• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 10,005 Views, 387 Comments

My Little Draconequus: Wishing is Chaos - taterforlife

Fluttershy doesn't know what to think of Discord anymore. She wishes she could understand him. Little does she know that, with the help of a mysterious stranger, that wish is about to come true...

  • ...

The Wishwell

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

My Little Draconequus: Wishing is Chaos

Chapter Two: The Wishwell

Welcome to the club.

If only such an invitation made things so easy.

She felt as if she were in a dream, certain she would wake up any moment now. Angel wasn’t really afraid of her. Discord wasn’t actually here; he hadn’t really crashed through her window, tackling her with the intention of pummeling her to smithereens.

She didn’t really have a dragon tail, or a frog leg, or a moose antler. No, of course not. Luna was going to come any moment now to tell her she was having a crazy dream because she was worried about Discord’s upcoming visit. She would rid her of these night visions. Yes, most definitely.


“You are able to use your new appendages properly, aren’t you?”

Fluttershy’s ears popped up as she brought herself out of her daze. “W-what?”

“Your hand: it’s as limp as a fish,” he commented, eyeing her paw. “Can you move it properly?”

Fluttershy blinked. He seemed almost concerned about her, the way he peered at her arm. Gulping, she slowly tightened the grip she had on his hand and shook, showing him she was fine.

The way his thumb laid parallel to her own as his claw curled around her paw didn’t feel right. Up and down her new arm went, shaking hands for the first time in her life…

It was terrifying.

“I think I’m going to faint, Discord,” she told him, her pulse continuing to speed in rate, her breathing growing heavy. “I-I don’t know how this happened, I don ‘t even—“

He put a finger up to her mouth. “Shhh,” he said calmly, letting go of her paw. “Don’t.”


“Panic,” he answered her. “You saw what happened in your bedroom, did you not? You started getting yourself all in a tizzy and then poof!” He spread out his fingers in a fan. “We’re on our way down to the local kitchen pool! And—wait.” He cocked a brow at her. “Did you say you don’t know how this happened?”

She nodded fervently. “Y-yes! I just…just woke up this way! I knew something was wrong by the way Angel Bunny reacted to seeing me…So I looked out the windows to see if something outside scared him, and then all my animal friends ran away with just one look!”

“Hmph, I know the feeling,” he said tartly, squinting his eyes as scenes from his own life ran through his mind.

She didn’t pause to register what he had said, her heart rate going at full-speed. “And then you came in and I thought you were going to hurt me and then this happened and oh, this isn’t how today should have gone—!”

Discord winced as another flash took over the room, and the door to the living room turned into a mirror. It then promptly fell onto the floor and smashed into pieces, a sharp cracking noise interrupting the soft morning chirps of the birds outside.

“Ah!” Fluttershy gasped at her own magic, jumping at the sudden light. She looked down and saw her own reflection again in the fragments of mirror at her feet, and tears welled in her eyes. “What’s happening to me?!? Discord—“

The fragments of mirror then started to glow a bright pink and levitated into the air, and started heading straight to Discord.

“Gah!” Running from the sharp blades of glass and bolting out of the kitchen, Discord looked back to see if the shards still followed him. The sharp pieces seemed to shimmer as they closed in on the Draconequus. Quickly getting over his initial surprise, he snapped his fingers with a confident twinkle in his eye. The glass shards froze in midair and fell, disintegrating into thin air as they plummeted to the ground.

“Phew!” he said, dramatically wiping his forehead. “That was certainly unexpected! Fluttershy, are you—?”


This time it was Fluttershy running out of the kitchen. Unlike Discord, she remained on four legs, but her body was longer and heavier than she was used to. Her tail got itself caught between her two hind legs. As a result, she stumbled and fell to the ground with a resounding fwump!

Following her was a giant silver fork the size of a tree sapling, surrounded by the chaotic aura that was Fluttershy’s magic.

The fork seemed sinister somehow as it slowed, floating behind her. Fluttershy, so lost in her own confusion and terror, didn’t even try getting back up, using her hair to block her vision as it tumbled over her face. She further tried to hide by crossing her arms in front of her, shivering as she hugged close to the ground. “H-help!”

Snapping his fingers yet again, Discord summoned a giant golden spoon, his face etched into the bowl of the utensil with various gems incorporated into the handle. Spinning the spoon like that of an expert baton-twirler, Discord shouted. “Oy, you there! Shiny Prongs!”

The fork turned towards him, a single tine glinting with the harsh light from the window.

En garde!” Discord jumped over Fluttershy to slam his spoon into the evil utensil, a metal clang reverberating between them.

The fork pulled back and made itself vertical to the floor, its sharp, curved prongs aiming straight for Discord’s eye sockets. “Oho, a bull’s charge, eh?” Discord laughed, turning his spoon into a red towel. A matching red sombrero and poncho with yellow hanging ornaments now clothed him, and he spoke with a fake Spanish accent. “Torro! Torro!”

The fork seemed to make a gesture that looked like a snort, the prongs arching backward before straightening back up. It then charged at Discord yet again.

Fluttershy, in spite of herself, took a peek and gasped, thinking the fork was going to pierce straight through Discord’s face. She stood up and screamed, “Wait! No!”

Discord was just getting ready to jump out of the way before the fork’s glow doubled in intensity. It began to grow distorted in shape, until the head came rounder, deeper…

“A spork!” Discord exclaimed, a goofy, excited grin now on his face. “Aha! Even better!”

“Discord, that’s not what I meant to do, how do I stop this?!?” Fluttershy pleaded with him, wishing he would stop.

Discord faced off with the spork yet again, waving his towel at it. The spork seemed to turn purple, as if it was getting even angrier and holding its breath, before charging again. Discord jumped up and floated in mid-air as the spork missed, but it had charged too fast and slammed straight into the front door, its tiny, sharp prongs goring right through the wood.

