"Hey! Stop Twilight! I can't go on my date with Fluttershy like this!"
Spike yelled, as Twilight applied make-up to Spikes face.
"For one, your not going on a date with Fluttershy. It's a picnic, and all of us will be there! And secondly, don't you have a crush on Rarity?"
"Eh, once she started dating Tom, I sorta lost interest... But that still doesn't explain why your putting make-up on me!" Spike said, as he struggled to get away.
"I'm putting make-up on you for payback. Yesterday you made Fluttershy cry, and now I want you to be humiliated in front of her!" Twilight said, while applying mascara to Spikes eyelashes.
There was a loud knock on the front door. Spike broke free from Twilights hooves, and answered the door. There was a plump grey mare standing in the door. "My name is Ms. Petting Zoo, and I am here to inspect the castle, to see if it is an appropriate place to house a baby dragon." Ms. Petting looked down at Spike, and saw all the make-up. "I believe we have a problem here, may I see your owner?"
Twilight sighed, and trotted down stairs. When she caught a glance at ms. Petting Zoo, fear was sent throughout her body. Ms. Petting was animal control, and they had taken away Spike for many stupid reasons before.
Twilight slowly walked to the door, and greeted Ms Petting Zoo.
"Excuse me Twilight, but as I look at Spike, it seems he's covered in make-up... You do realize this is considered animal abuse, right?"
"Hey, I'm not an animal! I have rights!" Spike angrily said.
Twilight pushed Spike aside, and said "Well, you see... Ummmm... dressup! Yes, we were playing dressup! No animal abuse going on here! Heh heh..." She started to shut the door on animal control, but Ms. Petting stepped inside, and started to look around.
"Princess Twilight Sparkle, you must have a lot of royal duties. Being a princess, and all, you must not have a single moment to take care of a fire breathing dragon! I'm afraid I have too much evidence Twilight! I'm going to have to confiscate Spike. Don't worry he'll be in very good hooves." Ms. Petting Zoo grabbed Spike by his tail, and started walking for the door.
Twilight was speechless. She couldn't even send a letter to Princess Celestia without Spike! She watched outside her window as a blue animal control carriage took Spike away to the pound.
Twilight sighed, as she heared another knock at her door. She answered it, and luckily it was only Rainbow Dash!
"Hey, where have you been? The picnic started five minutes ago!" Rainbow Dash said.
Twilight got the sandwiches, and a book, and followed Rainbow to the park.
When she got there, all of her five best friends were sitting on a red, and white picnic blanket. "Twilight? Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked
"No. Animal control just took Spike to the pound, because I put make-up on him..." Twilight said sadly.
"Oh no!" Fluttershy said "I hate when animal control takes my animals! I do everything I can, but they never listen. But, why were you putting make-up on Spike?"
"I was trying to give him pay-back for ruining your day yesterday." Twilight laughed, as she opened her book and started reading.
They all giggled, and continued eating. Then, all of a sudden Tom came over, and said "Hey, everypony! There's a riot over near town hall! We need Princess Twilight!" Twilight set down her book, and ran over to see what the problem was.
When she got there, there were hundreds of ponies, chanting "KILL THE BEAST! KILL THE BEAST! KILL THE BEAST BEFORE HE FEASTS!" They all were holding spears in they're hooves, and walking around in circles.
Lyra shouted "look! The beast is over there! LETS ATTACK!!!!!!!!" The whole crowd went running towards Twilight, and Tom.
"NOOOO!!! DONT HURT ME! AS YOUR PRINCESS I COMMAND YOU TO STOP!" Twilight screamed. But the crowd kept running.
Once they reached her, they galloped right past, and started stabbing Tom. Since Tom was just a talking Boulder, the crowd couldn't put a single chip in his rocky exterior. They eventually stopped hitting him with their swords, and walked away, because he wasn't getting damaged at all.
"What is this all about?!?" Twilight asked the crowd, starting to get angry.
Derpy stepped up, and said "Tom was at carousel boutique, and we saw him gobbling up Rarity! Then when he rolled away, Rarity was back on the front porch, with a muffin! So we figured he would eat us all! And plus he's a rock!!! An alive one too!!! And that's creepy!!!! So we decided to kill him!"
Twilight turned to Tom, but he was still petrified, so she went to Rarity's to get the truth. When she got to carousel boutique, Rarity answered the door. Twilight greeted Rarity, and said, "Do you know about the riots? They say Tom ate you... Is this true? They were trying to kill Tom!"
"Ohh they must of seen us, when he came over earlier! I'll tell you the story." Twilight came in, and sat on Rarity's fainting couch. Rarity sat by her and explained "So, Tom came over, and asked me for forgiveness. After we both apologized for our reckless behavior, he gave me a kiss, and gave me a muffin! Now, me and Tom are back together!" Rarity blushed, and took a sip from her tea.
"Now I know why the crowds thought he ate you, and spit you up again! You guys kissed, and Tom was so big, they couldn't see you for over a minute! Then when he moved out of the way, they saw you with a muffin! I have to go explain this to the riots!"
Once she explained everything, the townsponies put away their spears, and left to their homes. "Well that was exhausting!" Twilight said as she walked back over to the picnic. When she got there, she saw Cadence flying towards the picnic.
