• Member Since 1st Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 1st, 2022



So sit right back and hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. Started in this secret lab aboard this iron ship. A bit of advice though, if your friend asks you to join them on a trip to a secret lab, don't accept, or you may find yourself a permanent resident of... Fallout Equestria(dun dun DUN dun)! It happened to me and my friends once. Perhaps you would like to hear the story? Pull up a chair and read on!

Special Thanks to my editor and proofreader Fieeesh

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 16 )

Mary sue... Gary stu...
no thanks...
still gonna keep an eye on this for the next few chapters to see if it improves...

RETRO! or is it?

First lines of your intro. Gilligan's Island. You have my attention.

Comment posted by Just another hoerse love deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by Just another hoerse love deleted Aug 21st, 2015

Actyally it still describes someone...
so while it is not exactly a word
it does not matter if it is not an actual term you numbskull
it being a term has nothing to do with using them to describe someone or something...
so im calling you a troll now
also http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/term

Comment posted by Just another hoerse love deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by Just another hoerse love deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by Just another hoerse love deleted Aug 21st, 2015

good concept but too rushed, still wait for more. :pinkiesmile:

The idea of humans in fallout equestria's pretty good, you just need to tone down the Mary sue's by like, alot. And ya need to slow down with the character advancements, hurts my eyes readin' it. Having fore knowledge of the place is powerful enough.

6390194 Hi Fieeesh here proofreader of the this here story. Now I agree with the character advancement but he said that was what he wanted to do, on the Mary Sue front however that is more or less a big point in the story, you see the characters are OP as shit because we want them to basically seem like they could mush every enemy the Wasteland throws at them but have epic battles with characters that are as strong or even weaker then them because they find it interesting and want a challenge. Also these people are more like, they have massive power but are still vulnerable despite seeming invincible, like Superman if Superman wasn't invincible and was always fighting on roughly the same terms as his enemies, despite being able to turn them into raspberry jelly with a flick of his wrist.

6408265 Oh, well as long as there's character development I down to read more. At least they have a few weaknesses. It wouldn't be fun to read otherwise.

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