Commissioned by DbzOrDie
It's the big day at last. The Wedding of Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie, a match none saw coming. Pinkie Pie wants to make this wedding the best wedding there ever was in the history of weddings. She goes all out to make sure it's perfect just like it is. Except there is one surprise that not even she expected.
Her fiance, Twilight, wants to do the wedding reception aka Pinkie's favorite part. Pinkie, reluctantly, allows her and soon learns that a wedding isn't just your special day.
It's both of yours.
Edited by Corpulent Brony
Thanks to Raikoh-illust for allowing me to use his art
Well... it wasn't terrible. I got kinda bored about halfway through, which I suspect is mostly because I came for Twinkie, but got bogged down by your unnecessary references to both CelestiaxDiscord and TrixiexMaud. This is a one-shot. You're advertising Twinkie, don't go around adding in random other ships or you're just pushing your headcanon too much. Personally, I hate the idea of Discord shipping in any form. I couldn't care less about a Trixie and Maud ship, either. Focus on what you've promised to deliver in the description.
You can say that again! This is one pairing I don't see happening any other way than changeling/Discord-initiated mind-warping!
It was nice, funny and all around fun to read. People like to think that organized-chaos is difficult but organized-randomness is even harder. And your scheduled randomness is a perfect example of that. Well done sir (or ma'am). Well done.
5118401 .... Hah. I win.
Good story but too many other shipping pairs for me.
This was really nice! Not nearly enough TwiPie out there.
There were a few spelling errors I think you might have missed, but nothing too distracting.
I have to agree. I suspected that it was getting downvotes because "rarr, commissioned fics bad!" or some such nonsense. But it really does start with an absolutely information overload, so much so that I stopped reading it.
I guess that can't really be held against Rated, though, as with a commissioned fic, you kind of have to put a lot of the stuff the commissioner asks for.

That was awesome. A nice balance of comedy and story progression. Loved the doctor who references as well. Now it's time to find a dimension where you wrote a continuation.
I really don't think this one worked. It felt rushed, the jokes were off, and I honestly skipped over the vows because I just wanted to get to the end. :/ Can't win 'em all.
I actually really loved this! I think you did a great job on describing everything and giving it plenty of heart! Super cute and creative! You get a like, AND a favorite!
Love this song!
Geez, that’s a liitle much even by pinkie’s standards,
Not even to the first line of dialogue and I laughing so hard