• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 30 minutes ago


Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)

Comments ( 38 )

TwiShy definately Twishy

I like it! XD I little bit fast, but when it comes to these 2 is believable! :raritywink:

Sweet story. I :heart::heart::heart: it. Please let there be more. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Also to answer your question. I would like to see Rarishy (Rarity and Fluttershy, or Spilight (Spike and Twilight), or Spie (Pinkie Pie and Spike).

5286091 , 5286246 , 5286239

I'm glad a couple like this enough to comment :pinkiehappy:
But, yeah, I plan on more Humanized pony fics. Probably more involving Dash and AJ...

Oh. Well how embarrassing :twilightsheepish::twilightblush:. Well then could you make a story where it involves Aj and Dash getting into a situation with the other four girls, maybe add Spike or Big Macintosh as well.

Oh, there'll be groups a'ight... :pinkiecrazy:

I know that image is cropped.


what you want the full image?

5286091 Nah, this is RariPie, with a hint of SpikeLuck

SpikeLuck? Spike and Roseluck?

Since we can't link to NSFW content, just search for "humanized applejack and rainbow dash nude" in Google Images and scroll down. It's not that far from the top.

That is the first I've heard of that pairing. I didn't know it was a thing. I am planning on a little ShyPie now that I think of it...

5286369 I think there's at least one fic on this site that has SpikeLuck but...I've never read it. I kinda just made that up on the spot, it's all I could think of...hehe

Luna x Fluttershy

The working girl

You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Tom x Bloomburg, please.

Apart from the fact that Applejack WORKS on a farm and is a GIRL? Then, yes, she's literally a working girl.

definitely do Twilight and Rarity, barely see any of those

fucking humanized

5288592 Heeeyyy

You blow out the candles yet?

awesome,perfect....i really love it ^.^

I wouldn't mind twilight x fluttershy

I'm going to go against the popular consensus and say RariPie.

can i get a twidash!?

way to rush, i enjoyed it, but you could have spaced it out a lot more.
anyway, thumbs up from me, but next time draw it out and don't uses pussy ten thousand times.

Isn't bloomburg a tree?
And Tom is a rock?
Im soo confused....

Are you messing with me lol? Because i do not understand how yoi would write a clop about a tree and a rock...... :derpyderp1: :applejackconfused:

You got that cover art from DeviantArt?

Wish there was another ch.

Seriously though WTF BOOM

I wouldn't mind PinkieDash

Dashie had on a black sports bra which covered her C-cups and black short shorts.

Not a complete flat chest...I appreciate that.

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