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Wasn't there already a Cards Against Humanity story here?
...eh, whatever. I wasn't the first Gargoyles story on the site, so who am I to talk about originality?
With that said, lemme read this.
-Kirb, possibly on drugs.
5286498 It's a bandwagon thing. I made like two blog posts about jumping on this bandwagon.
Another one of these?
I'm now of the opinion that "raunchy" is the understatement of the year regarding this game.
Apples to Apples can be raunchy. This... This is well beyond raunchy.
...This is going to be great!
plz no.
Don't make this a fad, you'll make me hate the irl game.
You're certainly getting some good mileage out of that reference, now aren't you?
I laughed harder at that than I have any right to.
Well, at least it was spelled with two "y"s...
Coincidentally, "two whys" is what I give this story, and I mean that in the best way possible.
Now, one round down, four more have been published. I'm going to enjoy this...
5286534 this fad is making me want to GET the IRL game, dude!
I dare someone to write this.
Ah, yes. The polite, considerate friend with an astonishingly perverse imagination. I'd call it cliche if it didn't perfectly describe what happens when I play Cards Against Humanity.
In any case, you're actually making this work fairly well, using the cards as a way to get the characters to bounce off of one another. Definitely looking forward to more.
I just waiting for a big black dick to rear it's oozing headXD
Well I don't mind this bandwagon at all
And I think this is the funniest so far.

Hmm, why does this sound so familiar, I wonder?
5286785 Yeah, that trend is similar to the story that started all this, but in this case, it IS accidental. You see...I'm actually playing CAH as I write this, with six hands of cards. Fluttershy's hand just keeps coughing up these gems.
sunset is totally just going 4 sympathy points. she ain't some damn tearful waifu.
5286809 Sunset's hand keeps coming up bad. I'm not a fan of her cards either, but it's what I'm pulling out of the deck.
One of the things that was missing from the other stories was getting Fluttershy to curse, and then blush afterward. It's so adorkable.

Ah yes, Smosh Games can attest to that card's rather . . . interesting scenario. *gag*
Me in a nutshell.
I have to approve of not just using card games to create pony fiction, but actually playing those card games to do so.
You sure Sunset wasn't talking to the readers? Cause I think I just did!
God DAMN it Moth!
I don't even need to add anything. This speaks for itself. I'm just drawing attention to it.
scrollboss.illmosis.net/customsprite/splatterhouse-capfgt_biggieman_stand1.png : "Damn straight, Dash."
At least you're not mindlessly bandwagoning. I'm actually okay with this CAH fic existing. The rest can go die, though...
"Fuck yeah!" : images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20071021170622/uncyclopedia/images/1/12/Raptor-attack.png
5286806 Okay, that's just fucking brilliant, dude!
Forgot a quotation mark at the beginning there.
stop the madness, Based Obs. Use your beardly powers!
...this is going to turn into something out of The Twilight Zone, isn't it?
5287093 I'll fix it in the morning. Right now I'm trying to finish this thing. X_X
5287110 Turn into? It's been there from the beginning.
Consensual Sex.
5287133 Yeah, but it's like that one episode where that guy starts spilling his secrets left and right... oh wait, that's exactly what you were saying.
Also, congratulations on finding a worse latest fad diet than 'the Jews'. I still maintain that war is the best for 'some G*ddamn peace and quiet'.
aww i was hoping santa would have gave the kids dead parents instead of coal for christmas
aww i was hoping santa would have gave the kids dead parents instead of coal for christmas
Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were inspired. Personally, I would've given the card to "I drink to forget alcoholism." I'm a sucker for paradoxes.
Also, Adam Smith should apparently be ashamed of himself.
I love this so much!
You don't even know how much!
when this is done..i hope for a sequel just because it so funny. i also wanna get the game.
Even Smash Bros was prepared. There's a magic hat headgear piece for Mii Fighters, and yes, I made one for Trixie. I wish I could show it to you.
This is horribly tasteless... And yet I can't stop laughing. The character interactions make it all worth it. Will read more(which is more than I can say about the story that started this bandwagon).
... Well, that's a mood killer.
Sums up this game quite well, don'cha think?
And poor, poor Fluttershy...
... Did Justice4243's Sonata write some of these?
5286841 Could you give me the link?
Dash might want to watch her back...
... AJ, I am a representative of the Alliance for non-Stereotypical Southerners, and I fear I need to revoke you hick card for the time being.
"Being a dick to children is a slippery slope that leads to jerking off into a pool of children's tears."
I think I just got a first class ticket to hell for laughing at that play.
It's Pinky Pie and Twilight!
At the end.
Wait, I thought the invisible hand was the economic principle where hedonism makes society function better. No seriously, that's the definition.