“The winner!” Discord cheered, snapping his fingers. A first place winner’s block stood under him, confetti raining everywhere. The sounds of an audience cheering came out of nowhere, and Discord clasped his hands and waved them in the air. He blew kisses to the imaginary audience. “Thank you, thank you! You’re too kind, really! I—“

He stopped cheering when he heard soft whimpering, and his winner’s circle along with the defeated spork poofed away immediately. He looked over to the pink-haired Draconequus as she lay curled up on the floor in front of the couch, her hands over her eyes.

Discord’s ears drooped. Oh. Oh no. You let yourself get carried away again…!

He took careful steps, slowly approaching her. “Flutterb—“ He paused, about to say her nickname, before changing his mind. “Fluttershy …” He took a seat onto the couch and bent down to look at her. “Please…Please don’t cry. You…You know I hate it when you cry…”

Images of Fluttershy sobbing in a cage flew through his mind. “I hate it,” he whispered to himself.

“But I don’t know!” she yelled, making Discord reel his head back at her sudden outburst. “I don’t know what’s happening, and I don’t know why I’m like this! Discord!”

She jumped out and grasped onto him, her arms circling around his torso and burying her head into his chest. “Discord, p-please, h-h-help me! Please!” She clutched him tighter, surprising Discord. Her hugs were usually so gentle and sweet. But this…

“W-wait!” Her eyes popped open, and she stared up at the Draconequus she currently held onto for dear life. “You…You have magic, right? C-can’t you turn me back?”

He sighed. He had seen this coming a mile away. “I could try, but I’d rather not,” he said, looking down at her and fighting the urge to play with her hair like he used to, before the incident. “Turning you back would mean to take the chaos magic you possess out of you, and taking somepony’s magic is always tricky business.”

“But you took away Twilight’s and Rarity’s horns before, didn’t you? And that took away their magic…”

He shook his head. “Not so, my little Pegasus,” he said, settling for just putting a paw casually against the middle of her back. “I took away their channel for magic, not the magic itself. And that’s just as effective as…as…”

He bit his bottom lip, a look of sorrow on his face as the face of a red, evil centaur clouded his thoughts.

She quieted for a moment, wiping a few tears away from her face with webbed fingers. She knew exactly what was bothering him, and desperately wanted to comfort him, but wasn’t sure how to do so. She was so wrapped up in her own despairs that she didn’t know how to calm both him and herself down.

“So you can’t turn me back into a Pegasus?” Fluttershy asked him gently, trying to get his mind off things.

“It’s a risk I don’t want to take,” he answered back, looking at her square in the eyes. “There are few things I’ve never done with my magic, and there are reasons for it. This is one of them. If I change you back, I could hurt you, perhaps worse. I can’t do that to you.”

At least, not anymore.

She couldn’t hear his thoughts, but the sadness returned to his eyes, and she had a feeling she knew why.

I need to stop being such a selfish pon—Draconequus. Discord needs comforting too. I can… She stared back at her mismatched hands, her tail hanging awkwardly at the edge of the couch by her side. I can worry about myself in a little bit. Discord is more important…

She opened her mouth, not sure what she would say to help him, but Discord beat her to it. He straightened up more and must have somehow wiped any clue of distress away from his face as he looked back at her with a face of upmost seriousness.

“Fluttershy, you said that you don’t know what happened. You just woke up this morning and found yourself like this. Tell me; has anything happened as of late that could have brought this about? Have you bought any strange magical objects, or found yourself in the company of an oddball or two? Any new spells from Twilight, perhaps?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, not really…”

“What did you do yesterday? Anything out of the ordinary?”

“Um…” She looked away for a moment, fast-forwarding through her memories of the day before. “No. Not really. In fact, I didn’t even go to see the others yesterday. I just spent a quiet day at home.”

Discord’s ears perked up at that. “Really? And you felt fine through the entire day? Nothing that resembled growing pains, bruising, stretching?”

Another shake of the head. Her neck felt so strange at that moment; she felt like her brain was wobbling back and forth like a bobblehead doll. “No.”

“You’re kidding me. Surely, you’re kidding me.” He was getting stumped. “And nothing extraordinary or, dare I say, chaotic, happened? No explosions, no poison spills in the creek, no toxic gas, no strange visitors, no objects falling from the sky? Nothing at all of the sort?”

“N-No! Not at all,” Fluttershy said, her neck starting to feel a little sore from all the movement. “The farthest I went was just to a hill near the back of my house.”

“A hill?” he said. “Why? Do you usually go there? Did anything seem peculiar when you arrived?”

“I…I only go there to think, sometimes,” Fluttershy answered, her antennae bobbing up and down as she thought to herself. “I was only there last night, though.”

Now that was peculiar. Discord raised an inquisitive brow at her. “Last night? My dear, since when did you go out at night? Surely you weren’t by yourself?”

“I…I was.”

“Whatever for?!? Fluttershy, I’m surprised at you! That was so unexpected!” He grinned at the thought. “Have you gotten more adventurous in only the short amount of time I’ve been gone? It’s only been a couple of days since—“

Discord stopped himself before he could continue, not wanting to bring up such a sensitive subject. He cleared his throat while Fluttershy looked away. Discord hated the tension in the air, and she still hadn’t answered his questions.

“So, why? Why were you out there, so late at night?” he asked again, his voice quieter than usual.

She was thankful that the transformation hadn’t affected the length of her hair at all. She happily retreated behind her curtain of pink tresses, unable to look at him while remembering last night.

“No reason, really…”

“Pffft.” He came forward and pulled a few hair strands aside, peeking at her different-yet-familiar face. “You’re a horrible liar, almost as bad as Applejack. You hate going out in the dark alone, and you, my dear, are a creature of habit. So let me ask you this once more: why were you out there?”

He then realized that perhaps he was being hypocritical; he hadn’t exactly been the most truthful creature in Equestria as of late. Softening his voice, he remembered what Fluttershy had told him of minding his manners. “Please.”

