I awoke in the hospital bed, but something was different. For one thing, I could move my body, and it felt great. It was like I was waking up from hibernation. I stretched out my arms and looked around the room. It was empty. I looked above my bed, there was a clock.
“1:15, wonder if it’s AM or PM?”
Then I looked to the door of the room. I was curious if I could walk, and didn’t want to go back under without trying. I put my legs over the bed side and attempted to get up. But the weight on my legs was painful after so long without getting up. Actually, how long have I been out? I would have to find out later. I tried to get up again; this was met with my face crashing into the floor, hard.
“Ow.” I mumbled; “At least it’s clean.” I’ve been in my share of floors in my time, some of those bathroom floors give me the shivers just thinking about them.
I grab the side of my bed and try to climb back up. I clawed my way back onto my feet and tried to stand in place. But I could tell from my wobbling that I needed a cane or something. I didn’t see anything I could use, so I decided to get back into bed. My body began to ache from the unfamiliar exercises I was doing. I laid back on my bed, trying to rest up so I could try again later.
Just then, the door began to open and the pink haired nurse from before walked in holding a tray of medicine. She stopped when she saw I was awake.
“You’re awake?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I began to sit up; “I just woke up. Body’s a little sore.”
“We can give you medication for that.” She answered; “It’ll help with pain and help you relax.”
“Alright, it won’t knock me out again will it?”
“No, no,” she answered with a smile and a laugh; “The only reason we did that was to keep you still.”
“What?” “I jumped back forward
“Well, when you came in, we weren’t sure what the hit to your head had done. But soon, your body started to spasm and we weren’t sure what the long term effects would be from such erratic movements. So we had to pump you full of medication until your body was healed.”
“Jeez,” I laid back; “So how long was I out?” I asked.
“About Six days.”
“What!?” I shouted; “I was out for almost a week!?”
“It’s ok,” she got down next to me and put a hand over mine; “It’s fine, there are no lasting effects to the blow. We just couldn’t have you moving until we knew your body was ready.”
I took a deep breath. “A week….”
“Kind of strange isn’t it?” The pink haired nurse was still by my side, making sure I was calm.
“Yeah, it is. How I can just wake up and almost a week went by.”
“Just think of it as you oversleeping.” She giggled; “If that helps.”
I chucked back; “Yeah it does.” I looked down to her; “I don’t think I got your name.”
She got back up and began to hook up certain machines and made sure others were working. “It’s Nurse Redheart.”
“Well Nurse,” I began; “I wasn’t completely out during my time here.”
“Yeah, we had the time when you woke up and couldn’t move. That was scary because the doctors still wanted you under for at least 12 more hours.”
“Yeah I remember that, but there was another time.”
She stopped what she was doing and looked at me.
“Ok, can you tell me when it was?”
“No,” I tried to remember; “I couldn’t open my eyes or move my body. But I could hear and feel.”
Nurse Redheart grabbed a clipboard and began to take notes. “OK, was there anybody in the room at the time?”
“Vinyl was, I heard her talking.”
“Ok, I check to see what times she came to see you. Then we can determine when you woke up. I need to make sure that if the medicine wears off after a certain time, we fix that.” She stopped writing and looked at me. “You know Vinyl’s in the lobby waiting for visiting hours to start.”
“How long has she…”
“About half an hour.”
“How long is till…”
“About forty-five minutes.” She gave me a smile; “She really cares for you. So does that other girl.”
“Could you….?”
“I’ll let her come in early.”
“Thank you Nurse Redheart.”
Nurse Redheart nodded with a smile and left the room. I laid my head back onto the pillow, thinking about what I had heard. Out for almost a week, Vinyl and Octavia visiting me frequently, and the idea of me not being able to move my body for the rest of my life, all of these thoughts rushed through my head as I laid there. I was no longer groggy; I was wide awake watching the door. I wanted to know once and for all why she cared for me so much. Sure, I saved her life. But I’m sure the security guards at some of her events have done the same, and I doubt that she’s this caring for every single one of them. My thoughts were quickly silenced as the door began to open.
I shot my head up and watched Vinyl enter. She was wearing some jeans, a black T shirt, and one of those life preserver things Marty Mcfly had in Back to the Future except her’s was white.
“Hi.” I greeted her with a smile.
“Hi there, um, how’s the head?” She asked.
“It’s good, a little sore, but overall good.”
“That’s…good.” She was nervous, very nervous.
“Listen Vinyl, you didn’t-.”
“Please don’t say it.”
“Say what?” I asked.
“Don’t say, ‘I didn’t have to come’ or ‘there’s no reason for me to come.” She sat down next to the bed. “I came because I wanted too, not because anyone forced me too, same goes for Octavia.”
I laid my head back down, looking away from her towards the machinery. I had gotten used to that damn heart rate monitor, so that beeping wasn’t driving me crazy anymore. I was more focused on the things I just heard.
“So, what’ll you do now?” She asked.
