• Member Since 30th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 10th, 2015


howdy, im a newbie to writing, i like anime, video games, and airsoft. might do fics for all of em XD. please, feel free to criticize, it will only help! thanks!


Travel to a time, undocumented by equestrian history. In which goblins dwell, and Men, Elf, and Pony alike try to survive the untamed wilderness. The three Pony races will soon find that they have more to worry about than each other.

One Unicorn, Goldenheart, is the prince of the Unicorn Ponies. Wanting no more than freedom, he spends his time trying to squeeze what fun he can out of prim and proper suppers, fancy Gala's and attending meetings. looking for a way out of his drab life, he and his sister Platinum journey into the Everfree Forest, seeking freedom and a way out of destiny.

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