It was the most wonderful time of the year in Equestria, which was of course Hearth Warming's Eve. It was pretty much the only time that everypony wasn't not in a good mood. Twilight, since it was her first Hearth Warming's Eve as the Princess of Friendship, was invited to multiple "high end" events around Equestria. She of course turned down many of these invites not because she was trying to be snotty about being out in public, but rather she would much rather remain around Ponyville and Canterlot near her friends. One day, Twilight and her friends were sitting in the room with the six chairs in her castle and talking about what they should do for their "big trip" to celebrate the holidays. All of a sudden, the book that Twilight received the message from her friends at CHS started buzzing and jumping around like crazy.
"Hmmmmmm...... I wonder if my CHS friends are trying to send me a message" said Twilight as she used her unicorn magic to carry the book over to her chair.
She flipped to the page that was giving a golden glow.
"What does the message say?" asked Fluttershy.
"It says:
Dear Twilight,
We hope that you're having a joyful holiday season. We were wondering if you would be able to come to join us for a Christmas Party at CHS and slumber party on Christmas Eve at Pinkie Pie's house. Let us know when you get the chance and we hope to see you soon. Merry Christmas.
Your friends,
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Sunset Shimmer.
P.S., If you want, you can bring one of your friends from your side of the portal."". said Twilight.
"What the hey is Christmas?" asked Applejack.
"I have no idea, but I'm assuming it's similar to Hearth Warming's Eve." said Twilight.
"So Twilight, you wanna go to other side of the portal for this 'Christmas Party'? It seems like a fun time." said Spike.
"Yeah sure I don't see why not. I'm pretty sure that things at CHS have calmed down since the Dazzlings were defeated. I also wanna see what this 'Christmas' business is all about." said Twilight.
Twilight quickly powered up the makeshift portal she used to get to the other side when she went CHS to defeat the Dazzlings.
"Wait hold up Sugarcube! What about us? Why are you bailing out on us when Hearth Warming's Eve is just two days from now?" asked Applejack.
"I know how you feel about me just randomly just leaving you guys at this time of year but I really want to see what Christmas is about. I also haven't seen my CHS friends since we defeated the Dazzlings in the Battle of the Bands. This is gonna be the first time I get to see and spend time with them when there's hopefully no villain who's threatening to destroy CHS we have to defeat." said Twilight.
"Yeah I guess that makes since. Have fun y'all." said Applejack.
Just as Spike and Twilight were ready to run through the portal, Rainbow Dash stopped them at the last second.
"Wait Twilight, which one of us are gonna be the lucky pony to join you and Spike for this 'Christmas Party'?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"Oh yeah right. Quickly write your name on a slip of paper and drop in the bucket and the name I pull out will be the one coming with me and Spike." said Twilight.
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack quickly wrote their names on a slip of paper and put in the bucket. Spike then reached into the bucket and pulled out a slip of paper.
"The pony who will be joining me and Twilight for this 'Christmas Party' at CHS is............... Rainbow Dash!" said Spike.
Rainbow Dash all of a sudden started flying around the room in excitement.
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! I get to go to the other side of the portal! It's gonna be so awesome!" said Rainbow Dash excitedly.
Twilight didn't say anything knowing that she assumed correctly what Rainbow Dash's reaction would be if she was chosen.
"Ok Rainbow calm down. We gotta go." said Twilight.
"Have fun and be safe." said Fluttershy.
Twilight along with Rainbow Dash and Spike then ran towards the portal and were on their way for what Twilight's CHS friends called a 'Christmas party'.
The only problem with this story is the lack of detail and the pace. Other than that keep at it.
What Blooming Cherries said, but I'm interested. : twilightsmile: