• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Pony wallpaper artist, music producer and fanfiction author | Offline Archive

Comments ( 9 )

Story contains rape

My first reaction when I saw that:




Really, that's what Soarin' would scream at tentacles? Not even a simple cry for help?

* * * * * * * * * *

Hr tag is right above you buddy, that's what it's for.

"Not to mention that now we can spend some real quality time together..." She leaned in to nuzzle him softly, her voice taking on a sensual edge. Soarin perked up at that.

My reaction:
I can't believe somepony/someone would want to have sex right after they went through a horrifying journey.

After what I have read, I'm not leaving a like or dislike, yet. ~ Silver Spoon

Nice Changeling rape Story.

well that escalated quickly....

Okay then............................., Don't know how to respond to that

Poor Soarin'. He really thought...

...that this day was going to be perfect.

Pretty good female on male rape story. Those tentacles ... thanks to japan they will always have a place in shateshifter rape stories

yah, emotionally scarred stallion!

Truth be told, he felt like she was acting a little odd today. She hadn’t even been flying that fast, and now she already wanted to rest? What happened to the fastest mare in Equestria with her immense endurance?

Maybe she just needs her endurance for other activities she had planned for later...

Chrysalis cackled as he sunk and slinked backwards. “Aww, what’s the matter? You don’t love me anymore because I don’t have a Rainbow mane and tight athletic pussy?”

Soarin: "To be fair, those are quite attractive..."

You know, if Chrysalis would have kept her disguise on she could have "stolen" all his love, escape and no one would be any wiser.
And, as a harmless but amusing side effect, she would have provided a very awkward situation for the next meeting between Soarin and the actual Rainbow Dash...

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