“Well I don’t know.” I answered with a sigh; “My friend Nick can’t keep me because his family hates my guts.”
“I may or may not have tried to sleep with his sister.” I laughed as the memories came back to me. I had never run so fast in my life.
“My buds Derek and James have no room for me in their apartment. It’s full of anime stuff, so no go because of space. And my female friends, well if I stay with one I’m used as a lure for her to catch a guy and the other I’m going to be drugged up and wasted so much I won’t remember where her house is.” I sighed and laid back further into the bed thinking.
Vinyl bit her lip and rubbed the back of her head, ‘Well, there is one thing you could do.”
“Well, me and Octavia have a guest ro-.”
“No,” I interjected; “I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because a few reasons. One, you guys shouldn’t worry about me that much, and two, I just met you guys a couple of weeks ago.”
“So!?” she yelled; “We owe you one and we want to repay you!”
“Wasn’t that what the dinner was for?”
“Yeah, some leafs, a piece of meat, and over priced wine really makes up for saving me.” She answered with sarcasm in her voice. “This is way better and you know it.”
“No, I really don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Come on! Please!?”
“No, I-.” I was cut off when I saw Vinyl was giving me puppy dog eyes. She was good; very, very good.
“Vinyl, please stop.” Her eyes got bigger.
"Vinyl I-.” she began to pout her lip.
“I-I…fine, I’ll stay with you guys! Just please stop, for the love of all that’s holy stop!”
“Great, I’ll talk to Tavi about it tonight.” I looked at her in shock.
“You haven’t even discussed this with Octavia yet!?
“No, but she’ll be ok with it. If she isn’t, I can convince her.” She gave me a wink.
“Alright, alright, so let’s talk about something else. Do any gigs lately?”
“Yeah actually!” she answered excitedly; “I had to work at some-.”
We talked for hours and hours, about her gigs, work, equipment, and such. We also talked about my job and the clients I had before I was put on “paid vacation,” until visiting hours were over. Redheart allowed her to stay for a little while longer, but eventually she left. Then I laid back in bed and began to drift off. I wondered if what I agreed to was wrong. Should I have held my ground and said no? Maybe, I would find out in the coming days.
“Alright, it won’t nock me out again will it?”
“How long as she…” I see an H, or rather a lack thereof.
“No, I-.” I was cute off when I saw Vinyl was giving me puppy dog eyes. Please explain how cute-ing off works?
She was good, very, very good. Pretty sure it should be "She was good. Very,very good." maybe a semicolon instead of a period.I dunno.
Vinyl I-.” she Dat missing quotation mark
Moar! please. I'll do something drastic if you don't. Like...like.../wrists! Ha! Told you I would!
Thanks. I'll "Cute" out those errors lol
wait, whats wrong with the first one?
952620 "Nock me out agian" should be 'Knock'
SShhh, it was late and I was losing the battle of awakeness.
Oh I know how that feels. And you of all people know I know. Remember chapter 7? Remember my excuse? LOL
You don't want to disappoint Fluttershy, do you?
But-But I was working on my oth- *thinks of Fluttershy crying*
*Sigh* Alright.
Actually it is the first time I have tried this. I MUST TRY IT AGAIN!!!!
It's good
1041452 thanks.
If your saying Vinyl.POV, Then yes this needs to happen.
Sorry. Not sure what your talking about.
epic glass clink what else?
Want moar!
woops, I replied to the wrong comment. I meant the Lyra comment you made.
Oh, I put that because I wanted to guess the person talking. I was WAY off.
Oh, can I ask who your talking about? For some reason it won't tell me what chapter your on.
Chapter one. I just felt like adding that comment.
And best human pic I've seen of them yet.
Heh, I was gonna use that pic, but I found that one with them in school outfits, thought it was better,
It is, just they seem older in the story.
They are, but I liked the picture of just the two of them, ya know? No dialog or jokes, just them. It fit better in my mind.
0.0 Where you get that. Me want.
Makes perfect sense.
Yo here is the link.
VInyl and Tavi human
HAHA!! No not that one. I have this retarded obsession with hero factory. I was referring to the previous pic.
I think he meant the dinosaur looking thing.
I feel stupid!
But wont you be burned?(But at least you'll smell good!)
Did you fail to notice my name? I've done that three times. I'm telling you, YOU would be burned, it just makes me nice and warm and toasty! I also use old spice to make a flamethrower. My friend hold the can, and I hold the match, and get my hand engulfed in flames. IT'S FUN!!!
...That just put the image of your pony saying, "Hi I'm Night Fire and welcome to Jackass!" and doing that.
Um speaking of Night Fire, I should change my picture to him. At the moment it's dark flame.
But I am Tri-PonyTrouble!! I AM AS POWERFUL AS THREE PONIES!!!!!!! And I made a wing mounted version of Vinyl's Bass Cannon!!!!! HOW CAN YOU BEAT ME???????
I'm an ALICORN that is dating LUNA. And there are three ponies that have parts of my soul in them!