That got a small smile out of her. “You remembered.”

“…I never forgot.”

Straightening up again, she realized that she had calmed down while speaking to him. She tried to keep it that way so her magic wouldn’t react again.

“You…You want honesty…R-right?”

“I realize it’s not the best thing for me to ask for, considering all I’ve done,” Discord said, his ears still slightly drooped, eyes flickering to the floor for a moment. “But we need to be thorough!”

He snapped his fingers and an old fashioned Victorian detective’s costume appeared on his body, a magnifying glass in his claw. “I’ll investigate every crevice and corner of Equestria if I have to!”

“E-E-Equestria?!?” Fluttershy gasped. “You think it’ll take that long to just find out how I got this way? Oh, oh dear, oh—!”

A bucket of paint suddenly flashed above her, and she barely got away before it turned over and splattered all over the couch. They heard an angry set of squeaks before Angel Bunny jumped out from behind the couch, blue paint now all over him.

“Angel!” She ran over to her rabbit, her eyes big with worry. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Angel Bunny! P-please, let me clean you up…”

The rabbit jumped back against the couch at the sight of her, then shook his head. He decided he was tired of running around like a silly little baby bun. He furrowed his brows and pointed a claw at her. “You!” he squeaked in an accusatory tone. “What did you do with my pony? Huh? Whatcha do? Did you eat her?”

He then noticed Discord behind her. “Ohhhhh, I see! So there are more fuzzy wormhorses around here! Here to form another coup d'état? Tryin’ to take over Equestria and take my pony’s powers away?”

He stomped a foot. “Well, no more! I mighta been afraid of you before, you freak, but I’m not gonna let you try to hurt my pony again! She’s mine! And it’s time for my breakfast, and she ain’t here!”

Discord could only stare. “Did you just call me a ‘wormhorse’?”

The bunny ignored his question and hopped over to Discord, and tried stomping on the Draconequus’ lizard foot.

“Give. Her. Back!” Stomp stomp stomp.

Fluttershy gasped. “Angel! Stop it, that’s not nice! He’s our guest!”

“No no,” Discord said, holding a claw up. “This is fascinating; tell me, little ‘Angel’, what else do you plan to do? Fling a carrot at me?”


“Don’t you talk down to me!” Angel said, growling. “Don’t think I don’t know everything that you’ve done, dishrag! She told me everything! And she was all like...

Angel Bunny put his paws together, batting his eyes, his lashes fluttering outward.
“ ’It’s all my fault! I should have been a better friend! He betrayed us because I couldn’t make him happy, wah wah wah!’ “

“A-Angel!” Fluttershy protested, her face red. “I-I never said that…!”

Discord blinked. Fluttershy had said what to her pet rabbit? That it was her fault? That she was the one that needed to be a better friend?


Angel turned back to the female Draconequus. “And you! You’re talking as if you are my Pegasus! But I’m not stupid, you know. How in the world could you be her?!? I don’t care if you have some of the same colors as her, and sound like her, and have eyes pretty much exactly like hers! I ain’t buying it! I heard everything you guys said, about you turning into a wormhorse overnight! It was a good act.”

Discord shook his head, putting Angels’ information in the back of his mind for later, and laughed. “You think we were acting? Really? Oh, that’s hilarious.”

“You were acting! You’re trying to take over Equestria again, and you got your girlfriend over here to help!”

“A-Angel!” she scolded again. “I-I’m n-not…”

But this time not even Discord could hold it back. Despite his dark brooding from the past few days, this had been one of the funniest accusations he could remember. He really needed to laugh like this, and this raging rabbit was just the ticket.

“M-M-My girlfriend?!? You, you think—ohohohohoho!” He floated up into the air, grabbing his feet and rotating in a circle. “Oh, this is just too good! Really, it is! You think I’m actually capable of such feelings? Ahaha! And with another Draconequus, when I’ve been the only one in existence? And I enlisted her help to take over Equestria?!? Bahahahaha! Oh, little bunny, I underestimated your comedic abilities! You really aren’t making any sense, I love it!”

“Shut up, dishrag! You know I’m telling the truth! Where’s my pony?!?”

“You’re so ridiculous!”

“You can’t hide her from me forever!”

“Yes, yes, my friend here and I have tied her up to a railroad, just waiting for the train to come and turn her to a pony pancake!” He conjured up a mustache and started stroking it, cackling evilly.

“You stop that!”

“Make me!”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel a little stung by his earlier words, but she didn’t let it show on her face. She stomped her bear foot against the floor, deciding that this had gone on long enough. “Discord! Angel! Stop!”

Discord’s laughing started to die down, and he floated back down until his feet were firmly on the ground. “Sorry dear, ahaha,” he apologized, flicking some tears off his eyes. “Ah, I feel like I hadn’t had a good laugh like that in ages.”

Angel eyed Fluttershy critically, thinking hard to himself. “Hmm. All right, I’ll tell ya what, girl-version-of-a-horseworm. Prove it to me. Prove to me you’re Fluttershy. I’ll ask you a question, something only she would know the right answer to, and then…I’ll believe you.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Okay!”

Discord nodded. “Okay, well, while you two do that, I’m going to step outside and investigate,” he said, walking towards the door. “Once the rabbit gets back to his senses and stops making up hilarious stories, come on outside, Fluttershy. We’ll see if we can crack the mystery!”

“Okay…” Fluttershy agreed, nodding towards Discord as he opened the door. “Just…make sure there’s nopony outside? I…I don’t want…” She hid under her hair. “I don’t want anypony to see…”

Discord glanced at her, frowning slightly. “Yes. Of course.”

The door slammed behind him.

It bothered him, the way she seemed so embarrassed of her new form.

What was wrong with looking like him?

Now I’m being the ridiculous one, and not in a way I like, he thought, grumbling to himself. As if I care what she thinks of being a Draconequus. Besides, she’s just got her tail in a twist because she’s afraid ponies will fear her.

