Applejack's marefriend asks her the one question you never want to hear in a relationship, and she wants an answer. Now.
It's a really bad time to be the Element of Honesty.
Audio Reading by Agent0Fluffy
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the nuclear bomb's got them both beat.
Applejack's marefriend asks her the one question you never want to hear in a relationship, and she wants an answer. Now.
It's a really bad time to be the Element of Honesty.
Audio Reading by Agent0Fluffy
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I enjoyed this. Good, cute stuff.
The last part was pretty funny. In fact, it was all pretty funny
Oh, Applejack, never change.
But yeah, this fic was really good. It's a fun little RariJack story with great and believable character interaction between the two. You pretty much nailed it there.
My only nitpick with this story is that you used the word y'all wrong.
Y'all is a plural noun. I'm from the south, and no one here ever really uses it as a singular. The word you're probably looking for in that situation would be 'ya'. It's not that big of a deal, really; it just bugs me whenever I see people use it incorrectly.
5487835 Glad you enjoyed it, and I'll fix that error right away.
5487882 I love your avatar pic!
5487944 Thanks, yours looks pretty cool too.
This definitely turned out to be better than I expected. Good job.
5487948 Thanks!
I honestly for some reason thought this would turn out that Applejack dated she liked big butts and she could not lie.

I stopped eating all the fattening stuff weeks ago!

Rarity needs a shower ! A baby shower !
Bow chicka boom boom baby
for a second there I thought I needed to go on a diet
baby fat ?
You are going to eat me !
cup cakes?
Aw horse apples
cider ?
But you're still getting bigger
If it's not what I'm eating. . .
It's good. I feel like it needs a little bit more to completely resolve an examination of the dynamic between Applejack and Rarity in this situation and really round off the whole picture, though.
That's not an error. As someone living in Georgia, and has been all over the South, I can say definitively that we use y'all even when we're speaking about one person in particular. There is no textbook correct way to say it, it is Southern slang, the common lingo. Practically part of the accent. Some people seem to think otherwise around here on FIMFIC for some reason, but you can tell they haven't been in the South very long, or at all.
well apple jack
... your fucked
Okay, that makes sense. I think I'll just keep it as "ya" though for now, simply because I'm lazy, but I will keep that in mind when I'm writing Applejack's dialogue in the future. Thanks for your help.
I'm surprised no one in the comments has said: "Take it off Rarity, and go naked like you always do."
5489183 Been born and raised in Arkansas all my life, so maybe it's just where I'm from? I've never come across anyone who uses the word as a singular noun. Of course, there are always exceptions.
I've done some research on it before, and there's actually a long-standing debate about the usage of the word y'all. Pretty neat, isn't it? For the the most part, it's generally used as a plural noun, but there are a few times when people use it as a singular. Could be different for some people though. Like I said, there's always a possibility for exceptions. Maybe I'm just weird?
But yeah, I already said this, but it isn't really that big of a deal. It is pretty fun to think about though.
Now here's a quick question: how often does Applejack actually use the word y'all in the show, and when she does, does she use it as a singular noun, plural noun, or both? I honestly don't know. I guess I'll just have to pay closer attention next time I watch an episode and she gets a line.
Yes! You're weird! Just like the rest of us.
Twas a great story. I loved it! Reminds me of a song who's title escapes my memory... Hm...
I'm afraid I am going to have to ask you to pull over, ma'am. For having an ass that is damn sexy.
Ohhhhhh burn!
In your face RD!
I don't know what to say. This was a really good one shot. Seems like there could be a second chapter about Rainbow Dash telling Rairty she looks fat. But that was pretty great for just one chapter.
And AJ's need to not lie was pretty entertaining. I also loved the way you wrote her acent. It just works.
No constructive critisim since you resolved the problem quickly and got a decent moral out. Plus, it works. They were going to be late for dinner, and needed to hurry up for their..... 3 month anniversary dinner. 3 months? Wouldn't it have been funnier if Rairty messed up their one year anniversary? Oh well whateves.
Overall: Rairty should NOT make her own wedding dress. She'll look chubby. And the others will laugh.
So many people seem to forget or miss this, but yes, Applejack has used "ya'll" to refer to a single person.
And yes, it is a perfectly acceptable means of address. I mean, as far as a person would accept a Southern accent as "acceptable", that is. You'll note that Rarity is definitely not of this camp, even emphasizing the proper use of "you" instead of "ya'll".
The writers are Canadian. As far from the south as you can get. And y'all is never proper for singular use (as a southerner myself).
For proofs:
[a rather useful blog from a southerner on the use of y'all.]
[another southern sight for the appropriate use of y'all.]
Actual Southerners alongside myself saying that y'all is plural.
But yeah, Northerners using the Southern Dialect is one thing, but in the written word, especially by people who speak the language can comment. Should not be misused.
Dawwww. Great mix of humor and heartwarming. Besides, Applejack is the one with the massive bottom anyway. It's basically canon since Simple Ways.
Unless it was just the dress making her look fat. Then Rarity's to blame.
Wow. Honestly, you are the best Rarejack shipper writer out there. I can't believe it! This is a amazing piece! Somtin new and no used over and over again. Not only that but something that seems so realistic between happening to those two. This story had great characterazation. Thouh Rarity was just a teensy bit off at the end. But still pretty good! I rate this 8/10 ducks.
You other ponies can't deny,
That awkward moment when you remember Rarity can do this:
5500210 Is it weird that I watched that video over and over again... I must say it is hilarious.
I always thought someday someone would make a story like this...
...and you, my good sir / ma'am, are one magnificent bastard for going forth and writing it.
Wonderfully written, classic RariJack, but where is the Romance tag?
I debated about including it, and decided not to. This fic, while featuring a ship, is really only slice of life. It's meant to be a brief snapshot of Rarity and Applejack's relationship, without really focusing on the romance. This is also why I didn't include a comedy tag, because even though there are jokes, its not a pivotal point of the story in my opinion.
If you honestly feel that there should be a romance tag, I'm not against adding it, I just don't see much point in it.

5505851 I'd go with the romance tag, not as a means of drawing in, but as a means of filtering out. Some people really want to scrub out all the pony romances when they search for fic, and if it's a major plot element, there's no harm in playing along.
(If they demand a romance tag for 1,000 words out of a 50,000-word story, that's when you bring out the orbital friendship cannon.)
Makes sense. All right, I'll add it.
There is nothing bigger than Rainbow Dash's ego. It is at least 20% bigger than anything.
Always have to dread that one moment when a girl asks you if the outfit makes them look fat.
Being honest all the time must be a pain at times for AJ
What I do whenever that question comes up:
I love this story-- It's short, sweet and you nailed Applejack and Rarity's personalities for the most part. My favorite part was the ending
I did a fanfic read of this! This was so much fun to do!
7170907 Seems I can't listen to the reading. Do you mind taking it off private mode?
7182779 No problem. I took it off private mode.
7182940 Awesome, thank you.
And great job on the reading!
7183526 Thanks! What do you like about it?
7183687 Overall I just thought it was a really solid reading. I'm no expert in them or anything so I can't really offer you much in terms of specifics. I just know I enjoyed listening to it.
Everypony for theirselves! *jumps out window to avoid answering the question. ~hugs
I redid my previous reading of your story. Redux Reading