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Orchid?...that name seem familiar.
A giant Pony? man... it really long time now i hear it again.
from movie pacific rim. also Sea pony, I love it.
A first fiction about sea pony!
*Heart Attack*
"To battle monsters, we had to create monsters of our own"
5601400 You know? i never read fiction about sea pony about this but i like it.
I always want to read about sea pony but i never hear or maybe seeing it.
So much D'aww.
Kinda reminds me of Sunless Seas.
5601402 5601551 That not be a Sea Pony. That be a Kaiju Pony!
5601676 Here you go.
i am gonna get Heart attack soon...if... about...over...cute.
5601908 And here you go.
5601927 Lololololololololololol Have some more!
5601938 *More heart attack*
5601938 Hey, dude. Check rule 34. she have a nice pussy.
5602118 What the hell is wrong with you?!
5602115 And for the killing blow!
5602118 ... ew. Why would you say such a thing?
if i ever feel what wrong? just remember, there are people who fap to cartoon ponies.
fapping on pony isn't so useless.
pedophile are worst.
Also here
5602144 5602135 Well, now that weird, now cartoon pony have more civil rights then real womans. LOL!
5602144 Yes I know of that part of the fandom. All fandoms will have those kind of people. It's just not something I like.
I beg to differ on the statements you have said. The first implies you are ejaculating on an miniature equine. The second is your matter of option.
I would also request that you refrain from linking adult content onto the site. It is against the rules.
Sweet Celestia this is amazing!!
5602173 Yeah, The rule, but, why i other guy post 18+ about Glida? anyway i think this story gonna be Romantic somehow. i read Artist person draw about Orchid also this fiction seem...i don't know. feeling. look at this... Bad kiss
5602173 Sorry, next time i will check
5605754 Thank you.
hmm, nnnnnnng, heart attack...
Wow, I was really surprised when someone linked this one to me. Nice to see someone using the shark tail design that seemed so popular. The actual artist who does these pictures about the character is AlloyRabbit. You can see more of them right here.
This story has some promise, though, and I'd like to see more. It's similar to the original in the basic idea you can see it here for a quick reference, but it looks like you have your own setting design going. I'm impressed, and I'd like to see where this goes.
Just as a reader's note though: "I walked back to the cabin, I'd kept a surefire way to get her out in there. "
Seems like a strange sentence to me. Would you consider rewriting that one as something like "I walked back to the cabin where I'd kept a surefire way to lure her out"? You could even slow down the pace a little and describe the main character getting inside and maybe noting a personal item he had in the boat to build some more backstory or take a moment to describe where he actually had the bag, like a fishing bait box labeled "Emergency Kaiju Bait." He reaches in and pulls out the bag of chips and stares at it for a second before he finally nods and starts shaking it around on his way to check over the stern for the pony.
Huh. Ponific Rim? A peculiar concept. Let's see what happens.
(I don't even want to imagine how the kids will work this time around...)
~In coming!- heavy (tf2)
Sir Hat, I don't know if you're still gonna continue this one but it's awesome so far! I'd like to red more!
I've been hoping this one would update.
I've been waiting for this just because I wanna know what the deal with Orchid is.
Although stemming from a, how you'd say, less than savory side of the 'net, Orchid and the ye olden greentexts accompanied by Alloy's sketches are kinda classic. And adorable.
Truly.... Now to splice it with some HIE headcanon...and for some reason a Bioshock inspired guy in a suit.
My body may or may not be ready.
I have no intention of getting off this ride.
Huh. I was picturing closer to an Alpha Daddy.
aren't big daddy suits weighted to sink?
Aww, she's growing up.
And now I'm wondering if the thing they need to discuss is the possibility of Orchid devouring all life in the ocean. Given that she's a child, that seems like a distinct possibility.
Also, I do like the twisted use of the Big Daddy suit. Not so big in this case.
I believe that's the idea. It's a pressure suit so it's meant to go down deep and he mentioned something about going down on the ocean floor.
So, yes.
It also may provide some booping protection, as it is designed to take massive pressure.
I also think we need some sea ponies in here.
I'm liking this so far. Keep it up Hat~
You know my friend? My imagination still have limit but still. it remind me from a girl who love building a tree house and play with other kids. until that days. i hear kids dancing in the street, They grew young while we grew old and weak. I promised them they'll be us someday
And I told them, children, you can't avoid what's coming.
Until, children say to me was, she was been car accident. that was really shock to me. but they dance for her last time.
New batch huh? Are we going to get adorable, more manageable sized Orchids in the coming chapters?
Oh dear god!
The finger nibblers!
That's one thing I love about your characters. There are a lot of damn good fathers among them.
That said, pony size may be too far in the other direction for creatures made to fight kaiju. Yes, the logistics of colossi are hard to wrangle, but going from whale to piranha may not be strategically tenable. Well, that remains to be seen. For now, there's an adorable giant to wrangle through puberty.
Well, it's double whale to pony sized. Granted yeah, tiny baby pony monsters are like quarter sized, but give them some time.
so if a human and a pony make a satyr, a human and a merpony would make a mermaid
Huh, interesting.
*cough*...I used a big daddy groan in my head for that.
5853394 I see your having fun with that GIF.
it's a gif I will usually use on 4chan...for when anons are being "seriously" worthy.
Wait... the merpony's complaint about land is the cold, but the bottom of the ocean ranged from 0-3 Celsius, AND there are more particles around to conduct that heat.