chapter. I loved the reference to The Flash, and the Eva, Naruto and Sailor Moon bits. I kind of wish Fluttershy had left with Rainbow Dash (Fluttershy, it's all very well to say you want him to see you for who you are, but what do you see in him?) but I'm sure that will come in time.
I'm not entirely sure I want to see all the Unicornicopians turn nice and good, I'd like to see a couple of them get thier comeuppance...which makes me the kind of person who allows Dark Conquest to triumph, I guess. But you're making it work, and I look forward to seeing what happens next.
Thanks, it's kind of one of my favorite superher shows and Flash is one of my fave DC heroes.
The thing is, Naruto and Sailor moon have had hate fics I have actually read. Sailor Moon has had two that reallly ticked me off, Blood Moon and Kamen Rider.
Than you so much
Now, I'm not much of a shipper, and I can't believe I'm saying this... But Dementia and Starla? I ship 'em like FedEx. (You have to admit, they have better chemistry than Starla and Lightning.) Which, frankly, is quite an accomplishment. Here, have this, I think you've earned it.
7139231 I'd have to agree, even though my opnion of Lightning Dawn was shaken a bit by how the Grand Ruler treated him in this chapter. He was willing to admit that the Equestrians saved him before he got bitchslapped by his idol and master.
You think that's something, you should see Trixie in the offical chapter 9 (Not the april fools gag, that is just a parody and there is something funny about that one that I wil disclose only in secret, because to spoil it would ruin the greatest joke about the work) and the things that are going to happen in the latest chapter
I keep trying to see if Pinkie ends up with someone. I guess we will see (granted so far my favored characters for her being Dash, Twilight, and Big Mac do not seem likely).
Also you were referencing the last episodes of Digimon (or Digimon Adventure depending on where your localization is).
I love the way you did the characters in this story.also it is official conquest and hazama could very well be the same person
And here, we find out that Rhymey's been manipulating the Mane 6.
Trixie knew Sunburst.
And, as always, Dark Conquest is a monster.
Now we find out that Rhymey can control minds.
Trixie knew Sunburst, and took the fall for him when he performed a dangerous spell that injured three students,
And Dark Conquest is still a monster.