He looked to the sky.

Fear her like they fear me. Or used to, anyway. Now they all just sort of hate me.

Ugh, he despised being thoughtful. Must’ve been a habit he picked up from hanging around ponies all day. He shook his head again.

Eyes on the prize. Whatever that may be.

He had to admit, this really should have been one of the most exciting days of his life, post-reformation. If I wasn’t so ridden with guilt and watching her suffer through all this, perhaps I’d be enjoying it more!

But it was better than lying on the moon pitying himself, or arguing with Celestia all day over how droll and boring the castle was. Anything was better than that.

Twisting his neck all around, he focused on all that was around him. For once, Fluttershy’s yard was completely bare of wildlife, and it felt…wrong. He had visited the cottage so many times, and the grass was always covered in annoying little furballs or pests, hopping or crawling or walking around, calling on the dear Pegasus for their every whim. It was something one grew accustomed to, after being there enough times.

It was one of those things you didn’t really notice until it was gone.

But, it made things easier to look through. Using magic, he scanned through the yard, through every crack and crevice, searching for something, anything that indicated some sort of power.

He was just about to scan the other side of the yard when he heard the door creak open. He turned to see Fluttershy’s head and long neck peering out the door, scanning the road.

“Fluttershy! That was quick. Did you pass your little puffball’s test?”

“W-wait…” She looked all around her again. “Is…Is it safe?”

“Yes, yes,” Discord said, waving a paw. “There’s nopony around to come and find you, I can assure you of that. Nopony often comes this way anyway, so close to the Everfree. Come on out.” He nodded towards her. “Come on!”

Taking one more look for good measure, she took a hesitant step outside, still walking on all fours. She froze.

“I’m in plain s-sight…” She murmered.

“Yes, isn’t it great?” he asked her. “Tia’s sun is glaring, the clouds are fat, and the grass is thick and itchy! Come on now, don’t be a scaredy-cat.”

She hid under her hair as she shook. “But I am a scaredy-cat.”

“Fluttershy,” he said seriously. “Come on. I cannot help you if you don’t help me. I don’t mean to push you, dear, but honestly. You’re fine. There’s nopony around, tru—“

He almost said “Trust me.” He wanted to smack himself for almost making such a blunder.

Fluttershy wanted to say that she did, that she did trust him. But no. She had trusted him. But now? It made her heart heavy that she found she wasn’t able to say it.

They looked to one another, her eyes big and sad while his eyelids lowered, his own eyes reflecting his sorrow.

He softened his tone with her, taking a deep breath. “Fluttershy, it’s all right. No one will see you. I promise.”

She made a movement to hoof the ground, only to find that she no longer had said hoof. Awkwardly, she just pat the ground, as if flattening the dirt.

Discord gave a low chuckle at the odd sight, getting a small smile from her in return. “I guess I still act like a pony, at least,” she offered.

He nodded. “So.” He gave her a hesitant smile. “Does the little fuzzball believe it’s you now?”

She nodded, some of the life returned to her eyes as she grinned. “Oh, yes. It’s all fixed now. I just gave him his breakfast. He’ll be out to join us soon! Oh, I’m just so glad I have my sweet little Angel here to support me…” She looked sadly around her yard. “All my other animal friends ran off afraid…”

Discord frowned further. “Well…” He cleared his throat again. “Um. Yes. You told me that, earlier.”

She sighed. “I know…”

She finished staring at the ground to glance at him. “Have you found anything?”

“Well, you and Angel didn’t take very long. I thought he’d give you an entire exam before even batting an eye towards you! So I didn’t get very far…What did he ask you, anyhow?”

A small blush splashed on her cheeks, she looked away. “S-secret…” was all she mumbled.

His ears perked up at that. “A what? Did I hear you correctly? It’s a secret?

“Um…” Wanting to change the subject, she pointed a hoof over towards the edge of the clearing behind her cottage.

“That’s the direction of the hill I went to, last night. See it? It’s not very far. You can see it where the sky meets the edge of the ground.”

Discord knew what she was doing, and as much as he wanted to, he still didn’t press. He didn’t have the right to pry. Of course, that had never stopped him before, but…He had to try. For both of them.

Discord followed the direction of her hoof, seeing that it indeed wasn’t far off, with nothing particularly special about it. He spotted the chicken coop next. “There’s no chance that chickens are bright enough to be able to perform spells, are there?” Discord said jokingly. He walked up to the coop and knocked on its wooden paneling. “Now that would be something!”

She gasped at the idea. “My sweet chickens would never do such a thing to me! At least not without permission…” She smiled as one of the chickens slowly came out. She crouched down to look at the hen. “Hello, Elizabeak! How are you this morning? Are you ready for some corn?”

Elizabeak took one look at the she-draconequus and squawked for dear life, jumping in the air and flapping her wings, chicken feathers everywhere. The other chickens peeked out of the pen to see what their companion was squawking about, looking rather annoyed by her sudden antics until they saw Fluttershy.

The chickens hopped around, feathers flying to and fro and making music with their squawks and screams. “W-wait! It’s me! Girls, it’s—“

Her powers activated again, this time coursing out of her antenna and antler and hitting all of her chickens, turning them into…


With eyeballs.

Chicken feet, too.

Fluttershy screamed.

Oh no! No no no!”

The legged-eggs, no longer able to make themselves heard, ran around in endless circles, clearly panicked. Fluttershy thought she was going to faint. W-what if they fall down? What if they…. She gasped.

“N-no! You have to stay still!” Without even thinking, her tail whipped to her side and effortlessly circled around all of the chicken eggs, carefully gripping them, but not too much so. Though no sound escaped them, their eyes were filled with terror, their dangling legs kicking back and forth uselessly.

“Y-you can’t run around! You could break!” Fluttershy warned them. “And I would just be so sad and unhappy if that happened to any of you. I’d be heartbroken!”

