• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2017



The Everfree was a vast forested area with a mighty river splitting the land like a railroad through a mountain. It was dangerous, because of the strange creatures ranging from Manitcores to Cockatrices residing within. The smaller animals, had to scurry from tree to tree to avoid being something else lunch. It was a vicious fight for life, but it was the nature of life itself.

Nopony expected anypony within their right minds to be able to live too far inside the forest, with the exception of Zecora, let alone a complete civilization. It was a civilization that many had thought a myth, as it had disappeared far before the Crystal Empire. It was gone before the age of the Princesses. It was even gone before the times of Discord. It was the late great Empire of the Horses.

special thanks to SolarEclipse912 for editing

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 14 )
Comment posted by Wolfoftheforest deleted Feb 16th, 2015

Hello everyone that posts comments here. thank you for your input

I'm really enjoying this story. The character could use some more dimensions. Same with the environment, but the story line so far is far better than most of the crap on this site.

A bit of a slow start, but this story does have a lot of promise. It looks interesting so a far, although i was a bit confused at the beginning. Keep up the good work

Hopefully I'll remember to read this later and not let it get buried under other stories.

Also, Wolfoftheforest, no matter what your comment down at the bottom of the comments, you (probably) could have just edited it...

Not bad.
"I've been waiting to long to see my brothe"
to should be too and brothe should be brother, other than that, it's good.

This seems better, but switch to and too on, "I've been waiting to long too see my brother."

6012630 If you read his blog, he stated that he was joining the services, and might not be able to put in anymore chapters for a while. He might have been caught up in exercising. So i really wouldn't declare it dead just yet. just on a really long hiatus.

6258292 Heh. maybe, let hope so buddy

Comment posted by Wolfoftheforest deleted Mar 2nd, 2016
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