"Oh no, hide me! Cadence knows I escaped from jail, and now she's looking for me!" Pinkie Pie said, as she ran away towards Twilight's castle.
Cadence landed on their picnic blanket crushing all the sandwiches. "Hello, sister-in-law! Nice to see you again! Have you seen your dear friend Pinkie Pie recently? It seems she's escaped jail." She said, with a worried face.
"Oh, really? No haven't seen Pinkie anywhere! I didn't know she escaped. Heh heh heh... " Twilight said in her worst lying voice ever.
There was a sound of a loud door slam nearby, that sounded like Twilights castle door. "Um, I'll go see who broke in! I'll be right back!" Twilight said in worry. "On second thought, maybe Cadence should come with me! If it's a burglar she can use her love spell on him to stop stealing my books!" She added.
The two sister-in-law's arrived at the door of the castle. They heard rustling inside. As they slowly opened the door, they saw a pink tail hanging outside one of the book shelves. "PINKIE PIE?!?!" They both said together.
Pinkie ran up-stairs in fear of going back to jail. Cadence screamed at Twilight, "Wait, so you've been keeping a criminal in your castle this WHOLE TIME?!?! You do realize this is against the law, don't you?!?"
"NO, this is all a misunderstanding! Please don't send me to jail!" Twilight said as she backed to the corner, scared.
"No I would never send a princess to jail! Princesses have their own punishment!" Cadence evily laughed, and started to power up her horn. She lift Twilight in to the air. Suddenly Twilight was surrounded by big spirals, and it felt fairly similar to the spell Celestia used to turn her in to an alicorn. Cadence carefully set her back on the ground. Twilight opened her eyes, expecting some weird thing to be added to her body, but instead, something had been taken off!
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY WINGS?!?!?!?" Screamed Twilight, while examining her unicorn body, crying.
"That's the alicorn punishment for committing a crime! Don't worry, you'll get them back in a month." Cadence said, while walking up stairs. Cadence flew off with Pinkie Pie.
Since Spike was at the pound, Twilight couldn't even tell Celestia what happened! "But wait! I can go to the pound, and get Spike to send the letter, while visiting him! It's the perfect plan!" Twilight thought to herself.
Once she reached the pound at the other end of PonyVille, she talked to the pony at the front desk. "Hi, officer! I would like to look for a pet! Can I look through your dragon collection?"
"We only have one dragon, would you like to see him? He's down that hallway, to your left." The officer pointed towards the hallway, while keeping his head in a newspaper.
She walked up to Spikes cage, and whispered "Spike, wake up. I need you to send a letter to the princess!"
Spike slowly sat up, and yelled "TWILIGHT! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR WINGS?"
She put a hoof over her mouth, and poked some parchment through the bars "It's a long story, just send this to the princess. I'll get you out of here!" Twilight levitated Spike through the cage, and put him on her back. Spike sent the letter with his magic fire breath.
Twilight crept past the officer, and ran back to the castle.
"Cadence told me that an alicorns punishment was a months sentence of being a unicorn! How stupid is that! Celestia will show her!" Twilight was pacing in circles, talking to herself, while Spike was in the bathroom washing off his make-up.
All of a sudden Celestia transported herself in to the castle. She was holding Cadence by the ear. "Cadence! Give Twilight her wings back!" Celestia shouted.
"OKAY! Just let go of my ear!" Cadence struggled. Once Celestia let go of her ear, she went flying away. Celestia knew this would happen, so she used her strong magic to take away Cadence's wings. She dropped to the ground, and finally agreed to giving back Twilight's wings. All of a sudden Twilight was being lifted in the air by Cadence's unicorn magic.
"MY WINGS!!!" Twilight rejoiced! She ran up, and hugged Cadence. "YOUR WINGS!!!" She said in shock.
"Oh it's fine, Cadence will get back her wings in a month. But I need somewhere to put them meanwhile... Aha!" Celestia levitated the wings over to Spike, and placed them on his back. "Congratulations Spike! You now have alicorn wings!"
"NO WAY!!" Spike said in amazement.
Cadence said "Oh, and I quite forgot!" She used a transporting spell, and transported Pinkie Pie in to the castle. "She never deserved to be imprisoned anyways!" Cadence, and Twilight hugged, and Celestia transported herself back to Canterlot.
Spike flew over to Pinkie, and said "I can't wait to impress Fluttershy with my new wings! Oh she'll love me for sure now!" Pinkie Pie fainted.
"Don't get too used to them! You just get to keep my wings for a month!" Cadence winked, "Well, I better get going! I want to make it back to Canterlot before dark! Oh, and I'm really sorry for blaming you earlier, I shouldn't of taken away your wings..."
"It's fine! I haven't been a unicorn in a while! It was nice, being normal for a change! Bye Cadence!" Said Twilight, as she and Spike waved goodbye.
Pinkie stood up, opened her eyes, and as soon as she saw Spike, she fainted again. "Spike! Go fly Pinkie to her house, I'm going to bed. Good night!"
"Awesome! Good night Twilight!" Said Spike, as he flew Pinkie back to Sugarcube Corner, with his giant pink and purple wings.
5657389 i finally got the Twilight chapter up! I'm going to post The Rarity chapter on Thursday! So hopefully your looking forward to that