The poultry stared at her, finally able to recognize her voice, slowly calming down, their legs slowing and then dangling limply, focusing on her.

Discord watched the scene with interest, not sure whether to literally laugh his head off at the ridiculous sight of the eggs or wince at the thought of what exactly was inside the shells.

“Discord, could you please…?”

“Hmm? Oh, right, sure, yes!” Discord said, nodding. He made the motion for snapping his fingers, but looked to her. “You may want to put those down.”

“Oh! Good point,” she said. Lowering them safely back onto the ground, Discord changed them back, and the poultry hastily jumped back into the security of their coop, shivering inside and not making a peep.

Fluttershy sighed sadly to herself as she watched them run away from her. Seeing the familiar blue flowers in the corner of her eye, she turned. “At least flowers can’t run away from you,” she muttered, smiling sadly to herself, bending her graceful neck down to take a sniff.

“Well, learn to use your powers well enough and you certainly can give them the ability to move…“ Turning back to her after peeking a look into the coop to laugh at the startled chickens, he eyed the flowers.

One especially caught his eye. It resembled all the other flowers, blue and bobbing slightly in the breeze with its perky green leaves, but…

He squinted slightly. “Fluttershy…”

“Hmmm?” she said, still taking in the scent as it soothed her.

“Does one of those seem a bit…glowy to you?”

“Glowy…?” she looked at him in confusion.

“Yeah, glowy. You know, luminescent, bright, radiant, luminous—“

“I know what you mean, but these flowers have grown here every year for as long as I can remember, and…Oh!”

She could hardly believe it when her eyes finally landed on it. “It looks just like all the others, but…”

Right at the edge of the patch, one of the flowers had a small, thin ring of luminescence around it, like an entire halo that wrapped all around its edges. It was hard to see in the sunlight of the day, but using her hands to cup around it, she looked through them to see that yes, the flower was indeed ‘glowy’.

“What…What is it?” she asked, unable to tear her eyes away from it.

Suddenly teleporting next to her and making her jump, Discord caught the ginormous, magenta pizza pan that Fluttershy had summoned from her shock. “But no pizza? Tsk, tsk, Fluttershy. That’s no fun.”

Turning the pan into vapor, he took a closer look at the flower, rubbing his chin as he leaned over it. Taking out the magnifying glass he had summoned earlier, he took a better look at it. “Mm hmm….Interesting….

“W-what is?” Fluttershy asked him, sidling up to the flower, wondering its significance. “Could it…have something to do with…with this?” She gestured to herself, opening her kangaroo pouch slightly.


Using his magic, he sensed the flower’s own odd powers. Earth magic. Of course.

Throwing his magnifying glass randomly to the side, Discord stood back up, with Fluttershy mirroring him, waiting for an answer.

“Fluttershy, may I ask you a question, forgetting the fact that this in itself is, indeed, a question?”


“…Do you remember making any sort of wish yesterday, while standing around this spot, or anywhere near it? Say…Oh, I don’t know…” He rotated his hand in a circular motion. “Ten, twenty feet around this spot? More or less?”

“A…A wish?”

“Yes! You know, wish I may, wish I might, I wish for so-and-so tonight?”


She gasped as suddenly she remembered. Last night. Coming home. I remember, I was worried about Discord, and how he was supposed to visit, and I felt hopeless, and I was…

She glanced around her. “I was right here when I made it!” she exclaimed, before realizing that she had just made a loud sound and covered her mouth, looking down the path, hoping no one was around to hear.

“When you made it?” Discord repeated, cocking an eyebrow at her. “A wish, you mean?”

“Y-yes…” she answered, her voice small and quiet now, allowing her hair to slightly cover a part of her face. “I had just gotten back from my walk to the hill, and I stopped to smell these flowers, since they help calm me down when I’m troubled…”

“I noticed.”

She gave him a small, shaky smile. “Yes, well…I remember, I was smelling them, and then I had the oddest sensation…I felt a need to say something. No, wait.” She shook her head. That wasn’t right. “Not say something, but…”

“To wish for something?” Discord supplied.

Her small mismatched wings fluttered outward. “Yes! Yes, that’s exactly it. The words left my mouth before I could even think it. I didn’t really notice it then, but now that I think about it…It really was just a random thing I said…”

“But was it something you desired, nevertheless?” Discord said. Fluttershy could see from the glint in his eyes that he was on to something. “This wish, even though you voiced it without hesitation, or considering the consequences…It was important to you, wasn’t it?’

With those words, she took a good look at his face. She thought about how she had used to fear that face, how the thought of it used to make her squirm and want to run away in fear.

But now, looking at it brought a whole new set of emotions and memories with it. Memories of tea parties in warm, sunny afternoons, surrounded by dancing plants and winds that sang songs of nonsense. Letters written in beautiful, overdone calligraphy, telling her tales of silly little tricks and odd sights, while asking her how her week had gone and if she had done anything exciting lately. Late nights awake, telling each other stories while he made shadow puppets way too elaborate for his mere fingers to be able to portray. Flying and floating, stars all around, staring at the Aurora Borealis where it shouldn’t be…

Discord found himself staring back at her, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the deep look she was giving him, as if she were peering straight into his soul. He wasn’t sure he wanted her to see his—and he didn’t want to know what she saw there. And the fact that it was one of few parts of her appearance that hadn’t changed made it all the more uncomfortable. He couldn’t trick himself into thinking it wasn’t her, because he knew who was really there.

Pony or draconequus, he knew a Fluttershy when he saw one.

“Um. Fluttershy?”


“Well, Fluttershy, you know,” he said, rubbing his neck. “I don’t mean to be rude, but your staring at me is making me feel a bit—“

“No, no, Discord, no,” she said, shaking her head. “I don’t mean that. I mean ‘yes’. What I wished for…It was something important to me.”

