• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen February 5th


The name's Dash. (Previously Ronnie) And I write humanized pony stories. Welcome to my humble page.


With the pressure of saving the world on her shoulders once again, Twilight is feeling more than a little nervous. And while Sunset isn't in the same exact situation per say, they find that they have more in common than they thought.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

Man, I was wanting this since I watched this back in three or four weeks ago. And you made it. Good job! :twilightsmile:

Ship them like FedEx, loved that scene and this story. Great job! :twilightsmile:

That ending though...

The one thing that kind of annoyed me with that scene was that Sunset didn't jump more to help Twilight with the song, or at least insist on having a look at it. That is something she's actually comfortable with and I was expecting her to jump at the chance to actually contribute, as even she seems uncomfortable with how much she hangs in the background throughout the story.

What most writers -- even the show writers -- seem to overlook is that Sunset was in effect Twilight version 0.5 in many respects. Both were very powerful unicorns, so much so that both were selected by Celestia as her personal students. Thus, Sunset should be able to go toe-to-toe (hoof-to-hoof?) with Twilight when it comes to spell crafting. That scene struck me as the perfect opportunity for Sunset to remind the characters (and the viewers) that she has all this background in magic, that she was powerful enough to be considered a legitimate threat when she put her mind to it, and that this is something that she is capable of doing. There was a little there, but it fell flat.

But that's just me venting. Perhaps I'll do my own revision on this scene. Maybe. Either way, TheNewYorkBrony, a well done little scene and a nice ship.

All aboard! The ship sails itself!

Yarr, mateys! T'was what I was hoping for after RR! MOAR SUNLIGHT FICS!

This ship is so great, has so much potential, and yet is so underappreciated...

And excellent little piece of fluffy stuffz, :twilightsmile:

Twilight had honestly never been kissed before, and she had somewhat hoped it would have been with Flash Sentry.


I want this scene in the extended version of the movie. Both Peter Jackson and James Cameron left the best parts of their movies in the extended cut, especially romantic parts. So this MEANS SunLight is canon... Right ? :fluttershysad:

this whole scene in the movie kept making me ship them they are a cute couple :twilightsheepish::heart::heart:

Another great little Sunlight fic. This one was really wonderful to read. It is good to see more stories with this ship on fimficiton.

Awesome story...RIP the HUB...:fluttercry:

Hmmm...Nice short-story.:twilightsmile:
Seemed almost like the exact scene as in the movie, minus Maud's appearance- actually, it would have been better if you had Maud watching them in the shadows. LOL.:trollestia:
But I still think Albinocorn did a better scene (that he made before RR) like this though.
Anyways, good job.:heart:

So..it's not called 'the Hub' anymore? WTF.:rainbowhuh:

SunLight isn't just canon, it's a necessity for all life on the planet, and I'm not talking about the big ball in the sky.

D'oh... Oh, alright! I give in! I ship them!

To be continued....in "Heat of the Moment".

5469452 BTW, I'm also from New York. REPRESENT!

watching the scene between these two again in HD ( I saw it in the theater) Made me really ship them

damn straight SunLight is canon now.

5485354 Hard to argue with that! Lol.

That was a sweet story.

Certainly best ship<333

I adore how you've written this, great job! I would have loved for this to be canon though Friendship Games certainly didn't disappoint oh no

This was a wonderful story! But this just popped into my head.

“Are you coming, Twilight?” she asked, hiding a snort.

I bet after that kiss, she was. Hahahaha:rainbowlaugh: but really. Great story! Gave me warm fuzzies

What a nice more detailed look at this scene in Rainbow Rocks

That was so sweet.

I jut reread this and i LOVE IT STILL

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