My faithful student Twilight,
I very much enjoyed your lesson on friendship today. It was so nice hearing that you learned how to be delicate when it is so easy to hurt somepony's feelings. I'm also glad to hear that Fluttershy and you are on better terms from the lesson. It's a very precious lesson to learn with your friends. Funny story, actually, Fluttershy sent me a letter briefly before yours about her lesson in friendship. Apparently, you have taught her that being sensitive is important, but not to a point where you get offended by simple comments.
However, this is not the only reason I have decided to write a response today. You see, in a couple weeks, the Grand Galloping Gala is coming around again. I have inclosed seven tickets for you and your friends, like last time. I've been thinking, though, Twilight, that I feel it would be appropriate this time that you should all invite dates. Due to the recent royal wedding for your brother, I thought it would be only appropriate. For this reason, I have provided a spare six tickets.
Of course, you are not pressured to bring dates if you don't feel it necessary, but the option is always there and it would make the night much more gratifying.
Your teacher, Celestia.
It might be worth mentioning to your friend Rarity that Prince Blueblood has asked me to inform her that he is not going to be attending this year's gala and she should really consider another stallion.
It might be worth mentioning to your friend Rarity that Prince Blueblood has asked me to inform her that he is not going to be attending this year's gala and she should really consider another stallion.
Dear Princess Celestia,
As Twilight's number one assistant, I think you know that I'm responsible for writing her letters. Because of that I get to write neat comments whenever I want, because she never checks the letter (silly unicorn). And here's my note, about something I didn't understand:
You sent SEVEN tickets for all seven of us, but only SIX tickets for the date? That means you think somepony's not bringing a date. And I think, fromv your letter, you believe that I will be the one not to bring a date. I'm offended, here's a drawing of my offended face
Okay, maybe not so offended. But still, I CAN get a date if I want to!

543042 Hahaha
For anyone who didn't want to read the prologue allow me to paraphrase.
My faithful student Twilight,
I read your letter and it was all well and good but now I've decided to shovel some crap into your life by inviting you and your friends to a gathering that ended absolutely catastrophically last year with Fluttershy having a mental breakdown. To add to my master plan of trolling your life I've decided to ask you six to find dates in a world with a female to male ratio of ten to one and even though I'm saying it doesn't matter I'm obviously putting peer pressure onto you by saying that the event would be much better if you did.
Your teacher, Celestia.
543042 well i don't think spikes gonna get a date so yeah
Well it is completely reasonable to think Spike is too young to be bringing a date. Even if he thinks he's a stud
What gets me is that Blue Blood is arrogant enough to thing that Rarity still wants him. Lolz!
Of course, they're going to completely ignore the whole 'you are not pressured to bring dates if you don't feel it necessary' part.
Oh dear.
Please say Spike's involved in this storyline ?
Read the description. Read the first chapter.
DIS GUN BE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the seventh is for spike
543042 Dear Spike,
I think you need to have a little talk with Applejack about the importance of honesty. I mean, seriously, who's going to date YOU... Sweetie Belle? Please, even she has standards.
Your Benevolent Leader,
804632 Seems legit.
804632 Ouch! That's harsh!
Anyway, I hope I at least heard of all of these ponies that the mane six are going to go with them (if they can actually get the nerve to ask and/or get a yes.)
No that ain't celestia thats....Trollestia
Dun dun duuuuunnn
"You see, in a couple weeks, the Grand Galloping Gala is coming around again. I have inclosed seven tickets for you and your friends"
Pfffh...yeah, Blueblood. Rarity is SO concerned by you being missing