Blink blink. “Oh….” His eyes grew wider as he realized what he misunderstood. “Oh! Well! That explains a lot then!” he said, shaking the thoughts out of his head as he clapped his hands together.

“It…It does?!?” she asked, her voice loud and her eyes much bigger than before “You mean you know what happened? What caused this? And how we can—“ Realizing her outburst, she blushed and shuffled her legs on the ground a bit, before sitting on her haunches and hiding a part of her face in her hair. “Oh, uh…I mean…Um…Please tell me what you mean, if that’s okay…”

He pointed to the flower in question, its glow still partially hidden by the surrounding sunlight. “It seems this flower is our culprit!” He snapped his fingers, and his detective outfit appeared again. Handcuffs in his paw, he jokingly circled them around the flower’s stem on the ground. “We’ve got you now, you little trickster!”

“Wait…” Fluttershy cocked her head, looking back at the silly scene. “You mean…The flower is what caused this?”

Discord snorted. “Why would I bring it up in the first place if it wasn’t?”


Discord waved her next comment off. “Never mind that!” He snapped his fingers and the outfit and handcuffs disappeared. “Fluttershy, this flower…It’s not like the rest of this little bunch here. If the glow wasn’t enough of an indication, I’ll have you know that this flower is very rare.”

“It is?” She crouched down to take a closer look. “Why?”

“This isn’t just any ordinary plant—in fact, I’m not even sure I’d call it a plant,” Discord answered, getting on his belly and lying across from the flower. “It doesn’t need water or sunlight to grow. It won’t die and come back next year like the flower it’s imitating…”

“…Imitating? Discord, what do you mean by that?” She asked, getting more confused. “What does it imitate? The rest of the flowers around it? A-and, why doesn’t it need any of those other things? What does it need?”

Discord smiled a little. He wasn’t sure if she was always this curious, but he liked to think maybe it was his influence that made her question everything.

“Allow me to explain.” He snapped his fingers, and this time a mortarboard and a graduate gown appeared on himself, along with thick-rimmed black glasses with lenses that seemed to take up half of his head. A chalkboard appeared behind him as he got up, and a ruler appeared in his hand.

Fluttershy squeaked as a draconequus-sized desk appeared before her, and she found herself sitting on a chair.

“This pest here is called a Wishwell,” he said, pointing to the actual flower on the ground before an exact portrayal of it appeared on the board. “I said earlier that I wouldn’t exactly call it a plant; that’s because it really doesn’t have anything plantish in it.”

Fluttershy listened with perked ears, but glanced inside the cubby of her desk, wondering if she should take notes. She saw a notebook and reached inside, opening it, only to find that everything Discord put on the chalkboard also ended up in the book at the same time.

Despite herself, she let out a small laugh. “Plantish?”

He smiled. “That’s right. All the little cells and chloroblasts and all that boring scientific stuff, can’t be found in this little plant. Instead, it’s made up of…”

He pointed his ruler to the sky, and the ruler started sparking. Fluttershy, knowing Discord better than anyone, did not gasp or warn him of its dangers, but instead watched with interest, the sparks reflecting in her eyes.

The sparks went on to be fireworks, and the words spelled out in big, bright, sparkly purple letters—“MAGIC!”

“The flower is made of only magic?!?” she squeaked. Discord laughed, wondering how that was so surprising.

“Well, obviously! What else would it use to change you into a draconequus? Dirt? Because I’ve flung dirt at ponies before—it doesn’t do anything but irritate them.” He almost chuckled, but stopped himself when he saw Fluttershy frown.

I really need to stop making myself look bad…

Seeing his rapid change of mood—sometimes it was like he was a hormonal teenager, able to rapidly go from happy to sad in just a matter of seconds—Fluttershy shook her frown off and gave him a very small smile. “Um…Professor Discord?”

That brightened him up a bit. Professor Discord! Oooh, I think I like that. “Yes, Fluttershy?”

“How…I mean, why…Why does it—“

“Have magic?” he finished for her. “Well, dear, this magic is very special. It’s not just any magic. It’s earth magic.”

Fluttershy’s mouth formed a perfect little ‘o’ in realization. “Oh! You mean like Earth Ponies? And how they’re able to work the magic of the land?”

Discord smiled and spread his arms out, and Fluttershy thought she was correct when Discord shouted happily, “No! Not at all!”

Her ears drooped. “Oh.”

“Now, now, it’s a common misconception, my little Pegasus!” Discord said. “A lot of ponies, especially non-unicorns, get that one wrong. But there is a difference between Earth Pony magic and earth magic. Earth magic is much older, and it’s one of the most mysterious types of magic there is! Why, some ponies find it almost as annoying as my own!” he said with a cackle.

“I’ve never heard of such a thing…” Fluttershy mumbled under her breath, only to see Discord’s face as he teleported right in front of her. She didn’t flinch, used to his antics by now.

“Most haven’t.” He took a claw and tipped her chin up to look at him. Fluttershy always grew nervous whenever he did this; she knew he did it with a lot of ponies, but it was always such a tender gesture, and it made her uncomfortable.

But Discord was always careful to hold her chin as gently as possible, and never for too long.


He retracted his hand. He saw her sigh in relief, and he nearly frowned. Did that scare her?

The thought made his heart plummet, but he put on a happy mask, as he always did. He shrugged his shoulders. “Like I said, earth magic is mysterious. It comes from the very core of this planet, belonging to no one and nopony. It is an entity that belongs to all of nature itself. We’ve only ever been able to theorize how it works. The only beings that seem to be able to directly communicate with it are the Zebras. Why they can do that, not even Zebras know. It’s been a part of their tradition for as long as each clan can remember. And yes, that includes your little friend Zecora too.”

This made the Pegasus-draconequus gasp. “I had no idea…”

“Well, it’s fairly obvious that Zecora is annoying, how she keeps her methods such a secret. You know how she is. Remember when I had the animals speak for you, as a gift? Did she happen to explain any of the things she did, hoping to find the answer to the problem?”

