• Member Since 21st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen August 11th


[aka FlutterWitch, aka MidnightChaos, aka The Witching Hour]


Discord has long been the last of his kind. Feeling lonely he searches for familiar creatures and finds some strange creatures that are an apparent subspecies of his, who knew?
These Homo Sapiens have long since left Equestria to start over for fun. Over time they lost their powers and began to make sense.
Most of them.
A small few still remember and know their origins. Or at least have an idea.
They came back.

Just a little mini-series on the antics of a few humans who come to Equestria.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 128 )

Hmm.... not really a story. It feels like little one shots.

5370821 I feel like it's a story with chapters that can't be called chapters maybe half pages but not chapters

This is what a troll would do in Equestria.

Madness! This whole story is naught but madness!


Nothing but glorious, glorious madness:pinkiecrazy:

You my friend are truly mad. I like it.:pinkiehappy:

Pure lunacy.

It also....takes the cake.


his time Twilight was still pinned down some six hours later as rarity worked on switching the colors and turning Twilight into a model.

Missing the T at the beginning.


This was just for kicks, to be honest.

I noticed you kicked my sides out, ya' jerk! :rainbowlaugh:

5386808 PO TAT OES boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew!

5453138 NEIN! (That means no)

I can have some fun to,


Those cupcakes are as good as Luna's.

This is too fun, but too short.
Keep it up!

5454042 GEMÜSE(that means vegetable)

no, just no, okay, I can not... please?

It happened.
I think they broke RD though.

Is Dashie a mother now?

They came out her mouth.

Being the ENd of the rainbow shouldnt they have come out the other end?:rainbowhuh:

Least it wasn't the ass end of a rainbow.

Depends on the end of the rainbow they're referencing.
I find it funny you used an RD emoticon here.

They see me rolling, they hatin'.

I think it would have been funnier if it was White and Nerdy instead of Rollin'.

5556542 well could be worse at least there small at moment, hate to see dash cough them up if they were orange sized or worse.... wonder if they had a snack or to while traveling .... if so I imagine there's some trash at the end of the rainbow.

I've gone ahead and recommended this to the Olympus library.

I've also included a 'review' of the story here: Click me!

Apologies if the review is a bit substandard. I didn't know what to think whilst reading this story.

"Good morning, good afternoon, and good night". I remember that quote. It was a good movie.

That last paragraph needs serious editing.

I'm deeply confused why I marked this ... I have no idea what's going on in this story now

It doesn't have a proper storyline, they're just a bunch of little joke prompts basically.

A good man always go down with a ship.

The hump grinned

Should it be 'hump' or 'human'?

That music ^^ .... And fuck it's in my head, bastard ! :flutterrage:

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