Fluttershy smiled at the happy memory, and that in turn raised Discord’s spirits up. Ha! See, my dear! I’m not all bad, remember?

“She didn’t. She just…” Fluttershy pursed her lips, trying to remember, and looked up at Discord. “She just did them. She never tells us how she makes her potions, or how she’s able to read things from tea, or dice, or cards, or whatever other things she uses. But I always thought that it was some kind of…Um…” She blushed. “Zebra magic.”

Discord stroked his beard. “Well, that guess isn’t as misguided as you’d think! It’s very possible that the abilities for Zebras to communicate with earth magic is a type of magic in itself—perhaps a gift from the very magic they speak to? There’s probably some sort of theory about that somewhere, but that’s too yawn-worthy to make me look for the answer.”

An idea popped into Fluttershy’s mind. “Does that mean Zecora can change me back? That the magic can tell her how to change me back? But wait…” She wrinkled her brows in thought, a look quite similar to when she did the same as a pony, Discord thought with wonder.

“Could she change me back even though you can’t?”

Discord’s face went back to somber again, as it had been earlier when they talked of his own abilities to change her back. “Even if she did have a method to try, she’d be taking the same risk as I would. We’d be taking the power you have now away, without knowing what would happen. Besides…” He glanced back at the flower patch. “Now that I know what we’re dealing with, I know for sure that there’s only one way to get you back to being the kind little yellow Pegasus you are.”

Fluttershy’s heart leapt in excitement at his certainty. “R-really?!? Then..,why didn’t you say so before?”

“Well, you were the one that kept asking questions! I was going to get to it, you eager little thing,” Discord teased, grinning toothily at her. “Anywho, the Wishwell flower…since it’s made entirely out of earth magic, it only requires two things. One,” he held up a pointer claw. “Its seed needs to be placed in dirt, preferably near other flowers. It needs to be able to root itself underground, and that’s about the only thing it has in common with any other plant.”

“So…” Fluttershy bit her lip in thought again. “It needs to be near other flowers so it can…um, imitate the others?”

He smiled again. “Precisely! Oh, look at you, learning so rapidly!” He snapped his fingers, and placed a gold star on her forehead, just between and underneath her antenna and antler. “You get a gold star, you little Einstein!”

Fluttershy giggled again, and Discord started feeling even better. Perhaps they really would be okay…

“What’s the second thing?”

Realizing he had been staring at her as she laughed, he blinked. “Hm?”

She blushed, realizing what happened. “Um…The…The second thing? You know, the second thing the Wishwell needs?”

“Oh! Right!” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly before jumping back to her education. “The second thing it needs, darling Fluttershy…is a wish.”

“A…wish…” she repeated.

“I wish I could understand you, Discord.”

She gasped. That was why…That was why she…!

Jumping out of her desk, she unabashedly landed on her four limbs and placed her hands on Discord’s feet. “Discord, if the Wishwell flower turned me into a Draconequus, then does that mean this is permanent? Can’t we…Can’t we just…Just cut it? If we cut it, will the wish be broken? Will it—“

Her words were cut off as he bent down and placed a lion finger against her lips. She gasped again as she saw something sad flash for a second in Discord’s mismatched eyes, shaking his head no.

He snapped his claws again, his finger still against her lip, as hedge clippers appeared in his claw. He stretched his arm over to the flower, and opened the shears, as if to cut the stem.

Fluttershy jumped as the clippers made a crunching sound as it closed in on the stem, unable to cut it. The steel of the shears was completely bent out of shape, bent inwards from where the flower stood.

“Earth magic’s stubborn,” Discord said. “It doesn’t like to be easily fooled, and it won’t take no for an answer. These flowers are very hard to find, their seeds even harder; every species on this earth has had at least a dozen of its members search for the seeds, only to end up with nothing. I myself have never seen what their seeds look like. And of the flowers, I’ve seen only two before this one.”

Fluttershy still gaped at the ruined hedge clippers, frozen in place. Her shock was enough to trigger her magic again, a pink flash hitting another blue flower. The flower suddenly grew wings. It flapped and flapped, trying to get itself off the ground, until it stretched out its stem enough to break its roots and fly off into the sky.

“Haha!” Discord said, laughing at the flying flower. “Ahaha, I think I’ll let that one go. Maybe a pony will see it! Ooh, I’d love to see the look on the pony’s face! Perhaps a Pegasus will run into it while flying! Ooh, that’d be hilarious!”

He glanced at Fluttershy, still chuckling at the thought of Rainbow Dash flying with a sudden flower in her face, when he noticed she was still horrified by the strength of its magic. “You know, the flower isn’t going to hurt you, you know. It’s harmless, for the most part.” He poked at the flowers head, as if to demonstrate, and it bobbed back and forth, just any other flower would. “But this Wishwell is going to be around for as long as needed, until your wish is fulfilled. That’s the only way to get it to go.”

She finally stopped gaping, realizing the implication of his words. “What do you mean?”

Discord shook his head. “Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy. Don’t you remember the stories and lessons you heard as a foal? There’s always the one story about a pony who’s given a wish, and wastes it on something worthless, or doesn’t think hard enough before making it. You know the saying: ‘Be careful what you wish for.’ Earth magic isn’t going to just grant your wish and leave you with a silver spoon in your mouth.”

A spoon ended up in her mouth, courtesy of Discord.

“No, no; it’s going to give you the means to make your wish come true. It’s as annoying as your Princesses, Tia and Lulu—always insisting you learn a lesson before getting what you want.” He put a paw on her shoulder, sympathetic in his look. “Trust me, I know how agitating that is, but that’s how it works. The seed waits for a creature with a wish worth granting, compels the target to make his deepest desire known, and starts to grow. As it does, it casts a spell on the wisher overnight. The effect of the spell is based on what will help its target’s wish come true. And the flower will only die and undo the spell once that wish is realized.”

She spit the spoon out, trembling on all four feet as she looked up at him. “O-once the wish is…?”

“The wish turned you into a Draconequus. Apparently, that’s the way to get what you want. Once you do, the flower will reverse the spell it put on you, and die.” He stroked his beard. “So this time, I have a question for you, dear.”

He mimicked her, putting all four legs on the ground himself. “My dear Fluttershy—it’s quite obvious that you didn’t wish to become a Draconequus. So what in the world did you wish for…” He took another step closer to her. “… that turning into one would help it come true?”

Her breathing quickened, aware of his eyes boring into hers. His curiosity was so strong that she swore she could feel it, crashing into her, demanding the answer out of her.

No. I can’t…How can I tell him…? I-I’m not ready to talk about this…I don’t want to…

Discord noticed her distress, and felt guilty once again, taking a small step back. “Fluttershy…?” he whispered.

He’ll laugh at me, or he’ll feel bad about what happened…Oh, and it almost felt like it was back to the way it was before, only for a moment…Oh dear, why, why…?

Her thoughts halted when she felt a paw on her hand. She glanced at his lion paw on top of her rabbit one, and stared back up into him.

“Perhaps, if you tell me…I can help,” he said softly. “It’s the least I can do for you, after all that I’ve done. I’ve been joking around as usual with you, but I promise you, I don’t ever forget what happened, no matter how much I goof around. You don’t need to fear me…I don’t want you to. Please…” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he continued to stare.

“Just tell me you wish, Flutterb-“ He stopped, but he shook his head, changing his mind. No. I will fix this.

A look of utter determination set on his face, and he spoke with all the confidence that Fluttershy always admired, wishing she had some for herself.

“Tell me what you wish for, Flutterbuddy, and I’ll help it come true. I swear it.”


It was her favorite nickname he gave her, out of all of them. He didn’t know, but she loved it when he called her that.

She had been afraid she would never hear him say it again.

Her eyes watered, but her magic didn’t react.

Very calmly, she smiled at him, and placed her webbed hand on his cheek. Discord actually turned a little red across the bridge of his nose at the sudden contact. It only made her smile wider, as tears fell down her face.

“I wished that I could understand you, Discord. That’s all I wanted…”

This time, it was his turn to gape at her. “What?”

She hid behind her hair, but didn’t remove her frog hand. “Will you help me, Discord? Help me understand you? I want to…” She shook her head slightly to move her hair, and blinked so her tears would fall. She remained smiling.

“I think if I learn to understand you better, then maybe...We could be better friends. You and…and me. Do you…Do you think it’s possible? Do you—“


She squeaked at his sudden answer. “Huh?”

She couldn’t see it, but Discord was secretly touched by her words. She wants to understand me…so we can be better friends? Does she think that’s why I betrayed her? And she wants to make it better?

He took a deep breath, waiting for the right moment to speak so he his voice wouldn’t break when he spoke.

“You really made yourself quite the wish there, dear. I’m not exactly easy to understand. Ponies have been trying to figure me out for ages. But chaos, it’s unpredictable. I’m unpredictable…” He grinned toothily.

“After all, nopony has ever been able to crack what makes me so wonderful and amazing, but if anypony can, Fluttershy…”

His grin shrunk into a more genuine smile. “It’s you.”

Fluttershy shuffled again where she stood, hiding once more behind her pink tresses. She wondered if the blush on her cheeks made her face blend in with her hair more.

He chuckled at her embarrassment. “Alright then, enough with that mushy friendshippy boring stuff!” he proclaimed, taking a step back to give her more space. “It’s painfully obvious to me that this little transformation spell is a way to put you in my shoes.” A snap of his fingers and ridiculous, oversized clown shoes appeared on his hind feet.

“I suppose I’m just so complex that the only way to get me, is to be like me!” he boasted. He slowly started to get up.

Fluttershy gulped, realizing just how difficult this task would be now that the warm feelings of friendship were over. But I’m a pony! A simple Pegasus pony who can’t even fly very well. How am I supposed to learn to be like Discord?!? And use magic?!? She argued in her head.

Discord, finally on his feet, pointed his finger at Fluttershy, smushing it slightly into her muzzle as she looked up at him, tall and mighty on his two legs.

“And we’ll start your first lesson now.”

“Lesson…?” she asked, staring up at him.

“That’s right. You’re doing it all wrong. Everything. You’ll have to start over.”

“St-Start over?!?”

“That’s right, my dear!”

“But..But…Start over how?” Fluttershy asked, looking troubled.

He stared at her as she stood there on four legs, and his lip curled into a cheeky little smile. He bent over with his hands on his knees, pressing his muzzle against her as she blushed.

“Baby steps, my dear.”

He grasped her wrists.

“You’ll just have to take baby steps.”

Author's Note:

Wow, I finally did it! I updated!
Get the party cannon! WOOHOOO!!! :pinkiehappy:
I'm glad I was able to do at least this, what with college and all. And then I'll have to update Going Backwards, and then this, and then so on and so forth. Haha!
Guys, thank you all for all your wonderful feedback. I've gotten not only thoughtful, kind reviews that brought me an amazing amount of joy, along with all the like votes, but...
I got a piece of fanart!
Yes, that fanart as the cover was drawn by none other than the fabulous trehcedasil! As a thanks, this chapter is dedicated to her! Isn't it great?!? That's pretty much exactly what Fluttershy looks like as a Draconequus. I was so thrilled to get this!!!
Thanks as always to ButtonMash for editing. Your patience and help is forever appreciated, friend!

Now...Okay. I promised I'd give you my drawing of Fluttershy the Draconequus. Just know, it's not nearly as good as trehcedasil's...But I'm proud of it, a little. Here you are.

Thanks for your patience guys, and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I hope to have the next one up soon, with the semester almost over. As always, reviews and positive criticism are always appreciated!

Also, if this comments section is appearing twice, I apologize. I have no idea how this is happening.